How to conceal a pistol grip shotgun?

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Here in my state, it's legal to conceal handguns and shotguns if you have a ccw permit. I just think it would be so badass if I could conceal a pistol grip shotgun. I was thinking in some sort of briefcase. Anyone have any better ideas ?
Welcome to TFL David spargenator

serious answer:

since cc is really a king size PITA and is just a necessary evil in todays society, opting for a weapon to do so with should be done with every thought in mind other then being 'a badass'.

Joke answer: there are just to many 'joke answers' to list.
Yea, carry a handgun. A CCW shotgun sounds like a heavy pain in the butt. Now an MP5 with a red dot tucked under the arm like SS does. . .:cool:


Unless you are going for a special permit, your pistol grip SG is going to be a lot to conceal under normal circumstances. It is going to be 26" are going to need a raincoat.
If you don't need to have it on your person...try a tennis racquet case or a soft violin case.

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I just think it would be so badass if I could conceal a pistol grip shotgun.

Stop right there. Carrying because it is "badass" is just about the wrongest reason there is.

Carrying in a briefcase or a violin case or a something else case is simply just a glorified gun case. If the time comes that you need your gun to defend yourself it will take forever and a day to get it out of that case.

Bad idea all the way around.

Have you ever heard of a "Whippet" gun ?

It's a short-bbl's pumpgun (usually) with a pistol grip that has a sling stud @ the rear.

The gun is slung underneath the shooting shoulder, under a coat long enough to cover the gun & with a slit in the coat pocket next to the gun.

When a situation calls for it's use - just "whip it out"....... :p

Well for me, I just like carrying guns because they're cool and it's just fun and cool to have it on your person. Plus they can protect you. I like the sling idea, may try that. Thanks for all your input.
I just like carrying guns because they're cool and it's just fun and cool to have it on your person.

I do not know you but just based on your statements so far... grow up, get some training, and a reality check.
I also think guns are fun and cool. But when it comes to the decision to CC I think the cool factor is misplaced. Like I said, I do not know you but your statements are coming off like someone who has not thought about or taken seriously the responsibility of CC. I think doing it because it is cool and bad-ass is a recipe for disaster. If I went around thinking I was a bad-ass because I CC I believe it would drastically increase the chance that I would find trouble where there should not be any and end up loosing my 2nd rights and CC privileges.
Huh, u know I think you might be right about finding trouble where there shouldn't be. Kinda like Zimmerman. I must admit that I probably need to grow in that area. Not that I'd take it as far as actually going through with shooting someone like Zimmerman did but still.
It is nice to see a fresh perspective. I have never once thought of carrying around a gun as "fun". You must really be in heaven carrying around a shottie.

I hear your thoughts about carrying a gun being cool, fun and badass. I'd like to remind you that carrying a gun, any gun, is probably one of the most serious things you'll ever make a decision to do.

Can I ask ya if you currently have your carry permit? And if so, how long have you had it and what course did you take to get it?

Like Chaz88, I don't know you either but from what you've stated thus far in this thread, you REALLY need to examine the reasons you carry or want to carry. You need to understand the serious responsibilities and possible consequences of carrying as well as getting educated on what IS going to happen to you if you would happen to have to pull your weapon and use it. Even if having to use your gun in a 'sure nuff' real SD situation, you will most likely be arrested and a very good possibility you will spend thousands of $'s in legal expense's. Then you very likely will spend some more $'s on attorney fee's and more years out of your life trying to defend yourself in the civil suits that will surely follow.

There's nothing fun, cool or badass about any of the above.

There's nothing fun, cool or badass about carrying a gun. It's much more then putting your wallet in your pocket or putting on a cool shirt or a neat pair of shoes.

If these are the reasons for your carrying, I would ask that you be responsible and re-evaluate why you want to carry and get some education/training.

FWIW, please remember, responsible gun owners/carriers continually fight for our rights to do so. The decisions you make with a gun not only affect your rights, but shines a light on every gun owner and their rights as well.
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Well, I do think carrying is cool and fun. Just a good, thrilling feeling knowing you have such a weapon on your person. I'm not gonna lie. However I think Chaz was right about finding trouble when there doesn't have to be any. I admit that there is some of that in my personality. And I need to work on that. Maybe find some kind of training on other things you can do besides pull your gun.
Maybe find some kind of training on other things you can do besides pull your gun.

You don't need training on how to walk away...

When you're carrying a firearm you have absolute responsibility to do everything in your power to de-escalate a situation. Someone starts giving you dirty looks and getting in your face at the grocery store? Get your ego in check, apologize for any wrongdoing and try to walk away. You are not in the 'right' to stand throw a punch 'because it's better than pulling a gun'.

If you want to be a bad ass, I beg of you to please NOT carry a gun. Go get some MMA training and be a street brawler or whatever it is you want to do to posture. Train in some boxing or jiujitsu. When you're carrying a gun you MUST be humble and non-confrontational or you will be looking at some serious trouble in short order.

None of us are trying to demean you here, so please don't take it that way. You just need to take this responsibility seriously. Guns ARE cool. You're right. I like guns of all different types. I like shooting guns at the range - but I do not think *I* am cool for carrying a gun.
I grew up with rifles, handguns and shotguns. Started out over seventy years ago. I've had many hours of pleasure, sure. But I never saw anything "cool" about it. Still don't--but there is still a lot of enjoyment.

I've open-carried on my own acreage, and carried concealed as a night-club owner who closed down at 2AM with several thousand dollars in cash to be responsible for. Nothing cool about that. All in all, a bit spooky when you exit into a dark back-alley parking lot.

Even as a youngun I figured out early on that when you have a gun, you better think and act as grownup as any grownup ever could be.

One thing to consider: In many ways, we're all our own worst enemies when it comes to finding trouble. No point whatsoever in working at it.

Best luck...
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