

Thanks for the artillery info Captchee!

Is the bore diameter such that he can use something premade for a ball and wad, or will those need to be cut and cast? What will he use? Any legal hoops to jump through for a piece that size?

You said you used about 4 pounds to test it. About how much powder would be used for each expected load?

Hope I haven't asked too many questions, guess I should web search to see if there are answers.
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With guns such as those, Sibley wanted to capture Fort Union. If he had anticipated placing those guns on the bluff that overlooked Fort Union, his shells would not reach it as the Union made a star fort a bit further away after Sibley resigned and went to Virginia.

Nearby Raton has a bronze 12 pdr sitting on a pedestal. I wish the town would sell it to me to raise $$$$. I'll give them $200 for it as scrap metal.;) I'll give them $2k for the M-42 Duster. Art told me that they took the regulator out of their M-42 and that sucker would do 65 mph.
The bore is 4.69 inchs
He will cast his own balls
We fired the first round with 1 Lb all other shots were with ½ and 1/4lb charges .
Standard load for this piece was one lb the breech is turned for 1lb so when loading a smaller charge you have to make up the difference. We been using flour for that .
As I mention the 1841 had a improved breech design so rolled cartridges are made .
For live fire a sabot would have originally been used on the back of the sabot the charge would be tied . On the front the ball is strapped to the sabot or a large bagged shot charge .
The 1841 isn’t a long range piece . Effective range is alittle over a mile . Mostly from what I have read , these were used for close in work either on troops or targets .
No fedrial regulations tell you get to playing with Rifled bores
2k wouldnt even scratch the cost of a barrel GARY lol . The barrel on this piece was just under 8000.00