How to purse-carry

And I am the same way with pocket carry - it is either that or I leave it in the car where I can reach it while driving. I wear shorts every day (about 1 week excepted) that just works better for me, so if your wife says purse or not at all, respect her choice and go with it. many women's outfits (especially work related) are more restrictive than men's and carrying on their person in the workplace my not be feasible or allowable, but the gun in the purse locked in the desk drawer may work best
Because there is no problem carrying a larger gun in a purse, ...
I picked up my wife's purse the other day and it already feels like it has a fully loaded 5" M1911 inside. If it got much heavier I know she wouldn't carry the gun, she'd wind up leaving it in the lock box.

I figure if she is going to carry, she should carry, and not in a purse unless she must. Purses get left, snatched, etc all the time. It would be the last option short of nothing.

You may misunderstand my actual position. I am not against purse carry; I simply believe that off body carry should not be the default choice. Every carry method has its benefits, and every carry method has its drawbacks, and every carry method has tips/tricks/secrets that make it work better. So it is with purse carry.

Beyond that, I believe every woman who carries a gun on-body should also own a purse designed for concealed carry. The purse functions as a backup carry method whenever circumstances or clothing won't allow the on-body choice to work. It also functions as insurance against holster related wardrobe malfunctions and can be used (for example) at the doctor's office or in the dressing room.


Here is some important information about how to choose a purse for concealed carry: Please pass that info along to your wife.

Not too long ago, I wrote an article for SWAT Magazine about purse carry. More specifically, it was about tactics that work for getting the gun out and ready to use when you need it. It is amazing to me, how many (male) people tell women how to use a purse -- when they themselves have never used one or drawn from one.

One specific piece of really bad advice that's very common: "just shoot through the purse..." We took a bunch of purses out to the range with good, experienced shooters and tried that out. At arms' length distances, we found it was very very tough to hit the target reliably when shooting through the purse. In real life conditions, where there will be lots of other things in the purse that could deflect the bullet, that's going to be even more true. Keep in mind, too, that unless you have a revolver, you can only count on one shot under those conditions. So don't plan to shoot through the purse. It's actually faster to complete your draw.

When you choose a purse, always choose one that's designed specifically for concealed carry. The non-holster options just don't work that well. If you're carrying the gun in case you might need it, you will likely need it in a hurry -- and the only way to be sure you're prepared to access it in a hurry is if it comes out of a true carry purse.

The drawstroke from a purse is usually similar to a crossdraw drawstroke. Watch to be sure you don't point the gun at your own brachial artery or wrist during the draw.

Fastest purse draw that I'm aware of is a vertical draw from a Gun Tote'n Mamas "Raven."

Hope this helps.

My wife does not like the idea of purse carry. Then again she hates carrying a purse at all. She will forgo the purse for a fanny pack every time. Since her job now takes her to places that are not nice neighborhoods, and she works alone most times, she carries at all times. We are going to go shopping for a pocket gun for her. It was her idea, as IWB carry is not working for her with the demands of constant bending, and moving around, as well as lots of driving. I am supportive of anything she decides.

Oh and her first reaction to somone talking of purse carry. (Note she was raised in New York.) "The first thing a scum bag will do to you is get your purse away, or make it so you can not grab anything inside of it."

Most times when a woman is attacked the attacker goes for the purse first. Why you may ask? Well if they have mace it will most likely be in her purse, a cell phone again in the purse, car keys, ect. Scum bags know if they get the purse they usualy have made most women defenseless.

One of my co workers bought a nice one, that looks fasionable, that fits her well. She carries with that purse. She keeps it on her at all times if she is carrying a gun in it. Though I admit that there are a lot of times when she leaves the purse in the trunk of her car, as carrying a purse, and keeping control of it while trying to eat in a reseraunt is more of a hastle for her, than she cares to go through.

I will also say if your wife has decided to purse carry, then support her in that. If she later decides to change to a different method of carry then support that as well. If she is anything like my wife then there are a few facts of life.

1. If it is not totaly her idea. (Forget about it, not going to happen.)
2. If you try to talk her into it you would have an easier time moving a stalwart mule.
3. If she decides to she will let you know. If so do what she ask you to, and do not delay things. Be supportive of her ideas, and opinions, even if you do think it is not a good idea. (As long as it is not something totaly unsafe that is.)
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No, not me ... after 10 years in Texas and almost that long gently suggesting she should be carrying, my wife has decided it's time to get her CHL.

And this is not one of those "what should my wife carry for protection?" threads. We'll be going to a large local gun shop where she can try the guns she's interested in for feel, ease of slide manipulation, etc. No revolvers, por favor ...

This is a request for suggestions on how she should carry her gun in her purse. The clothes she wears to work do not lend themselves to onbody carry and she can't be armed inside her office in any case.

She usually carries a fairly large purse with a zipper compartment that can be utilized ONLY for her weapon of choice. We'll be getting a lock box where she can leave the gun in the car while she's working.

So the questions ... do TFL members use a holster of some sort in their purses; perhaps a Nemesis-style pocket holster? Is there some other suggestion that might work? Since I just got her a new purse for her birthday, getting another with a separte compartment at the back of the purse isn't an option now. We'll be spending that money on a gun for her after she gets the license; sadly, none of my current collection will work for her.

We're heading to the range today to work on her shooting skills; she'll be taking the test with my XDm-9, but it's too big and heavy for her purse.


My wife uses a cheap Belt holster, from Walmart to keep her pistol in, while toting it in her purse. It covers everything but the grip, and keeps the pistol secure consistently.
A "service size" auto or revolver is far easier to shoot well than a smaller gun. Because there is no problem carrying a larger gun in a purse, I'd recommend a full size gun of a caliber that she's comfortable shooting. 9mm or larger. In the case of my ex-wife, she carried a 4" S&W 44 SPL and was outstandingly good with it.

Weight is the drawback here. My wife carried a Glock 19 in her purse for years. For years she complained about the added weight of the pistol and 15 rounds in her purse. Now she carries an XDs-9, and the weight reduction, according to her, is well worth it.
My wife does not like the idea of purse carry. Then again she hates carrying a purse at all. She will forgo the purse for a fanny pack every time. Since her job now takes her to places that are not nice neighborhoods, and she works alone most times, she carries at all times. We are going to go shopping for a pocket gun for her. It was her idea, as IWB carry is not working for her with the demands of constant bending, and moving around, as well as lots of driving. I am supportive of anything she decides.

If she likes and wears fanny packs, I can strongly recommend an AE Pistol Pack from The Concealment Shop. She can order one in any color or size she prefers -- they do excellent custom work.

You can see one in use here:
