Howitzer photo banned

It s hard to beilive that 0 tolerance could of gone to such a high level since I graduated in 1992, in my high school and junior high, we had archery in p.e. and also what about the Junior R.O.T.C am i to beilive that they have been eliminated in modern america, or just all their teaching curriculum, and do they have to drill off campus, We went to gun drills for school assemblies, for goodness sake......
Jim, I'm glad you said that report was unsubstantiated. These are famous last words but I find it hard to believe. Such a teacher would be quickly fired by most any administrator who happened to hear any of those statements. I agree that education is a sorry mess right now (I can say that 'cause I'm one of the people who have to clean it up . . .) but this sounds a bit like some of the other "unsubstantiated reports" that have embarassed us so much before.
Not that Jim didn't handle it perfectly, just my .02.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
JROTC exists still, complete with air rifle practice and drilling with de-militerized rifles.