How prevalant are Game wardens?

I just met with one of our "Conservation Officers" yesterday about someone leaving tree stands up.
In PA, on game lands, your allowed to set up a tree stand 2 weeks prior, and must be removed 1 week after season.
If you leave a tree stand over night it must be tagged with your information.

Guy came in on me last year and set up 3 stands around me and left them. His tough luck as the Game Commission owns them now.
So watching a similar show

Lone star law

Wardens in Texas

Two wardens are called out to a farm where a woman claims they have shot a Mountain lion

Long story short there was no lion, they were drunk and high/medicaded

Wardens just give them a Stern talking to

How can shooting under the influence not be atleast a ticketable offense if not a crime?

Their own property Yeah but super unsafe
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How can shooting under the influence not be atleast a ticketabke offense if not a crime?

Their own property Yeah but super unsafe

Being drunk is super unsafe. Should that be illegal on their own property? You can't make everything unsafe an illegal activity.
A long time ago people figured out "reality show",documentary,etc have a degree of inaccuracy because people change in front of a camera or microphone.

I find series like "Yukon Men" (About Tanana,AK),Alaska State Troopers,and some other Nat Geo embedded law enforcement shows some of the best to watch in the late night hours,IMO.....for entertainment that is somewhat educational.

Its still edited to National Geographic standards.

I would not plan my hunt around a game warden reality show.

You can bet nearly all states have laws against shooting while impaired or intoxicated.I'm not in Texas,I don't know Texas law.It would surprise me if it was lawful in Texas to hunt/shoot while intoxicated,

Its a good question to ask. I would not jump to conclusions on legal matters based on a reality show.
Every year I hunt in the same spot a 12 acre plot of state land adjacent to a 6000 acre Jay Mountain preserve by staying within the posted signs I don't get lost. Well every year when I come out of the woods there's a game warden parked next to my vehicle we have a civil conversation as I unload my rifle and pistol. He's just doing his job and I appreciate it.
i sincerely wish the state of Oklahoma took game law violations more seriously. For the past 20 years our game cameras show good bucks that are killed beginning in late July-early August. Calling the game wardens and sheriff are an exercise in futility. One new game warden went after the perp but was soon transferred.

The neighbor to one of my properties is a long time scofflaw. That guy shocked the neighbors fish ponds, poached and trespassed at will. An irate neighbor, whose crippled grand daughter wanted only to kill a big buck, got tired of the scumbags antics. He put the scofflaw out of the cattle business.

i would not kill a mans cows. But that action did stop the trespassing and poaching.
Big game hunting season is soon to arrive here in Wyoming (some antelope and elk areas have already been open for a couple of weeks). Got my tags, and I still absolutely love this magical time of year.

Most every year at some point, whilst in the field (or on the mountain) during the season, I see and visit with our local game warden; a good, dedicated man who also likes to hunt on his time off. Personally, I'm glad our warden also has a few Wyo game biologists that help him out during the season (deputy wardens so to speak); good guys, all. And you'll find them on the mountain (the Big Horns in my case), and out in the plains, too. They know how to get around and are effective and friendly in their work.

As long as a hunter abides by the rules there's no problems, as it should be. Wyoming hunters have the opportunity every year to meet with game and fish officials, generally in the spring, for input on seasons and regulations. These are advertised, local public meetings. I've found if one has a concern, the game and fish people listen and act if necessary.

Good hunting to all this season.
Being drunk is super unsafe. Should that be illegal on their own property? You can't make everything unsafe an illegal activity.
Being drunk is super unsafe. Should that be illegal on their own property? You can't make everything unsafe an illegal activity.

When it is unsafe for others Yeah
The perp wasn't alone on the property
Stray bullets can kill a few kilometers

For yourself to
There are two kinds of wardens in this State. The old timer wardens are understanding and easy to talk too.
Those rookie's just hired on the other hand? typically are gung~ho individuals wanting to write a ticket or two and confiscate without hesitation.
I'm willing to bet those rookie wardens have their ticket book filled-out prior only requiring on each ticket the perpetrators name and address so's to save time listening to some others tale of woo.

Haven't run into a warden for quite some time. Due their likely thinking I'm just a harmless old feller walking down a ditch edge with a boat cushion and a old Winchester 94 in hand.. :rolleyes: