how to lose your CCW permit

Wasn't there also some kid in a Starbucks recently. That had just obtained a permit to carry. He was in the bathroom of Starbucks practicing his draw in front of the mirror, he then put a .40 bullet into the sink. Destroying it and cause a ruckus.

He then waltzed on out like nothing ever happened.

Police caught up to him somewhere in the plaza with the description given.

I'm sorry, but knowing the full story. I find that hilarious.
Good find Alabama Shooter.

Does it seem reasonable that in grabbing a jacket the gun in the pocket went off twice?

Obviously the gun went off twice because there's two holes in the ceiling so that part of the story is not in doubt. Maybe the thief and the cop were fighting for control of the gun? (But it doesn't say that in the story.)

Pin-wheel semi-auto story. For Lost Sheep and Glenn, I heard it when I visited a Texas Instrument campus in Dallas around 1978. My version was a security guard heading out to his car 'for just a minute' didn't bother unloading the gun and hung it on a peg in the arms safe and it went off several times spinning around on the peg with richochets going out into the room. I trust Lost Sheep's version that it was written up in a gun magazine and my friend that told me the story was embleshing it and making it local.

It IS the kind of story that sticks in your mind.

A few months back a friend of mine from central Fl. sent me a local news article about a driver bringing an AR 15 with several loaded mags in a ballistic case to the local police station, Seems he pulled over to relieve himself(he's on a diuretic) couldn't wat for restroom, saw case in front of his car when he came back and opened it and did the right thing. Sheriff deputy with special response team, had a flat and had to take the gun out to get the spare. The local PD brought it to the sheriff's dept and it was on his desk with a note to see the watch cmdr, he had continued his shift with the spare, so the gun beat him to the dept.:eek::confused:
Post #14

Lesson: never ever ever wear CCW gear that I have not worn and practiced with for some time in private. I shudder to think what the scenario would have been in a crowded grocery aisle or such.

Excellent advice but IMhO you shouldn't beat yourself up too much about this. It would have been embarrassing to have it fall out in the grocery store but as long as you didn't grab for it and catch the trigger by mistake it wasn't going to go off.

I suppose there are a few folk that would have gotten an attack of the vapors at seeing an evil firearm in the hands of a private citizen in public and felt faint, but I think that's a good thing for them...toughen them up don't you know.
Autoloaders can double, and I can envision the slide of a pistol that had fired in a pocket being prevented by the constraints of the pocket from moving all the way back, moving far enough to catch and chamber a round but not far enough for the sear (or its equivalent according to the type of pistol) to engage.
I doubt the guy in OP will lose his permit permanently. In a shall issue state I'm not sure they could justify denying him his permit on that basis.

Oregon is a shall-issue state, but the sheriff has a little wiggle room for denying or revoking a license based on dangerous behavior. The revocation can be appealed to a court. If I were the sheriff, I'd hold the license until the owner took some more training.
Fort Clayton RP(Panama City Panama)....

While I was deployed to Fort Clayton in Panama in the early 1990s, I had a MP in my platoon tell us how a military police soldier(rank unknown) had a ND with his issued M9 9mmNATO sidearm. The MP was a National Guard soldier & working in Panama. When he went to turn in his duty pistol to the unit arms room, he fired a FMJ bullet into the arms room clearing barrel. He was so shocked by the loud report, he kept firing round after round! A US Army MP officer yelled out a window for someone to grab the MP & disarm him.
No one was hurt but the MP got UCMJ actions(Uniform Code of Military Justice).

On a another deployment to Panama around the same period, there was a MP Sgt(E-6) who took his loaded M9 pistol off(he had a M12 shoulder holster rig) and left it on a outdoor table by his company bldg. When he returned, the M9 was gone! He got in BIG trouble! That was just stupid.

A well known firearms instructor lost his permit last week for ranting on the internet about what he would (supposedly) do if Obama enacted gun control through executive order. His rant including "killing people" and the state decided his presented a threat to people, so they have revoked his permit.

Think before speaking/writing/posting.
When I was in my early 20's I worked at a gas station. Many police officers frequented our restroom. We kept a clean restroom, and it was the kind you went in, and locked the door. I lost count of the radios that were left behind on the TP dispenser. Twice guns were left behind. One uniformed cop left his service gun on the tank of the toilet. One Plain clothes detective left his service revolver on the sink. I found the weapons. Put them under the counter by the register. Both times they came back in less than 45 minutes asking if they left anything in the rest room. Both times I gave them back.

The radios it was a different story. After one was under the counter for two days we called the shift seargent who came and retrieved it. I will bet that officer did not hear the end of it for quite a while.
A well known firearms instructor lost his permit last week for ranting on the internet about what he would (supposedly) do if Obama enacted gun control through executive order. His rant including "killing people" and the state decided his presented a threat to people, so they have revoked his permit.

Could you mention which state took that action? That kind of rant doesn't seem to be the kind of objectionable clause that would cause a CCW to be denied. Convicted felon, fugitive, adjudicated mental etc but not "We heard you say you'd kill people on a web forum".

Sgt Lumpy - n0eq
Wasn't it here on TFL that we discussed a case where a cop set down or dropped a firearm during an arrest in a park and children were the ones to find it???

Anything ever happen to him besides being called to the carpet for a tongue lashing...

What he said:

"All the holsters I use for CCW have a thumb snap to retain the pistol. Yes, I need to remember to un-snap it, but that is part of my training.

Thumb break is the way to go, especially when you have to go...

Pistol on coat-hook: To me, the most plausible version--
Years ago, I read an account by Mas Ayoob where he wrote of an officer who hung his 1911-style pistol on the hook, and bumped the trigger when he tried to lift it off. The pistol fired (the safety obviously having been knocked off) and the officer jumped, bumping the trigger again. I think that only two shots were fired, but it's been a while.
"There is a story - could be an urban myth - of an officer who hung a semi on a coat hook and somehow the trigger got jostled. The gun spun around the hook, emptying its mag as it kept bouncing on the hook."

I can't remember who it was, but it was one of the gun rag writers in the late 1970s or sometime in the 1980s recounting a story like that, only in it the guy who did the hanging on the hook shot himself multiple times in the arm.

IIRC he was hanging a High Power on a hook in his gun safe.
I can't remember who it was, but it was one of the gun rag writers in the late 1970s or sometime in the 1980s recounting a story like that, only in it the guy who did the hanging on the hook shot himself multiple times in the arm.

That would certainly be classified as a limp wrist-resistant gun. ;)
Pistol on coat-hook: To me, the most plausible version--
Years ago, I read an account by Mas Ayoob where he wrote of an officer who hung his 1911-style pistol on the hook, and bumped the trigger when he tried to lift it off. The pistol fired (the safety obviously having been knocked off) and the officer jumped, bumping the trigger again. I think that only two shots were fired, but it's been a while.

I seriously doubt a properly functioning 1911 would go off unless the grip safety was deactivated. I could see a Hi-Power going off multiple times if the safety was off. I doubt any DA to SA pistols would go off since the trigger pull is heavier and longer.