Howitzer photo banned


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Howitzer Picture Cut From Yearbook
The Associated Press
Thursday, Oct. 28, 1999; 3:16 p.m. EDT

NEVIS, Minn. –– A high school is refusing to allow a picture to appear in the yearbook of a student sitting on a 155 mm howitzer.

Nevis High officials said the photo of senior Samantha Jones violates the school's "zero-tolerance" policy toward weapons.

The policy prohibits images of guns, knives or other weapons on shirts, hats or in pictures. It also bans squirt guns.

The snapshot shows Ms. Jones, who is joining the Army in June, perched on the small cannon outside a Veterans of Foreign Wars post.

"Whether it's in military, recreational or sporting form, anything shaped like a gun or knife is banned," said Superintendent Dick Magaard.

Ms. Jones' mother, Sue Jones, petitioned for a vote by the School Board, which deadlocked 3-3 this week on publishing the photo.

"I back my daughter 100 percent on this. The lawyer will be sending you papers," she told school officials.

School Board chairman Marv Vredenburg defended Ms. Jones by pointing to war photographs already hanging on school walls. "She is honoring the flag and service," he said.

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
I have some words about this, but none of them may be posted on a family forum like TFL...

So I'll just take a deep breath, count to 10 a bunch of times, and put my fist through the monitor.

How much farther must we fall before these poltroons realize how utterly insane they are?

Dear Feds:
You can't have them. Stop trying to take them.

ps: BITE ME!
Actually, Coinneach, this time I have to disagree with you. I think publicizing lunacy like this can only help us. If we're actually so far gone as to raise public support for policies like this when a story like this is published, then it's time to head for the cave in the woods.

I hope mama sicks a real vicious lawyer on those idiots, and I don't wish that on many people.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
Consider this: Anything shaped like a weapon etc.
Do they have flatware in the cafeteria? What about pencils?

Total and complete idiots!

Better days to be,

Get the scissors and start snipping at the history and home economics books! You're bound to see guns and knives in those!

Oh...and don't forget about that dreaded starters pistol for track and field sporting events.
Looks like Superintendent Dick M. is in hot water. Good for Sue Jones! Best wishes Mom! Looks like the "men" don't have the testosterone for weapons and warfare. They'd rather let the little girls take thier girlie-boy places while they stay at home and superintend (whatever THAT is-probably something very effeminant and involves something they call kotex). This superintendant is a real Magaard! Sorry. This is the kind of topic that would get me into a flame war w/a superintendant or something.

In case you were wondering, the term "men" that I used refered to Dick did the reference to "girlie-boy"...I was NOT refering to forum members.

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 04, 1999).]
Makes you want to look at their history books...

History class without a discussion of the military/weapon advances of the Civil War or WWI... VietNam without description of the real conditions. WWII without a discussion on the Garand.

Will their National Anthem omit "rocket's red glare...bombs bursting in air" ?
(Ted Turner, by the way, actually wants a new Nat. Anthem, because ours is "too violent." This was reported on the AP on 4th of July 3 years ago. [I think he gave a speech at a Braves game.])

Let's pretend that we just asked the Brits to give us our own country, and they said,"Okay." It's too much trouble and probably dangerous, to boot, to admit that we fought.

God help us if we ever get more than 2 generations from a war-- They'll say that it never happened.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited November 01, 1999).]
Anything shaped like a gun or knife...
[sarcasim set to HIGH]
I bet the school nurse still passes out condoms...
[/sarcasim set to high]

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Ipecac, I agree with you. A good friend argues that 'the worse it gets, the better it gets' for us. That is, the more absurd the anti-self defense movement becomes, the more obvious their lunacy.

I don't believe most Americans (or other peoples) are pacifists. Peace-loving, yes. But not pacifists.

Stupid decisions like this one will help change the membership of some of these boards and committees, IMHO.
I used to think in Idaho, one of the last bastions of rational (i.e., almost none) gun laws in the U.S., we were safe from this sort of idiocy. I'm embarassed to report the same thing has occurred here - an award-winning trap shooter had his senior pictures taken while wearing his trap vest, holding his shotgun, and trophies behind him. The self-appointed guardians of the school's morality and virtue wouldn't put his picture in the yearbook. They pointed to the mindless "zero tolerance" policy rather than discussing the merits of the issue.

