How would you bag the big guy?

Don't place a lot of faith in the tales of so called mercenaries. Where have they been working lately? Think he is really quite dead or so close to it as to not matter. Think if he is dead we need to keep it a secret, otherwise the sheep will go to sleep again (like they are doing now). Osama nees to be what we use to scare little children into good behavior, sor of a modern boogerman.

If he is alive and kicking, removeing him from the equation is easy.

Just like shooting bears, Stake out 72 virgins on a deserted chunk of southwest Afghan real estate and wait. When he shows drop an 8 megaton H bomb on his sorry @$$ :D

The nutron bomb should penatrate caves !
My plan B is to send in elite ninja clones dressed like Austin Powers armed with Hi-point 380's & pork rinds. Every towel head they encouter would be interogated and quickly dispatched with a Judo chop followed by a "YEAH BABY !" Does that make you horny baby? :D ;)
There is no way to determine the age of the tape
Maybe not the exact age, but...
In conclusion, I tell you in truth, that your security is not in the hands of Kerry, nor Bush, nor al-Qaida.
Sounds to me like this tape was made after the Presidential campaign became Bush vs. Kerry, so summer of 2004 or later. This was well after Tora Bora. He also mentions the Patriot act... I'm not sure when it became a topic of discussion. If that was before Tora Bora, then if you want to speculate that he made a bunch of tapes prior to his demise, identical except for the names of the democratic contender, so that they would likely have one that mentions the correct candidates even if he bit the dust, you may. I won't dispute that as a possibility, although I may laugh at the argument.
How would you bag the guy

1970s - Afghanistan. I was there. This may qualify me a bit more than the computer jockies whose knee jerk response might be "send in the Marines".

First some background. The only paved road is a road constructed in the 1950s as a reinforced airplane runway runing almost the length of the country. Constructed by the Russians. Used by the Russians to invade the country. There isn't and hasn't been FedX truck home deliveries, the UPS truck or much built up. The only effective way in is through Red China. We were denied access to the road on the silk route that was reconstructed by the Red Chinese to support troop transports and tanks.

In the 1970s and 1980s the Russians constructed a last ditch command and control center high in the mountains that would be used in the event of nuclear war. It was impregnable. It was abandoned only three years after the purported end of the Russian-Afghani War.

Forget your bunker busters, Rambos, helicopters that can't go much higher than 10,000 feet.

Guess who tunk over the complex when the Russians left and made further improvements? Ok, you get a cigar.

It is an open question as to how to approach the redoubt.

If you had immagination in the US military, some one would be thinking about how the Belgian fort was taken out in 1940 by the German Army at the beginning of the war on the western front (hint, it wasn't paratroopers, it was engineers blasting shell craters used by creeping and approaching troops).

If you think that he will be taken in a frontal assault, guess again.

There seems to be no end to people who fantasize.

How did the Afghanis fight the Russians. Well, Afghanistan is criss crossed by hundreds of miles of subterranean water tunnels used for irrigation. The Russians couldn't root them out.

If the guy is not poisoned on a bribe, I will make a predicition of the approach. It was taken against Mosby in the Civil War. It was taken against Geronimo in the Indian Wars. You train your people to fight and think like the enemy. Sherridan hired local sympathizers finally to fight Mosby. At first they were ineffective, then they became increasingly effective. US military hired local Indians to fight Geronimo, track him, and to deny him places or rest and recoupment.

On a personal level, nothing pisses me more than an unthinking approach. In 2002, the cost for fielding 500 Seals in the world was $1 million per Seal per year. The average age of an SF type guy is about 30 - 32 years. It takes that long to develop the skills. The total no. of SF types in the alphabet soup units is a grand amount of about 35,000. In the last election, some candidate said the solution was to double SF. Yeah. Sure. Spend another 350,000,000,000 US a year? Dream on. And how do you get them and their supplies there?

When 9/11 ocurred, I was asked what I would do. Well, kids, here it is. Charter a jet and send 76 FBI agents to Yemen with $1,000,000 each and hire local interpreters. Each agent would approach a family of one of the 76 Yemni citizens killed in the 9/11 event in NY. Each agent would have a budget. Each family would make proposals for revenge. Simple. And so how did you "win" in Afghanistan a couple of years ago? By sending in 100,000 US troops or by sending in bundles of $100 bills?
We don't call people "towel heads" here and we also don't engage in personal attacks against other members. If you can't resist that sort of thing, you have email and PM to vent.
"I would send in four armed to the teeth Ranger battallions to get Bin Laden and would employ the AC-130s, F-18s and cruise missles to make "

unfortunately we only have 3 active duty Ranger Battalions at the present. There is also the Ranger Training Brigade Battalions but they would be better kept stateside so they could train new Rangers how to kill.We should have as many Ranger Battalions as we did in WWII.

now for a tangent rant:
And transforming the Glorious 101st Airborne Division into air assault like we did in the late 80's was a total mis- judgement by powers that be(were). We should have built an Air Assault division from scratch - not pillage a tightly cohesive Airborne Division!!! The dumb bastards.....

Oyster - very "nice" comments bud. Getting older here but 1st Rgr Battalion served with pride until years of 48-50 week training cycles took their toll on these elbows and shoulders.And chronic tendonitis that the Ortho's say will never be the same. Alot of us here have paid a price in one way or another - PS- ninjas are gay wannabes from the 80's dude!
If you walked into your kitchen late one night and there were roaches all over your birthday cake that scattered when you turned on the light. well, you just happen to notice this one big red roach.
so you set it in your mind "im gonna get that &%$* RED roach".
are you gonna just disregard the rest of the roaches to get that one big red roach?
sooner or later youll get the red one.
All we need to do is???

While the military and other government agencies certainly do make mistakes, I don't think that catching or killing Bin Laden is at all an easy task.

  • Bin Laden is an experienced guerilla leader, and with a long record of success, clearly he is quite competent as well.
  • He is hiding in a rugged area that is difficult to travel in and offers many hiding places from technological surveillance
  • The size of the potential area he is hiding in also confounds technological surveillance - it's not possible to see everything over tens of thousands of square miles with high resolution - can't be done.
  • He knows both the geography and the tactics of guerilla warfare in this area very well, having over 20 years experience in the region, and having helped lead the fight against another superpower there.
  • With his long history there, he is something of a hero to most in the area, and feared by most of the rest. So most people will help him, or at least not risk hurting him.
  • In small rural towns that exist out there, just like here, everyone knows everyone, and outsiders, even from the same country stick out like a sore thumb. Not so easy to just travel around and gather intelligence.
  • The residents in these particular regions are fiercely independent, and well armed - they have never really been successfully governed by any central authority.
  • Pakistan is a sovereign country with an unstable government, and large, powerful radical groups who oppose it. The president has already survived two assassination attempts. Civil war and/or a coup are ever present possibilities. He cannot allow the Americans to operate freely - that would immediately be known, and almost certainly cause one of the preceding consequences. Those consequences by the way, would not only be bad for Musharraf and Pakistan, they'd be bad for the world, including the US of A.
  • Bin Laden is well financed - he has a significant amount of personal wealth, and his organization is engaged in raising capital by all methods possible, both legal and illegal. He has considerable means at his disposal.

I do think that it's possible to get Bin Laden, but I sure don't think that is an easy task.