How to conceal a pistol grip shotgun?

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David spargenator said:
Well, I do think carrying is cool and fun. Just a good, thrilling feeling knowing you have such a weapon on your person....
I'll join with some of the others and point out that "cool and fun" are really lousy reasons to carry a gun. If you really find it "thrilling" to have deadly weapon on your person, it sounds like some evaluation of your values is in order.
I consider some guns to be "cool" from a standpoint of design or aesthetics.

That said, if I'm carrying one, that goes out the window. It is a weapon, and that is a dour and serious thing. There is nothing thrilling about it. I've seen what these things do to the human body firsthand. Words like "badass" become very trite and inapt in that light, and "thrilling" is hardly the idea that comes to mind.

You are correct in that you have serious "growing up" to do. Without a grasp of the responsibility that comes with being armed, you could find yourself in a situation you can never take back or make right.
It's also pretty cool when you shoot a jug of water and watch it explode. Lol. I must admit some of you guys have a point. Situations that are long term and can't be taken back. As well as draconian legal penalties. Carrying is something to be taken seriously. They taught me all this in class but I just didn't really think it through, our instructor made it seem like no big deal. I must admit some of my ways of thinking are wrong when it comes to carrying.
Welcome to TFL, David spargenator!

When I first spotted this thread, I think it had one response and I seriously considered deleting it. The Firing Line strives to be "a virtual community dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership." When someone starts a thread and states that they want to carry X, Y, or Z because it would be "cool," or "badass," then (as you have seen) some of us have some reservations about the thought process that went into selecting X, Y or Z, and some reservations about whether doing so is responsible.

Shotguns are cool, no doubt. I'm rather fond of them. In their own ways, handguns and rifles are cool, too. I've brought some targets to spectacular ends using them. However, your choice of CCW really shouldn't be based on the cool factor. When you choose your CCW, you are choosing to carry a weapon that could, on very short notice, be called upon to end another human life. Should you ever have to do that, several processes may well be set in motion that are anything but cool.

Now, with all of that said, it looks like we've had an answer or two that are actually responsive to the original question, and this thread otherwise has been more about the advisability of selecting a CCW for its cool factor.

Again, David spargenator, welcome to TFL. I'm going to close this thread, as I think it has served its purpose now.
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