Huckabee takes the Iowa Caucus...

So, I guess after all the one who spends the most money doesn't necessarily get the nod.

Quite relieving if you ask me. Romney raked in the cash to buy his win in the straw poll a few months ago.

Maybe it's a pipe dream, but maybe people are actually doing the research on the candidates of interest and forming their own opinion rather than hearing endless garbage.

Then again, it's only a caucus...
Yep - I was pretty impressed. Personable, witty, and the crowd cheered him a LOT more than I expected. He even got a chance to explain his "fair tax" proposal even though I don't think it'd EVER get through Congress.
Nice how Huckabee increased the state budget from $1B to $6B under his tenure. The illegal alien amnesty and even college benefits for aliens stance is troubling.
He increased the budget because it was necessary. For one, AR roads were falling apart (ever drive I-40 in the 90s?), and he left a surplus in the coffers by the time he left office. Conversely, the issue with the federal budget is overspending, not underfunding - something he has acknowledged multiple times.
And to keep this gun-related... Huckabee is the ONLY serious candidate from either party who's not RABIDLY anti!
Nice how Huckabee increased the state budget from $1B to $6B under his tenure.

Yep, and the citizens of AR put it on the ballot to get their roads fixed by raising the taxes to do so. Huckabee approved it to get it done. He didn't initiate it, as I remember anyway.
Obama? Where did Obama come from in this thread, MikeinLA?

Anyway...He wants concealed carry legislation repealed.

"On the issue of prohibiting citizens from carrying concealed weapons, Obama said he believes national legislation should be passed to “prevent other states’ laws [allowing citizens to conceal their guns] from threatening the safety of Illinois residents.”

Yeah...quite the orator. That dude with the funny mustache was considered a pretty good orator, too.
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"Obama? Where did Obama come from in this thread, MikeinLA?"

Oops...he was on TV while I was reading the post. NO CHANCE I'd ever vote for him, I just appreciate a good speaker. I miss Reagan. A great communicator with the right message....rare these days.

Fred is not anti 2A. A much better candidate than Huckabee in my opinion too. All Democrat consultants seem unanimous in hoping for a Huckabee nomination so that should be taken as a CLUE.
I think Huckabee could beat Barack Hussein Obama in the general election, handily. Obama, now there's a real "snake oil salesman." We haven't even begun to hear the dirt on him.