How Ready Are You?

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When I go to bed, I keep my pistol close enough to where I can get to it in an instant. But, the other day I ordered and received a new leather holster in the mail. As I was parcticing with it, I noticed that it was pretty quiet. I started thinking, boy the fobus I usually keep it in is pretty loud. And, I imagine it would be extremely loud at zero dark hours with a BG creeping around.

So then I started thinking, how ready am I really? Just like every other guy, I dont (well didnt) keep my glasses by my bed. I routinely woke up and would ask my wife where my glasses are. My flashlight stayed on the charger. The charger makes a very loud snap when its removed. All this combined would be the difference in me having the elment of suprise, and or possibly being able to defend yourself on the drop of a hat.

Anyway, I just didnt think about stuff like this before.
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How ready am I?

Ready for what? Heart disease kills more people than bad guys and guns combined. And you can keep an arsenal by your night stand if you wanted to but you still have to go out and drive in the rain once in a while. Hmm... I wonder if I should get some more MRE's?
I never thought about it much until I had a fiance' living with me and i bought my first pistol. I used to keep a shotgun in the closet and a bandolier of shells next to it, but 8 feet across a dark room in a hurry is a really LONG 8 feet. Now I have my .38 in a holster next to the bed with a tactical flashlight right next to it. I have literally run drills with a buddy of mine and the probability of someone getting in my second floor apt. quietly is somewhere between 1% and 0 i have been able to have my flashlight and pistol in my hand ready in less than 2 seconds from a deep sleep. the way we ran this drill in case you're interested was he stayed the night one night after we hung out and after a couple hours he made a sound equivalent to someone coming in the front door and then proceeded to walk by my bedroom door. I pulled the pistol then spotted him with the flashlight,while leaving the gun on the nightstand. (didn't want to point a gun at my friend :D ) I think drills like this, and i'm sure others here have many various ones, could help you prepare for the REAL thing. Better safe than sorry is my motto.
Let me first start off by saying that I'm in LE. I have a reason to keep a loaded pistol by me at all times. I loathe and very actively seek out drug peddlers and drug users. I am also well known for it, and my reputation literally preceedes me about my hardline stance on drugs.

Here Dog.....lie down on this couch and tell me more about yourself. :)

So then I started thinking, how ready am I really?

In your post you come across as being fearful, doubtful and paranoid. Could a crisis be brewing?

LE work can be stressful as is evidenced by the high number of divorces, alcohol and drug abuse, overeating, steroids, control issues, relationship issues, paranoia and other various stress/anxiety issues.

Anyway, I just didnt think about stuff like this before.

See what I'm saying?

1) Get a dog, or two. They will alert you to anyone in the home. Their barking will also keep most BG's away from hearth and home, thereby increasing security. Besides, kids love 'em.

2) Get a security system for the home. They're not THAT much and most can be wireless.

3) Get a "Gun Vault" which operates by a combination entered strictly by feel, no numbers to be entered. Mine sits on the headboard with a cocked and locked 1911, spare mag, and a Surefire. Access time in the dark, sans glasses is about 0.6 seconds, and my son can't get to the weapon. Home defense and child safety in one package. I know some will look at the price (about $120) and squak, but how much is the safety of your son worth? All it takes, dispite all good intentions and dilligence, is not securing your HD pistol once and your son finding it.
I am much more afarid of my 4-year-old getting his hands on one of my guns, than a BG getting into my house. I have guns in the bedroom but they are put away where the boy can't get at them so there is no way I can lay hands on them instanly.

As mentioned above, you have to weigh the very slim posibility that you'll have someone break in versus the safety of a young child who is there all the time.

Besides I have a VERY loud, very paranoid, hairy, 55 pound, barking alarm. Everyone in the house is going to be wide awake if someone breaks in.
A 50 lb alarm is your best bet

I have two dogs, and they alert us to anything untoward in the middle of the night. They'll even let my wife know when I come to bed late. I reccommend that over any security system, because if trained properly, its usually more reliable (Electronic alarms have an achille's heel: they must be programmed and set by humans; dogs just go on instinct, and will always react).

I keep a loaded gun in a hidden holster that I insalled into the back of my nightstand. There are a lot of single gun safes that are very secure, yet allow you to open them with very little effort. We are just now having kids, so I am worrying about the same things, and I'll change to a full-blown safe once the baby is born. I'd rather not take ANY chances with a loaded weapon in the house. It is expensive, but I agree with the Cowboy, it's worth it if you weigh it against the life of your child.

I have the same problem with glasses, so I started keeping them on the nightstand. I want to get LASIK, not only for the benefit of no longer needing contacts, but for the same situation. I hate waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to see anything.

