How Ready Are You?

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its just the wife and I. At night, the dog is in the house, the bedroom door is locked, and the .45 Commander with Trijicon sights is on the bedstand. Outside lights are on sensors, there is an alarm on the door and windows. I think I am ready.
Train your kids. Take em hunting once with a .22 rifle. Show em the hole it makes, then ask them if they want to see some person hit with a bullet from your pistol. I trained my kids starting at age 5 and by age 6 they were shooting. younger than that the risk is too large and a quick access safe is the best route.

my pistol sets underneath a pair of underwear on the nightstand next to me while I sleep. The rest of the time it is on my hip.

Picture this: Scary story, not safe for children: I sleep nekid. if someone breaks into my house, I grab my glasses, flashlight and pistol and begin getting kids. Would you want to cross a 6'4" 250 lb nekid guy at night that is holding a .45 caliber XD and a very bright flashlight? that is the scary part.

For those of you with kids, how do you plan to ensure they are safe when someone breaks in? I know that most of mine are at least 40 feet from me.
Picture this: Scary story, not safe for children: I sleep nekid. if someone breaks into my house, I grab my glasses, flashlight and pistol and begin getting kids. Would you want to cross a 6'4" 250 lb nekid guy at night that is holding a .45 caliber XD and a very bright flashlight? that is the scary part.

Put on some clothes. You're more likely to traumatize your kids prancing around naked than some bad guy sticking a gun in their faces. :p
Proficiency...... you will perform as you have trained... regardless of the set-up, weapon, light, or no light.

I have three grandchildren, two age 10, and 1 age 4. None of them will enter my gun room without me physically being there. If I'm at work and their ball rolls in there, they won't even ask my wife to get it for them. The guns and ammo are locked up in different places, but the three boys have been taught that I'm the only one to take them in there. I take them in the room often enough that there's no mystery about what's in there, and they help me load up for range day.

Kids will learn, just take the time to teach them.
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