HR 45 -- Gun Rights Licensing Test

I just don't see the bill making any headway when the power structure knows the fight will distract from more "important" issues like socializing the banking or healthcare system.
Absolutely right. If the economy was good and we weren't fighting a war on two fronts, I'd be more worried.

(Well, I AM worried, but not about gun laws.)

Plain fact is, Joe Smith lost his job, and he might lose his house. He doesn't want to see the government wasting time and money on gun control.

Besides, it's hard for the Left to push a bill they know is likely to get tied up in the courts getting weighed against Heller. Worst of all, such a battle could end up setting pro-gun precedents. Can't have that.
I believe the issue (and danger) is just like the compensation limits issue we saw get slipped into the stimulus bill ... This will likely get slipped in as part of conference process. I am a tax guy and I have seen this tactic used for years to get things put into law that the IRS wanted.

They are smart enough to know that having a debate about this will not work - just easier to get forgiveness than approval. Why should they make a frontal attack when they can come in the back door.

Am I paranoid … maybe … but I have seen 30 years of manipulation of the tax code this way.

Think there is a danger being too comfortable here.
I was talking to an individual today about this particular bill. I read through the thread here and I may have missed this if anyone had mentioned it and I appologize if I repeat anything however, he was telling me that under this act, as everyone here is saying, is that a person will be required to obtain a federal liscense to own a gun. He was telling me, and Please, Please if anyone knows different, or if this is fact let me know. He was telling me that to obtain a federal liscense also falls under the patriot act. He also added that under the patriot act, I believe, if you have a criminal record that you can not obtain a liscense. He was telling me that a simple speeding ticket is concidered a criminal offense and would prevent a person from obtaining the liscense. Is this really factual? I am going to attempt to look this up.
I was talking to an individual today about this particular bill. I read through the thread here and I may have missed this if anyone had mentioned it and I appologize if I repeat anything however, he was telling me that under this act, as everyone here is saying, is that a person will be required to obtain a federal liscense to own a gun. He was telling me, and Please, Please if anyone knows different, or if this is fact let me know. He was telling me that to obtain a federal liscense also falls under the patriot act. He also added that under the patriot act, I believe, if you have a criminal record that you can not obtain a liscense. He was telling me that a simple speeding ticket is concidered a criminal offense and would prevent a person from obtaining the liscense. Is this really factual? I am going to attempt to look this up.

I don't know about any federal licenses falling under the patriot act. Sounds to me like somebody trying to spread some conspiracy theory.
I hope this individual, whom I do not know personally, was just spewing off at the mouth. My brother and I are already having to fight for our towing liscense's from the state due to the fact we have one speeding ticket from a few years back and they concider this a criminal record. After I had listend to this stranger at the truck stop, it kinda made sense after what I am going through with the state. I hated to think this would also prevent me from owning a gun as well.
I don't know about any federal licenses falling under the patriot act. Sounds to me like somebody trying to spread some conspiracy theory.

Isn't it interesting, though, that when it's some random individual that believes such a thing, it's called for the rubbish it is, but when a police officer believes it, you're in for legal expenses? Just sayin'.

Regarding the original topic, the point made about poll taxes is a good one.

The other point brought up about sneaking provisions in there is also good.

The antis claim from one side of their mouth that gun owners are some kind of irrelevant minority, yet they admit from the other side of their mouth that gun owners' votes can cost a candidate the Presidency.

Licensing is like a loophole in reverse. They make a hole you have to pass through, instead of going around it. Gradually, that hole gets smaller until it's gone, and the open space where you used to pass is now a brick wall that spans the horizon.
I dont trust any of 'em

I see the bill making stealthy headway when the power structure knows the fight for "important" issues like socializing the banking or healthcare system will distract from a MUCH more important issue. *Firearm ownership*.

I didnt mean to raz ya but I am getting a bit concerned. The spike in gun sales over the past year aint for the firehall turkey shoot come this fall.

I dont trust any of 'em.
My favorite parts of the bill comes on page 8, lines 1 through 4 and lines 21 and 22.

Section 102 (a)(6). This is where I certify that I will keep any firearm owned by me safely stored and out of the possession of persons who have not obtained the age of 18. (Our kids will just have to get their firearms off the streets.)

And Sec 103 (a)(7)(E) And any other subjects, as the Attorney General determines to be appropriate. (Now that is clear as mud!)

I am not so sure that this bill will fly. It is destined to have the same fate it did earlier unless there are some major changes. But stranger things have happened.

I am just glad he didn't take a shot at my flintlock.
hr45 hr17 hr197

While you are urging them to vote nay on Hr45 urge them to vote Yea on Hr17 and Hr197. Type them in your search engine and check them out. I have contacted both of my state senators, all of my surrounding representatives and the leaders in the house and senate. Let's show them that we are tired of being the silent majority!!! stay safe
Step Up

I Have contacted my Represenative here in Arkansas to oppose this bill, and i urge everyone to do the same. Before it's to late. This thing is bad news for gun owners!!
Laughed so hard my ears popped at this one.
I wish I could still laugh at it. I have several conversations about this every day, which now end with me saying, "it's not going anywhere. You need to go back to whoever told you this and tell them to stop spreading it around."

Then the NRA called me Sunday morning, trying to get me all panicky about it. I'm a member, and always will be, but they're really barking up the wrong tree with this. There's other legislation more worthy of our concern, time and energy. The rep had his pre-rehearsed talking points, and wouldn't let up.

The signal/noise ratio is just all kinds of screwy right now.