I am paranoid about home invasions as well, maybe to a fault. But sometimes you just can't afford to live anywhere but a place that has a high frequency of home invasions. I hope it never happens to me, but if it does, I would hope I wasn't home for it. That's what insurance is for, stuff is replaceable. My family, however, is not, and if I ever was home, you can be sure I have run through the scenarios in my head a thousand times. I have also trained my wife on the proper use of firearms and self-defense, for when I'm away on business.

My home is my castle, and my castle is well-protected.
Wyo said it best. Keep the gun from the child, get one/both of the early warning systems (dog or alarm). With the commotion of either your fobus or charger will not be heard (if the home invasion even continues after the above two).

You don't sound paranoid as Skyguy suggested. You sound like someone who is thinking tactically in advance and thats good.
So then I started thinking, how ready am I really?
Perhaps the better question would be "how ready do I need to be?" or "what do I need to be ready for?" It's always a balancing act, cost versus benefit, and it is easy to get out of balance.
+1 Wyo Cowboy

I second the suggestions made by Wyo Cowboy. Dogs are a wonderful deterrent, alarm, and self defense tool. My pit, Annie, is great. Loyal, loving, will defend the family, etc. That, a sfae and a Sig and all's well:D
Being prepared means having a plan.

It also means that you should realize that things can go wrong with the plan.

That means not freaking out when it goes wrong, keeping a cool head and adapting to snatch the advantage back.


If YOU are prepared for battle then you need not be afraid of it. Because I am prepared mentally, spiritually and physically I feel confident and relaxed. Have a plan. And mentally rehearse it over and over again. Obviously, keep your prescription eye glasses next to your bed along w/your gun and a light. Know your castle and its grounds intimately. Get a smart and loving dog. I have two Akitas. A brother and his sister and they are AWESOME. Best guard dogs ever IMHO! Buy protective shutters or get an alarm for your perimeter defense. And be prepared for the worst. Because it is out there waiting to victimize all the unsuspecting fools who believe it will never happen to them...

Late, S Tzu

Brothers, read Sun Tzu's original masterpiece THE ART OF WAR
SrtDog -

A lot of Surefire lights make ZERO noise when activated and require non-rechargeable lithium batteries. They also mount on your pistol if you have a standard rail. Worth looking into IMHO.

Good that you think about these things in the first place.
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I'm prepared to use my weapon and to not stop firing till the threat is neutralized. I have my early warning radar my 2 pittbulls and my shotgun within arms reach at night. The rest of the time in the house my Sig is always on my hip. The USP is hibernating for the summer.
Paranoid nope, Prepared yep!

How much more prepared can one be? I've got two 95# dogs who bark at the slightest noise outside. In fact sometimes they are a nuisance because of it. I've got a very good alarm system and the outside of my house is very well lit. I have dead-bolts on all my doors so a burglar would have to kick in the door. I have nite-lights in all my rooms so my house is never completely dark. I sleep with my firearm in my nightstand drawer next to my bed. The only way I could be more prepared is to install some Claymores around the perimeter of my property.

Skyguy said:
LE work can be stressful as is evidenced by the high number of divorces, alcohol and drug abuse, overeating, steroids, control issues, relationship issues, paranoia and other various stress/anxiety issues.
The topic is How Ready Are You What the hell has this got do with anything?
Big +1 on the 4 legged alarm and the electronic security system.

Please be sure you have time for the dog and treat it like one of the family rather than just an alarm system. You have much more to fear from an big, mean, untrained dog than you do of a burgler. If you don't take time to bond with the dog, it is going to be much more of a liability than an asset. Besides, you don't have to feed an electronic alarm system (other than electricity), it doesn't pee or poop, and you don't have to take it to the vet. Oh yeah, and an alarm system does not shed. There is enough hair in my backyard that makes me wonder if I have one dog or three.

If you have the time and energy for a dog, by all means, get one. They are man's best friend after all.

One more thing... Don't forget that leaving a firearm accessible to kids is against the law. After you deal with the loss of your child, they will haul your butt off to jail. Keep your guns locked up if you have kids around! Those palm print safes are great. Some even have an indicator to alert you if someone tried to open the safe incorrectly. Then the kiddies will catch hell.
You don't need your glasses on to swing an aluminum baseball bat if somebody wakes you up the wrong way unexpectedly at close range.
How Ready Are You?

I have a multi-zone alarm system from Radio Shack that I installed myself. If Mr. Gremlin comes through the door or a window, loud will not be relevant. The alarm is deafening.
Don't worry about how loud your holster is, make the gremlin run away before you are forced to shoot.
It seems like you need to rethink your perimeter. Good locks, exterior lighting with motion detectors, an alarm system are all a lot cheaper than a lawyer to defend yourself against lawsuits which seem to follow a self-defense situation.
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