How to know if you are a gun nut?

If you know what a 'court gun' is. Extra points if you HAVE a court gun. I do.

If your gunbelt and holster cost almost as much as the gun they were custom designed for. Yeppers.

Family and friends don't watch action movies with you because of your running critiques. That one, too.

If "9mm/.45", "revolver/semi-auto", "controlled feed/push feed", ".41/.44" or "plastic/wood and metal" have ever figured in any divorces, feuds, cuss matches, debates, or mathematical equations of mind-bending complexity. You should see my "Proof that the 9mm is equal to the .45" paper.

If the words: Jeff Cooper, Elmer Keith, Bill Jordan or John Moses Browning cause you to drop to one knee and cross yourself reverently. Uh-huh.

Lawdog, I'd actually be quite interested in reading your paper if you can post it somehow. I've been reading all I can on both the statistical and real-world differences between .45 .40 and 9mm.
The is no such thing as a 'gun nut.' There are only anti-gun nuts.

Things to do today
1. Buy a gun
2. Buy ammo
3. Practice, practice , practice....

That covers the essentials
all I know is that my girlfriend asked me the other day wether I would choose her over a brand new gun of my choice...
and I thought about that 10,000 dollar sniper rifle someone mentioned on TFL... I'm not saying I would do it, but a 10,000 dollar sniper rifle! whooopeee!! That's gotta be SOME GUN!

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
You are a gun nut If:

You cannot bear to watch top rated action stars flich while shooting much vaunted hardware with all the groovy bells and whistles.

There are cleaning poatches in your glovebox.

If there is a pistol in your fridge (long story)

If your christmas list includes stuff only available from midway, dillon, or natchez catalogs.

If you subscribe to the blue press, sgn, gun list, or shooting times.

If you have back issues of gun digest to the 1940's.

If the bible in your nightstand was published by stoeger. ;)

You can do ballistic drop tables for ever caliber you shoot whan asked.

When your girlfriend is jealous of the time you spend with your guns.

When you can Identify the gun that was modified to star in that scince fiction epic.. (no that's an mg 34 and an FAL with a big plastic tube over the barrel.)

When you COUNT the number of shots the actors fire in the movie.

If there is ammuntion in your bathroom.


When your name in TFL is followed by...
Senior Member.

When you realize that Glock isn't the greatest gun ever made...he he, couldn't resist.

When your wife, who orrigionaly was uncomfortable with you carrying ccw, reminds you to get your gun before leaving the house. (a proud moment I might ad).

When your pants are sized to fit the pistol you carry IWB.

When you know what IWB means. LOL

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
When you look at all these posts and say, "Yeah, and your point is?" ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
...if you actually look forward to using your arms in combat.

(If you are reluctant to do that, you are merely a well-adjusted armed human)
dent guy, I'm not going to try to put words in Coinneach's mouth, but I think you simply misunderstood his remark. It was indeed humorous, but subtle. He is saying, like me, "Everything you guys are saying is natural and normal, what's your point?"
when you miss 3 lines of movie dialog cause the actor just threw that nifty rifle on the ground.

You know enough to go to and then check Page 2 for the link to several hundred of these. have COLT and 1911 tattooed on your fingers. (Before the current COLT flap)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
My favorite one is:

If you ask your wife if she picked up "the paper", and you both know you're referring to Shotgun News.

If you know the formulas for kinetic energy, power factor, and external ballistic trajectories, yet you failed math in high school, you might be...

I love the one above about the hundred stars vs. the new gun - for the right gun, I'd forfeit the hundred stars and take care of my own business, if you know what I mean. :)

and yes, Coinneach was being funny - made me LOL as per usual with him.