Huckabee takes the Iowa Caucus...

Fred is not anti 2A. A much better candidate than Huckabee in my opinion too.
Sure... too bad he had one third as many votes in IA, and he's got a whopping 2% in the NH polls.
Let's see how the Clinton machine makes him into a druggy without getting their own hands dirty. That will be their tactic. They only know character assassination as a tactic. Let's guess something really bad as pot or coke are already old news. Heroin or meth or maybe crack.

It'll happen....there's my bet.
"Obama? Where did Obama come from in this thread, MikeinLA?"
I listened to the NPR political critiques this morning on the way to work and NPR is categorizing both candidates as 'populists' and 'reform candidates'. NPR tends to denigrate Republicans and attach defamatory terms to them regardless of their political ideology so I was surprised they'd be so open to discuss this similarity between the two. They also mentioned the fact that both appeal to the Iowa religious voters though they spun Huckabee's religion in a more negative way than Obama's.

The illegal alien amnesty and even college benefits for aliens stance is troubling.
Would it trouble you to think that in the opinion of many deeply conservative people illegal aliens are often decent hardworking people who are fleeing foreign oppression in the best way they know how and they deserve an even break in life? Just curious.
And to keep this gun-related... Huckabee is the ONLY serious candidate from either party who's not RABIDLY anti!

As much as I might end up agreeing with you, I want to see how the NH debacle is going to end up. I must say that Ron Paul and Fred Thompson are not rabidly anti 2A. After NH, we'll see if they're going to be serious candidates.

Fred is not anti 2A. A much better candidate than Huckabee in my opinion too.

I was excited to see Thompson throw his hat into the ring. I really thought he'd take the bull by the horns. However, he doesn't appear to put forth the effort on campaigning. I really wanted him to keep the public updated on what his plans are. Since he hasn't done much, I've considered Huckabee as a viable candidate. He does need to address some issues that I have against him before I will vote for him, but overall he supports a lot of issues that I believe in...
Past expereince shows that mentioning the "R word" is walking a thin line here but it it needs to be said. Polls from CBS reported that both in '04 and '06. Moral values played a significant role in determining who got sent to D.C. As such it would seem some have failed to learn this lesson. If Huckabee get's the nomination. He will have the support of the religious right wing. He being a ordained minister fits their "ideals" to a head. Love them or hate them they are a farly large voting group and it is not the most wise to be at odds with them. Are they the only factor? No, But it is still not wise to offend 20%(according to CBS, 06)of the voting public.

On a different note the democrats are banking on the dislike of the GOP president, But a poll done not that long ago show the DFL controlled congress is not liked any more. In other words people are just sick of the same old game. This where Obama could have an advantage. But his critics will steam roll him for his very little political expeirence. But then politics is a hard game to call. Will have to see in November of this year. If Hillary get the nomination there are so many things against her. A frein of mine told me he wants to see her in the White House becuase he wants to know who Bill will screw next. Being married to one of only two former presidents to be impeached does not look good. Also she is a woman and there are alot of people who will vote against her for that very reason. As of the last national poll I looked at 01/04 she had dropped 2% nationaly and her opponents in the DFL gained 2 and 1%.
Let's see how the Clinton machine makes him into a druggy without getting their own hands dirty. That will be their tactic. They only know character assassination as a tactic. Let's guess something really bad as pot or coke are already old news. Heroin or meth or maybe crack.

It'll happen....there's my bet.

Well, there's the other side of the argument that if he can weather the storm from Clinton, there isn't exactly a lot more a R candidate can do past that.

From a voters viewpoint, they didn't care that W did coke in the past and had DUI's, they didn't care that Clinton obviously lied about not inhaling, but they did see someone be forthright in admitting up front to having tried both in his youth and is obviously not a user now. I think there are a LOT of people that are either in the same boat (tried it when young, don't use now) or can appreciate it knowing someone who has and that it doesn't make them a bad person.

It's not like he's an atheist or something ;)
On a different note the democrats are banking on the dislike of the GOP president, But a poll done not that long ago show the DFL controlled congress is not liked any more. In other words people are just sick of the same old game.

It isn't their positions driving the poll numbers, it is their inaction that is driving the left insane. If they tried to have dems impeach, and will take matters into there own hands directly next time. There's a reason the R candidates won't even whisper W's name in public for fear of being associated with him.

It appears that once the candidates are locked in, the obvious D approach will be to compare the R candidates platform with the current administration.
MACD - What are you basing this staement on?? Most people that make a strong statement like you did would at a minimum offer some supporting evidence. Maybe you want to vote for someone who plans on taking your guns away, but I dont and Huckabee sounds pretty legit to me.
Huckabee is a creation of the media. He will be carried along into the general election and if nominated he will suddenly be confronted with a withering attack from our friends in the media.

Think skeet shooting on the back forty. You pick up a few clays in one hand and hold your trusty 12 ga in the other. Throw up the clays, quickly should your 12 ga, and proceed to powder the clays. Visual of how the media plays the game. Huckabee has quite the record in Arkansas. How he presents himself now conflicts with his actual record. For the time being we are not being treated to his record.

Huckabee, Hunter and Paul are the only three that I would consider voting for in November. They are the only three who are against the so-called "assault weapon ban" and mandatory background checks. If none of these three are the Republican nominee, come November, I won't be voting for a Republican.

And there's not a Democrat running that I could stomach even thinking about voting for.
Ever notice how it's always "former minister" Huckabee but never "former Governor" Huckabee. The left is scared of him for that reason alone and will play up the
religious aspect to the hilt. If you divided up the religious voters, most went to other candidates. The media knows it but will lie about it to spin it the way they want.

Huckabee also appeals very well to fiscal conservatives, especially those who want tax reform.
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Huckabee also appeals very well to fiscal conservatives, especially those who want tax reform.

While the "simple" tax plan has my head in a dizzy, I'm still on the fence whether I agree with his plan or not. I don't think it's a dumb nor great idea (really don't have a formed opinion on it yet). However, I'm just glad to see specifics on what a candidate wants to do about the tax situation. At least I know what I might be getting into if he's elected. Better this than the alternative of a candidate being elected by speaking broad, vague generalities.