How to know if you are a gun nut?

You can tell if you are a gun nut when the concept of buying just one gun a month seems VERY unreasonable!!!!

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!
If you've ever reflexively reacted like this when someone innocently used the phrase "for the children:"

Your neighbor: "Did you hear about the park uptown? I heard they're building a skate ramp for the children . . . "

You: "You dirty red socialist bastard . . . why don't you go home to mother Roosha and give Uncle Joe a big hug, you commie son of a . . . . ummmmmmmm . . . . sorry."

Your neighbor: "Uhhhhhh. . . . yeah."



"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
OK, double posted. Why waste it? You might be a gun nut if:

You have ever rented a movie just because someone on TFL has a sig line with a line from the movie that suggests there's a discussion of 1911 vs. Glock and you just couldn't resist . . . . .

(The truly sad thing is, people actually do this. I'm watching it with my girlfriend right now.)

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited December 12, 1999).]
How about if you watched The Matrix and then went out and bought a used Desert Eagle cause the agents in it looked so damn cool with 'em!!!

hehehehehe... maybe not a gun nut.. just sick in the head, lol
When you think the "Burea of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms" is actually a place that sells booze, cigarrettes and guns.
If you check in on The Firing Line more than once a day.Hey- there are a lot worse things in this world, and few more satisfying!!!
When you spend quite a bit of time deciding which gun/knife combo goes with a particular outfit that your planning on wearing.


No matter which room in your house your in, your never more than 5 paces from a firearm.
(okay, I went and checked, make that 3 paces)

Knee deep in brass, still shootin fast!

[This message has been edited by kingknives (edited December 12, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by kingknives (edited December 12, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by kingknives (edited December 12, 1999).]
If you've ever asked your mom for a handgun for Christmas . . . . you might be a gun nut.

If you've ever dabbed Hoppe's #9 behind your ears before hitting the town for the evening . . . . you might be a gun nut.

If you have your guns in a separate building with motion detector alarm, bars on the doors and only window, and more than one deadbolt . . . . there's a slim chance you could possibly be a gun nut (my dad has this one.)

If you find ammunition in the places where other people unexpectedly find spare change . . . . you might be a gun nut.

If you've ever insulted someone over gun control, you might be a gun nut. Then again, you might be a sniveling communist anti bastard! :)

If you've ever missed part of a conversation because you were looking at a common household object and thinking "Hey, I bet that would look COOL if I shot it with .44!"

If you have ever shot a Cabbage Patch doll for any reason. (It's a long story.)

If you have ever conducted a field test to determine which is faster against multiple opponents at 50 feet--a scoped Ruger 10/22 or a folding knife. (another true one)

If you wonder why so many people try to tell you that the average citizen doesn't need a fully-automatic M16 in the broom closet. . . .

If it takes you forever to get a new gun because trading any of yours would hurt their feelings . . . .

If you automatically assume that anyone who utters the words Saturday night special, cop killer bullets, or assault weapons is lying to you about something. . . . .

If you feel sorry for cops because they're not very well armed . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
When you're flying over the various States of the Union and your only interest in looking out the window is to spot what would be good locations for shooting ranges ... you just might be a gun nut. (I've caught myself doing this for hours. BTW, I've determined that Nevada is nothing but shooting ranges in between the occasional gov't installation.)
When you've watched the Matrix Gun / Lobby scene 10 times in a row for a total of 50.

And Spank, that agent looks so F&^K*%G cool w/ the Desert Eagle. I want one
When Reno, Schumer, Clinton et al are conspiring against you personally.

Sarah Brady calls you the Anti-Christ.

You thought "Unintended Consequences" was your unauthorized biography.

You sleep closer to your gun than your significant other.

You carry pictures of your guns in your wallet. (extra points if your wallet has a gun manufacturers logo on it)

When vacationing, the first thing you look for upon arrival at your destination is the closest gun store/shooting range. (extra points if your vacation was based upon visiting this place)

You have a permanent stack of "Guns & Ammo" magazines in your bathroom. (extra points if you just go in there for the sole purpose of reading)

Your phone number is on your neighbors' speed-dial instead of the police.

#s 1, 2, and 3 on your X-mas list are always invariably gun related. (extra points if everyone just assumes that you only want gun stuff)

And finally, Your favorite TV characters are South Park's Jimbo and Ned.
If you quit watching the foxy babe in the short skirt walking away from you, to look at the guns in the showcase.

If you think a 4" Colt Diamondback should be considered a work of art.

If the kids keep asking you if you want .45 ammo for christmas. (True)

If your daughter asks you at a gun show what you would like for Christmas, and you wander around in a daze for two hours.(A set of gunsmith screwdrivers I took it easy on her pocket book)

Your wife offers you 100 stars to be used up during the next 12 months(use your imagination) or a new gun and you say let me think about it.

You have a choice mow the yard or go to a gun show and you mow the yard to keep out of trouble. (Went the next day and got into trouble)

Someone offers you a super once in a life time bargain, and you find yourself slapping your pockets to find your check book. (I left it home)
You may be a gun nut:
A) If you ask the AAA travel agent for Concealed Carry laws in the states you will be traveling through.
B) The local National Guard Armory has listed your home as an emergency alternative source for weapons and ammo.
C) You won't let your wife throw old clothes or plastic bottles away cause they make great targets.
D) If you are sick and stay home for a week. And the local gun stores send you flowers and get well cards.
E) A buddy of your says "Look at that set of 44s" And you turn around wondering if they are Rugers or Colts?

An armed society is a polite society.
You know you are a gun-nut when your girlfriend replaces your Christmass stocking with a cammo version and fills it with bricks of ammo.

Bless her heart, she really did this.


[This message has been edited by JRB (edited December 13, 1999).]