Now I've learned that ccw-holders can't carry on public or private school property, but the law allows OPEN carry (by adults) on school property!! Huh?!?
If Open Carry was legal - I would carry openly - my HK in a low ride jacket slot rig.
If your going to do something - do it openly - then do it blatantly.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
A friend of mine was telling me about a recent event at his daughter's school. Seems a new school employee was dressed up as a fireman for Halloween and was looking to borrow an axe as part of his costume. Another employee pointed out that he wouldn't be able to do that because an axe could be used as a weapon. My friend (rolling his eyes) said that an axe was a tool until someone decided to use it as a weapon. Didn't matter. Trying not to be argumentative (like it would have made a difference), he suggested a cardboard cutout of an axe. No-no-no! Any depiction of a weapon was prohibited under the school district's 'zero tolerance' rules and the teachers had to set an example.

Hmmm. Let's see - I can think of a number of items in an elementary school that should be prohibited. Baseball bats, compasses (those sharp arc drawing ones), bicycle chains & locks, backpacks, pens, pencils, BOOKS, rulers, silverware in the lunchroom, and scissors. Then there’s shop, once you get into Jr. High. Practically everything is a tool that is weapon capable. [I see these points have already been made]

I think very little of these zero tolerance rules. They’re for the intellectually lazy. If we want to turn around the trend that that’s been going on since the early 60’s, it’s going to require changing the education that’s given to societies youth. It’s not enough to just pull your own kids out of school. Attend your school board meetings. Run for the school board. In my experience, educators in general exhibit an elitist attitude that I find both offensive and dangerous. They know what’s best for your child (and society) because they’ve got a degree in education. I gained much of my insight on the workings of school districts from my parents (both teachers since the late 50’s) and taking our district to hearing on a Special Ed issue (we prevailed). I know there is at least one educator here on TFL, no offense intended.

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed—and thus clamorous to be led to safety—by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken
Yeah, zero tolerance is a joke. On Halloween, one of our kids was terrified that he would be sent home--the rules prohibit anything that LOOKS like a weapon, blood, or "anything that might upset someone" as part of a Halloween costume.
The poor kid had a nosebleed right after lunch and got some blood on his shirt. He was hysterical but luckily we're not complete MORONS so we bent the rules in this case.

Also, you have to promise not to tell anyone, but I carried a Benchmade Ascent on a field trip today. ;)
We went to a wonderful museum, but it wasn't in the nicest part of the city and I figured, hey, we're not on school property, right? So I carried and I think if anything had happened they'd have been damn glad I did. Actually, the "real" teachers were looking for a way to throw away the cardboard box we brought lunches in and I almost offered to cut it up, but that would have revealed me as an armed (evil) loony so I kept my mouth shut and let 'em lug it home. If you refuse to use tools to make your life easier, far be it from me to force ya' . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Last time I checked, US Army officers (below General Officer) wore branch insignia on their uniforms. For the Infantry, that insignia is a depiction of the 1903 Springfield. I presume, therefore, if a serving infantry officer appears at this school in uniform -- for a parental conference, a PTA meeting, an athletic event, or even (Heaven forbid) to help instruct a class -- local officials will not allow him on the property.

Fat chance.
I am cursed with a vivid imagination (to which others in the past have attested! ;))

But I know a couple US Army types who, upon learning of such "zero tolerance", immediately would wear their uniforms to school.

I would like to be there to see some butthead functionary try to remove that Combat Infantry Badge!

(Short in time, violent in nature!) :D :D

Me too! While I spent twenty years in the Navy, not the Army, my immediate reaction would be to show up in uniform and ready for the school bureaucracy to explain why I was to be ejected from the property.

My next call would be to the FBI/US Attorney in the area, explaining that Federal statues had been violated, and these were not only my personal/civil liberties but also - and more important - things like Federal supremacy, interference with a Federal officer, etc. While I doubt the Justice Department would do anything about, I would love to see the "chicken" school principal in that initial FBI interview.
And the US Army Field Artillery insignia is/was the infamous crossed cannon. And the Military Police wore crossed pistols.

The whole point of all of this movement is to remove all of these things from the minds of future generations. It IS mind control!

Better days to be,

I think that the teachers aught to require The Firing required reading followed by essays for an English and Soc. Studies/history unit. Maybe add G & A, Combat Handguns, American Handgunner, American Rifleman, and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms books to the library. I guarantee if I was the librarian or princi pal, they'd be there Jack. Lets add the Bible to that too. Many references to just use of weapons there, not to mention the many other benefits. Good required reading IMNSHO.


"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
There is an unconfirmed report that a history teacher in Virginia refuses to teach anything about war or violence. He reportedly tells his classes that the U.S. and Britain agreed to part ways at a "series of meetings and conferences" and that the North-South dispute and the unpleasant situations in Europe in the 20th century were handled the same way, with peaceful negotiation.

The schools have gone insane, folks.
