How to Regain The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

If I can kill an unwanted child the day before it is born why not the day after?

We are pro-knife and pro-gun and we all profess to use them responsibly.

If we exhibit the same responsibility in our sexuality we would have no need for abortion.

I am against abortion because it is taking a human life.

Would I vote for somebody who is pro-choice and pro-gun??

Voted twice for George Bush-the father of our next president.
The Gun vote is a vote for choice and freedom. We are not voting to become swtizerland, where adult men HAVE to have guns. We are voting to allow adults to have the choice whether or not to have guns. Most of us on the list assume that the right to own guns should go along with the intelligence to learn how to use them safely and properly. Other choices in life require the same serious comtemplation. I am not of the opinion that we should outlaw freedom of choice in any realm, but I am of the opinion that we punish people who make the choices that hurt other people. I don't want to get into a debate over when an entity becomes a "person" under the law.
If a candidate is pro-gun, I vote for him/her regardless of their stance on school prayer; abortion, or whether the moon is made of green cheese. Why?

Because we are a hair's width from losing gun rights completely. Every year we lose more and more, because the precedent is set and the anti-gunners have the momentum. Abortion, school prayer, gay rights are separate fights; and unrelated to this issue. At the present time guns are likely to be made illegal, abortion isn't. No issue is solved overnight or in one congressional session.
If you are anti-abortion, you have a long long fight ahead (years) to have it made illegal. If you are pro-abortion, you aren't going to lose that option anytime soon.
However, at any minute we can lose our guns either literally or figuratively. Gov. Pete Wilson veto'd a bill in Calif last month that the Assembly passed. Had that bill passed, all semi-automatic firearms (including .22) would have been reclassified as assault rifles and, hence, illegal.
Get the picture? Its guns, people, guns. We have to stop the anti-gun momentum.
Here... Here...DC...

WE got a report from LEAA headquarters today that said Schumer looks like he may be on his way out.. our fingers are really crossed on that one.

I don't want to sound the voice of doom...but, it's late. I'm tired. And it's true. I do not see Americans regaining 130 years of lost freedoms through legislative action. Take that as you will.

On a related note, did anyone see the recent post on GSL about the new political party?
Do we have time for a new political party? I dont think so!
Our best bet is the Republican party in general and pro-gun candidates in particular.

I agree with DC that it is getting late and there is a big hill to climb.That is why it is imperative that WE develop a collective strategy rather than doing our own things.

Its not enough to want whats right and because its right do nothing and wait for it to happen.

I have wondered for a long time how to unite ALL the pro-Second Amendment organizations but it seems that autonomy and money keeps them separated.A united front would help.We are not citizens we are lobbyists.

So lets not start a new party.Lets use what we have.
I agree wholeheartedly with Ed - ignore any "fringe" party, including the Libertarians. Don't get me wrong, I agree with them wholeheartedly, but they just don't have any clout. If we start going to other parties, we'll be divided (divide and conquer!) and that's no good. Actually, maybe we should start a fringe left wing party to draw votes from the liberal Democrats.
Morgan- John Ross is running as a democrat in Missouri.
like it or not, the NRA is our best hope. Unfortunately, many people in the "gun culture" complain about the NRA like those right wing teachers who complain about the NEAA. I don't know what it would take to get all of the opinions in the pro-gun movement covered. My position is that we all have one common denominator, we want the right to have firearms. The guys who say "they understand" restricting ******* weapons and the guys who say- "all the **hunters/trap shooters/handgunners** care about is themselves" are not helping things. To quote Mr. Pink, "What we need here is a little solidarity!"
there are plenty of left-wing fringe parties, and have been for years.

The Demos/Liberals are vastly more politically sophisticated than the Repubs/Conservatives. If a 3rd party candidate gets too popular, the Demos absorb them before they run for anything greater than a local office; perfect example was Tom Hayden (a 60's SDS radical and ex-hubby of Jane Fonda).
The Repulican party works reversely, in that some folks get disaffected and split off to form a new party, thereby weakening the Repubs. We have Ross Perot to thank for Clinton.
The Demos/Liberals operate from ideological principles and they understand this. The Repubs don't. Ideologically based systems are patient and look to the long haul; they are goal-oriented.

The Demos/Liberals are working towards a total socialistic society; an all powerful centralized gov't that regulates everything. That goal is always there. What do the Repub/Conservatives want? Less government and we are happy. Conservatives view the gov't like the fire department....we need it in case something happens, but don't begrudge them from sitting around. A month or 2 ago a prominant Demo (Gephardt?) made a negative judgemental comment about the present Republican congress: (paraphrasing) 'This Congress has been a failure. Fewer laws have been passed in this Congress, than in any other for the last 60 yrs.'
DC - I guess I'm showing my age (or lack thereof) when I say "Tom who?" Seriously, though, the Perot thing is exactly what I was talking about with the Libertarians, i.e. divide and conquer. As an aside, I don't recall who first said it, but "If you're not a Socialist (Democrat) by the time you're twenty, you've no heart. If you're not a Capitalist (Republican) by thirty, you've no head" is SO true. My dad and I never saw eye to eye on many issues when I was younger, but now... I think the old man's right. (Boy, I'm glad he's not a member of this forum - I'd never hear the end of it.) Can anyone think of a way to open the minds of youth sooner? I find it hard to believe some of the crap I used to spout, which is the same crap I hear college kids spouting today. How can we speed the process (in those intelligent enough to EVER realize that big government won't work)?

Tom Hayden: Co-founder of the Students for a Democratic Society
, member of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC)
, one of the Chicago Seven, was charged with
conspiracy after the Chicago Convention of the DNC (1968). Hayden is divorced from
Jane Fonda, and is a California state senator, running for Mayor of
Los Angeles (1997)
i would have to agree with ed, that right now
we don't have time for a 3rd party. but after the upcomming election, maybe it's time to start looking at one. if you keep ignoring other parties, then we'll have the same ol' thing we've been having for years. if neither
of the major two had a majority, then they would have to work with the third party to get anything passed, which i think would be a good deal. well, hell!!! i got more to say just can't seem to put it to words right now!
anyway for the sake of guns and smaller govt. there ain't but one way to go this year. maybe that'll change in the future!!
so long! my brain is hurtin' right now!!!
Back a while ago I was in a political discussion with my father...
I was mussing the idea of perot's party.

My Dad was horrified at the thought. He said that a vote for any other party other than the Republicans was a vote for Clinton.

His words are true. And they proved it. We ended up putting him BACK IN for a second term.

There is no time or patience for a 3rd party as much as I want to vote that way, I can't. Isntead of voting for what I want - I can only vote AGAINST what I dont want.

How do we go forward when we are fighting just to keep from going back?
We must view things expediently like the liberals do!

Only the most radical nutcase Communists and Socialists vote that way. The smart ones vote Democratic! They understand. We don't.
We are a party of instant gratification, and thats why we are in so much trouble.

The liberal/socialists slowly took over the Democratic party. They did not attempt to build a 3rd party.....they " worked within the system". They don't need the ego gratification of the "Socialist" name.
How do we go forward? I think we need to figure how to unite pro-gun people and come up with a plan.
We need to "Regain the right to keep and bear arms".This will require repeal of all laws that infringe on this right.
The CCW is a farce. We have to "qualify" to even carry a weapon?
If nothing else it illustrates how much we have lost.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing."

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited 11-05-98).]