Huckabee is on the move in Iowa, now polling 2nd

Huckabee's fund raising is up 50% over last quarter also.

The endorsement from Chuck Norris is having a suprisingly strong effect in the central and southern States.

As a neighbor of Iowa and central state member I find it bizarre that Chuck Norrises opinion matters enough to affect polling numbers. I realize black holes are scared of Chuck Norris and all but it seems weird a B movie actor and infomercial spokeperson could have that effect on my fellow midwesterners. By the way I do like Huckabee, not as much as Ron Paul but close.
As a neighbor of Iowa and central state member I find it bizarre that Chuck Norrises opinion matters enough to affect polling numbers.

I'm not making this up. I've read about it in more than one report.

Chuck Norris's endorsement is actually giving Huckabee a significant boost. Norris writes a syndicated column that is suprisingly influential in the central and southern States conservative orbit.

Alice Stewart, a spokeswoman for Huckabee, told WND there was a significant surge in online donations after the Norris endorsement.

"I can't give you specific numbers," she told WND. "But the fundraiser hits have increased dramatically since Mr. Norris endorsed Gov. Huckabee


Chuck Norris
Promises to "roundhouse kick" Hillary Clinton into an alternate universe.
from what i hear, theres not much conservative about huckabee. he raised taxes, is a friend to illegals, and has advocated universal preventative healthcare. hes also stated that cigarettes should be banned. what makes him a conservative again?
I would be willing to support Huckabee in a general election against Hillary, even though I think he has no chance of beating her. He just has the look of a man who could get his ass whipped by a woman.
I think Huckabee, Paul, Romney, and Thompson would all get their asses handed to them by Hillary. Why do you think Huckabee would do so well?

He will run OK with conservatives, but I don't see him doing well with any fence sitters or moderates. The fact that he was a preacher, and believes the earth is less than 10,000 yrs old is going to hurt him. All the talk about spending more money on preventative health care also worries me. I am in the health care industry, and most of the stuff he has talked about spending money on has not been proven to prevent disease or lengthen life span.

If the goal is to beat Hillary, Giuliani and McCain are the two candidates with the best chances.
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Huckabee points out that nobody knows the Clinton political machine as well as he does, having defeated it twice in Arkansas.

Huckabee also points out that it's not unrealistic to think that a man such as he, being from Hope Arkansas, can make it to the White House. :D

Hillary Clinton is a rotten campaigner, and with a whole universe of ethical questions that'll be explored in depth, she's very beatable.
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I hope you are right cool hand... but I am not so sure about hitching my star to the Huckabee wagon. Beating a Clinton in Arkansas might be different than beating one in some of the more liberal swing states.
Posts have been deleted or modified to remain on topic.

From the New Rules: "Casual mention of other candidates are allowed if, and only if, it is not meant to become the de facto topic (thread jacking). Note the use of the phrase 'casual mention.'"
I am not trying to be contrary, but are you saying the new rules have been officially changed and no longer apply? I agree thread jacking should not be allowed, but it is sometimes difficult to discuss candidates in a vacuum. I hope I don't get banned for asking this.

For example, if we are discussing Huckabee, then his ability to beat Hillary (another candidate) is an issue that needs to be addressed. Are you saying that if that issue is raised, the person who raises it will be banned?
For example, if we are discussing Huckabee, then his ability to beat Hillary (another candidate) is an issue that needs to be addressed. Are you saying that if that issue is raised, the person who raises it will be banned?
Good question.
Let me re-post this even though my original post was removed despite the fact that I never mentioned another candidate:

Random polling means absolutely nothing during primaries. Never has, never will. It's a measure of name recognition and nothing else and it has been flat-out wrong more often than not because it's based on the flawed premise that the same folks who caucused last time are caucusing this time..

What does Huckabee's fundraising look like? His campaign organization and grassroots energy? His advertising? His straw poll results?

That's the true mark of progress in Iowa; people *participating* in the caucus. If he can't get 'em there he's nowhere. And he's running an Iowa strategy. IOW all his efforts are being directed towards Iowa in the hopes that he can place well there, with the expectation that the momentum will propel him into first-tier status. If he fails here, he's sunk. Can he do it?
A lot can change from now until then, but speaking as a resident Iowan I can say this: I haven't seen any Huckabee lawn signs or bumper stickers anywhere.