How Old is My M16?

Other uses for C-rations

You can mark a PZ with the C-ration peanut butter. Just lay the cans out in the inverted "Y", cut the cans open, light them. They will burn nicely.

You could trade the 20 year old cigarettes to a smoker for their peaches.


Hmmm. Wish I'd thought of it. It would have gone well with my rechargeable electric razor. Had a Remington that was good for about 2 weeks in the bush. :D

I DID have a nice big 4 inch thick peice of foam rubber for a bed, once I moved over to the TOWs. Ahhhh, only 4 men in a track built for 11! Room to stretch out! Pack it in, grunts! :D

I never tried burning cheese. I was afraid of toxic fumes!

Hey, watch out for that B1 unit. Old as it is, I suspect you should call the bomb squad to take care of it!

When I was a young PFC we got a batch of Cs that were dated the year I was born! They seeeeeemed okay, so Sergeant NeverWasTooBright told us to eat them. Being stupid and hungry we did. Ohhhh, did we :barf: !!!! But later that day. Odd thing was it took several days to hit some of us. I got it the evening I was to go home on my first leave.

Yeah, I got 'rich' trading cigarettes. But they phased them out while I was in. Mid '70s.

Hey, did we get seriously off track here or what? It's YOUR fault, Nightcrawler! You started all this talk about "OLD"!

Ah, you young guys with your modern, up-to-date C-rats and MREs! You ain't lived 'til you tried WW II K-rats.

Even as an I-can-eat-anything-and-live kid of ten years, I got about 1/4 of the way into one of those ^%$%#!!! :barf: is complimentary!!!

:D, Art

I've heard of these...these "Kay-Rashons" of which you speak. Ancient tomes tell us that since time immemorial, Knights of the Old Republic were forced to go into battle with nothing for sustinance but inadequate, foul foods that were barely edible and left the warriors with pains in their guts and doubt in their hearts....

(My dad enlisted in the USAF in the late 50's. I think he had a few K-Rations in his life.) :D
Late '50s, Nightcrawler? Musta been leftovers from Normandy or Guadalcanal...At least the one I tried was "fresh". :D Any resemblance to, ah, "food" was accidental and unintended.
