How often do you train?

Sorry. Predetermined isn't the word I wanted. Defined outcomes. What is it that I want this training to accomplish? Sometimes, define that first then figure out a way to train into the outcome.
SD situations happen at close range. You don't have to be an internet marksman that breaks all olympic and military records in each thread. If you just practice drawing your weapon and shoot 6 rounds a month you are ready for the average 10' confrontation.

A few weeks ago in our area two brothers shot it out at 6'. One is dead. The other is still in ICU. We are hoping he is released from ICU today.
Old Crow I think that's a pretty broad statement. Maybe an experienced shooter might maintain some sort of skill level with 6 rounds/month but I can't and I've owned handguns for more than 30 years. I don't think a new shooter could either.
Not trying to pick at your post but I don't agree.
I shoot in our local IDPA matches so just for that I am going through 2500 rounds a year broke up into the several guns I use for that. Then I shoot weekly (when I can) and will shoot 50 rounds or so. My main IDPA Glock is a Gen 4 and probably has 200 rounds through it.

I have always laughed at guys worried about round count. The first time I ever thought of recording it was when we were issued a book with our Beretta's to log each round, each malfunction etc. That gun broke the frame at 3000 rounds. The H&K P2000 that replaced it went 15,000 ronds before I turned it in. Some guns will wear out quicker than others, some may just need a tune up, and some like AR's may just need an extractor and spring at 5000 rounds. I wore our a Remington 742 I shot it so much, wore the locking lugs off.

Buying a used gun is always a little gamble. Most people do not shoot as much as most on this board. Most guns will last a lifetime of casual shooting, a gun is no different from any other machine, if you use it, arts will wear and need to be replaced eventually.
For the past couple of months I've been able to shoot at least a couple weekends each month. A few weeks ago I felt like I'd never picked up my pistol and after about 60 rounds called it a day. No use training if it isn't working.

Took my daughter on Sunday(dragging feet and pouting) and shot a few mags. Patterns were very good and everything felt right. She stayed in the truck until I went to get her then shot another 70 or so rounds while she was hanging out at the line. Explained what the cease fire lights and message on the loudspeaker was for, showed her the target distances, and then grabbed my targets and showed her what my shot patterns looked like from when I first started shooting and now. At 25 yds now I'm hitting a tighter pattern than when I first began shooting at 5 or 7 yards.

Later at home I thanked her for coming with me and she said, "Your welcome". Then asked if she wanted to come up again and she said kind of shyly, "maybe", which for her means YES.

So I got in a little shooting and taught my daughter a little bit about the range. Next up will be some training for her with my old .22 rifle.
I used to train and shoot a defensive rifle match once a month but the past several month my high-cap guns i used have been in the pawn shop, money has been tight.