Huckabee Gaining Ground in Iowa

Face the facts GoSlahs. You simply cannot stand anyone saying anything remotely negative about RP, from "he sucks" to "I don't think he can win". You go out of your way to pollute every political thread with RP talk, and decry anyone who challenges it. But you find no fault with you doing the same to other candidates. To you, someone saying RP doesn't have support in the polls is an attack, yet you're fine with citing other straw polls and saying RP is leading and others are losing. To you, someone saying RP doesn't have enough support is an attack, yet you're fine with telling us in so many ways that other candidate's support is nonesense and meaningless.

GoSlash, your blatant lack of rational thought and inability to deal with reality or have sane discussions with people makes you the perfect Ron Paul crier.
GoSlash, your blatant lack of rational thought and inability to deal with reality or have sane discussions with people makes you the perfect Ron Paul crier.
Um...aren't there rules against posting stuff like this?
Huckabee is looking better to me each day. I have not made a choice yet, but I want someone that comes close to my personal views, and also appeals to the widest possible voter base. I feel Huckabee fills the bill (at this point anyway). Thompson doesn't seem to have the necessary steam, and Ron Paul does not seem to have the broad support he needs.

I am an old timer and remember Harry Truman holding up the newspaper saying Dewey wins. Truman said they forgot to tell the American voters that Dewey was supposed to win. I have this dream that the same thing can happen again...only with a Republican like Huckabee.
How is Huckabee doing so much better than Ron Paul when Ron Paul supposedly has so much more money and support?

Huckabee is now leading in Iowa. Ron Paul isn't even on the map.
Oh no, now you have gone and done it. Pointing out facts about Huckabee may confuse the other candidates supporters. They will come in here explaining that those polls don't mean anything and that their candidate has a ton of cash, grassroots movement and so on and so on. The problem with all that is that Huckabee continues to climb in the polls while their candidate continues to barely tread water. Huckabee is on average 16 points ahead of their candidate in the polls but according to them its all a lie.
I think Huckabee is a good candidate overall, but I don't think he will beat the Democrats. People are tired of the mess the Republicans have created, and while the Democrats will just get us into other messes, at least they will be new.
Oh no, now you have gone and done it. Pointing out facts about Huckabee may confuse the other candidates supporters. They will come in here explaining that those polls don't mean anything and that their candidate has a ton of cash, grassroots movement and so on and so on. The problem with all that is that Huckabee continues to climb in the polls while their candidate continues to barely tread water. Huckabee is on average 16 points ahead of their candidate in the polls but according to them its all a lie.

LOL. I was just reading an article on the history of the Iowa Caucus. Since the modern version began in 1972, never has a candidate who failed to finish in the top three gone on to win their party's nomination.

With the Caucus just about six weeks away, It's hard to understand how people can hold out hope for candidates like McCain and Paul who are in fifth and sixth places respectively.

If cash and grassroots support were enough, we'd be remembering President's from the past like Gene McCarthy, Steve Forbes, Ross Perot, and Howard Dean.
Why does everybody in here insist on thread-jacking? Does it make you so uncomfortable to talk about Huckabee that you can't even do it in a Huckabee thread?

We will all find out in January exactly how much support he has. I'm predicting that he will dead-cat after the Iowa caucuses because he doesn't have any support.
You insist that he does have support due to these polls, but as I've told you before, they mean squat during primaries because they're a measure of nothing more than name recognition.
And I'm not the only one who's telling you this.
So keep on celebrating that light. I've warned you that it isn't the end of the tunnel.
Why does everybody in here insist on thread-jacking?

??Sometimes I just miss the point. From what I can tell we have all been talking mainly about Huckabee. I didn't notice anyone too shy to discuss him.
You have to understand that Goslash is making an attempt to get the thread shut down with his underhanded comments which have no more truth to it than his claims that his candidate will finish better than Huckabee.

Huckabee has the support, is getting the cash, and has some endorsements that have helped him in Iowa. His support continues to grow and "IF" he wins Iowa the cash and support will continue to grow. Huckabee is a man on the move right now the only question is can he sustain the support he is seeing. I think he can. Rick Flair will help him in South Carolina and then once the the nomination process hits the South he should gain even more support.

I don't really care for his position on illegal immigrants but because of his stance with the 2A and his position on Abortion I can overlook the illegal immigration stance. I think he will get tougher on illegals but that is not a deal breaker for me at this point.
Huckabee has the support
Just for fun, try searching "huckabee rally" on youtube :D

is getting the cash
What's he up to now? 2 million? Yeah. Impressive.

and has some endorsements that have helped him in Iowa
Because as we all know when Iowans want advice on who to elect for president they line up to ask Rick "the nature man" Flair. :)

His support continues to grow...
If by "support" you mean name recognition.

the only question is can he sustain the support he is seeing
If he sustains the support *I'm* seeing he's dead. Consider that for a second. I'm active in the Linn County IOWA GOP and I see what's happening (or in this case not happening) on the ground out here.

You don't see it yet. That's fine. But rest assured you will on January 4th.
GoSlash, I have never really made a negative comment about Ron Paul. But it is apparent to me (as an observation) that he does not have broad appeal. When I look at the Iowa polls he just shows about 6%. He just needs to do much better to have a serious chance.

I don't really care for his position on illegal immigrants but because of his stance with the 2A and his position on Abortion I can overlook the illegal immigration stance.

Xnavy, on Huckabee that's about where I this time. At least we might have a chance to toughen his stance on illegals, but with Hillary there will be zero chance.

Some poll numbers. I don't like ABC, but these numbers seem to mirror most other sources.
This thread has nothing to do with that candidate. I'm not averse to debate about any of 'em, so feel free to say whatever you feel. Just do it in the right thread.
This thread has nothing to do with that candidate.

OK, I admit...I am confused. Which candidate? Do I have the wrong thread? I thought this was bout Mike Huckabee. I know I did not make it about Ron Paul...just making an observation about other participants. But then again, I have been known to make mistakes before.:rolleyes:

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Looks like this could be a dead end conversation.

BTW, in closing. I would say it seems strange for you to ask about hijacking threads when you have a signature line with font 60 or something about Ron Paul. Like I said, some things I just don't understand in life. Here is the crazy part, I am not really against Ron Paul. If I thought he could beat Hillary I would vote for him in a heart beat.
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Goslash thinks he is a mod and as such thinks that he has the sole right to determine what is on topic and what isn't depending on what is posted about his candidate of choice. It is nothing more than an attempt by Goslash to get any thread that is not positive toward his candidate closed.

Mike Huckabee is on the move and some people can't stand that. He has less money but conservatives are starting to see his message and flock to him. They like his position on the 2A and Abortion. He seems to be drawing more christians into the fold as they search for a candidate they can support. Mike Huckabee appears to be that man. The fact that he is a Baptist Minister seems to be helping instead of hurting. I am not a Baptist but I will vote for him if he can continue to show growing support. If he can win the Iowa and New Hampshire Caucauses then he will have a very good shot of carrying the south.

Don't pay attention to those who say your post has drifted off topic, only the mods can make that call. We are allowed to talk about other candidates as long as it relates to the topic at hand. Let the mods make the call and don't worry about Goslash and his OPINIONS about what is on or off topic.

Mike Huckabee is on the move and that worries alot of folks especially the ones who support candidates with more money, better ground roots support, but a questionable message.