How soon could an Assault Weapons Ban start?

Stand Together

We have a constitutional right to KEEP and BEAR arms. Let's not ever stop talking about it. And like a lot of you, we are members of the NRA and staunch supporters.

We have 535 mostly "criminals" running our United States government. They are pals with their CEO friends, many of whom are also criminals. They have banded together to attempt to strip the people of the United States first from their wealth, then their pride, and will finally try to strip us of our guns. We cannot allow that.

What we need is leadership, and a million man march on Washington, D.C. to tell these useless SOBs that THEY do not run the country--WE do!

Sorry if I violated any rules for this forum, but feel strongly that we cannot allow gun owners to become "sheep" with the likes of the Washington "criminals" passing legislation without regard to the constitution.
What we need is leadership, and a million man march on Washington, D.C. to tell these useless SOBs that THEY do not run the country--WE do!
This isn't directed at you in particular sir, but at the constant flow of these comments I keep seeing.

I'm perfectly aware that our rights are in jeopardy. They have been for decades. We don't need to be reminded at every turn, in every thread mentioning political issues. You're preaching to the choir. The energy would be better spent staying in contact with elected officials, both on the Federal and local levels.

Historically, the party that wins the Presidential election loses seats in the House of Representatives during the next midterm election. Since our founding, there have been only a few exceptions (1902, 1934, 1998, and 2002).
Really neat. I'd never noticed that pattern.

It falls in line with what I suspect, which is that the Republicans will make large gains in the legislative branch during next year's midterms. They showed a welcome amount of solidarity in opposing the stimulus bill, and they seemed poised to make fiscal responsibility the big issue this time around.

The Dems will have to devote a huge amount of political capital to defend a huge spending bill that will have produced no tangible results by then.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

Barring a huge confluence of catastrophes, there won't be another AWB. It cost them dearly in 1994, and if there's one thing people in power fear, it's losing power. They'd need a really good reason and a good chance of winning if they were planning gun control legislation. They have neither.

Notice that Pelosi was very quick to disprove Holder's remarks. Notice the lip-service both Democratic candidates gave to the 2nd Amendment last cycle, no matter how insincere.

Are they doing this because they've seen the light? C'mon. The salivate over the idea of a total ban.

No, they're doing it because they know that a) gun control is no longer a fight they can win, even with a majority, and b) the fallout would be disastrous for them.

While I'd recommend keeping an eye out for sneaky regulatory stuff, another categorical ban will be almost impossible to pass.
remember, this type of panic is why none of us can currently build our "dream guns" unless you have unlimited cash! putting the fear into everyone only raises the price of our guns. i cannot believe how many new posts i see on this sight and others about,"first time gun buyers" How scary, people who have never owned, or shot a gun, buying up assault rifles and pistols. go ahead everyone, keep on spreading the rumors!!!1 FYI I'M NO JACKASS! I'M A PROUD ELEPHANT!!!
i cannot believe how many new posts i see on this sight and others about,"first time gun buyers" How scary, people who have never owned, or shot a gun, buying up assault rifles and pistols.

How true. I won't even go to my local gunshop or sporting goods stores on the weekends anymore. Folks are swinging pistols and rifles around with zero clue, an AR or AK in the closet in an apartment home with 40,000 rounds of ammo and no place to shoot it.
As far as the leaders balking at reviewing weapons bans, don't be fooled into believing that they won't do it, or are too smart to do it because it will cost them. They never try anything new, nor are they students of history by avoiding things that didn't work in the past. The 'New Deal' and its huge spending was hardly something that ever needed to be repeated. It didn't work, but that's exactly what just happened. Carter's foreign policy the same. They are FAR too agenda driven, and given the control of power they have right now, they will take advantage if possible.
One might recall Bush and Alberto coming out for the AWB during their times in office.

Anyway, write your representatives and support organizations that are useful like the NRA.

Don't panic till you see the dolphins leaving.
I just wrote Mr. Obama and congratulated him on his election and wished him well. I also told him to stay away from ANY new gun laws as it will hurt the other things he is fighting for. I told him that MANY law abiding citizens including myself are passionate about this issue and banning Assault riflles and certain types of ammunition is just devisive and ridiculous policy.
You all should barrage him as well as your representatives an senators with nice! Don't call anyone a commie or socialist, just be passionate about your opinions and express how important hunting and shooting is to you as well having to option to protecting yourself and your family.

Chad, legislation if passed as an emergency, could take effect as soon as it was signed. Some legislation includes a start time. The short answer is that it depends upon how any particular bill is written.

lon371, I'm not aware of any pending legislation that calls for a ban. Care to enlighten the rest of us?

No problem;

HR 45

I did not bother to read all the post so if someone already brought this up I apologize.

I am not one to get to excited over what Gov tries to do. But this one does have me nervous. Especially since Dems hold all the power for now.

Here is a little better discription.

H.R. 45 (Rush): This bill would require a license for handguns and semiautomatics, including those currently possessed. The applicant must be thumbprinted and sign a certification that, effectively, the firearm will not be kept in a place where it would be available for the defense of the gun owner’s family. The applicant must also make available ALL of his psychiatric records, pass an exam, and pay a fee of up to $25. The license may be renewed after five years and may be revoked. Private sales would be outlawed, and reports to the attorney general of all transactions would be required, even when, as the bill allows, the AG determines that a state licensing system is sufficiently draconian to substitute for the federal license. With virtually no exceptions, ALL firearms transactions (involving semiautos, handguns, long guns, etc.) would be subject to a Brady check. In addition, the bill would make it unlawful in nearly all cases to keep any loaded firearm for self-defense. A variety of “crimes by omission” (such as failure to report certain things) would be created. Criminal penalties of up to ten years and almost unlimited regulatory and inspection authority would be established

this is from

Let's not get our knickers in a twist. HR 45 is not a ban. It is also legislation that has garnered no support in the 2 months it has been in committee (no sponsors).

HR 45, since it is not a ban, is off topic for this thread.