How to justify another gun purchase???? Wives??

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Q. "How can one determine who's smarter at a wedding...the bride, or the groom??

A. Look to see on which side of the church Walter's lawyer's sitting!!!
Make sure you that the money is not coming out of real home expenses. If it is extra money( if there is such a beast ) you must make sure she is happy before you buy the gun. If she finds out afterwrds there will be no end to her complains and accusations. To set up the day of the purchase here is my best method.

The night before the G day take her out to a nice Restaurant and when you come back home do everything she wants to do in bed.

Do not fall asleep after you made love

Talk about how nice things are an not just pretend be real!!!

Next morning breakfast in bed.

Take her shopping for clothes or something and start driving towards the Gunshop ;)

Then just go in and start looking at the first piece of crap you see, Makarovs and the likes. :) Ask the salesman the questions you alredy know the answers for ie. Is this as reliable as ( insert the gun you like ). He will tell you no way, turn to your wife and look puzzled :o turn to the salesman and say I guess I was misinform :( I will just have to buy the ( insert the gun you like ) instead :)
Job done

Is it ethical? You decide!!!

[This message has been edited by Ariel 1 (edited November 20, 1999).]
That sounds good in theory, but my wife would know very quickly that something was up, and I would look guilty about something in her eyes. :)
On the other hand....if you are into one kind of gun, they all look the same to most people not into guns. I am into Glocks. As long as I don't have them all in one place at one time, they all look the same and no one knows just how many I have. ;) The same could be said for 1911's sortof. They do vary more in their looks, but you could probably collect several of them and no one owuld know that you had more than a couple, as long as they were never all seen at once together ;)
Pretend you stumble on a deal you could not trefuse. Get some old auto parts or buy a cheap junker engine or tarnsmision for about 20 to 50 bucks.

Tell her you are going to sell it that a friend gave it to you to settle a debt of say... 100 dollars but that is worth 500 = sell it back to the junker $20 bucks and go buy the gun with the hidden cash.

Usually this will only work once like in Monopoly.

Or when they find you in a Clintonesque situation with an assistant!!!
We have all been there...

Still there...

You make the purchase you better be prepared to catch hell!!! Or buy something for her of equal $$$ value...

With the rising prices of firearms it is hard to be a collector of quality pieces.

It is a catch 22 indeed! Take what you can get...

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