How much is your kid worth? VT settlement

Living in the state is a lot different that going to the morgue to claim a body.

Certainly. I am not claiming otherwise. I don't just live in the state. My family, friends and I are part of VT. I will ask you the same question that I ask Playboy yesterday.

Please show me one family who is a direct victim of this attack that is calling for more guns on campus. Please show me a statement from one family who had a son, husband, wife or daughter shot by Cho that is talking about suing the state because their loved one was not allowed to carry a gun on campus. Please show me a statement of one of these victims who are calling for CCW on the VT campus.
So JohnBT, if someone is wronged by the state - the state should not have to pay damages as you as a taxpayer contribute to paying the damages?

If a state police officer committed some horrendous act, the state has no responsible to pay damages as some of that comes from you?

Also, these memorials and releasing ballons, etc. really need to be re-thought. While they have (maybe) some utility for the victims, they are tremendous incentives and vicarious reinforcement for the next shooter.

Experts in social cognition, criminology, etc. have been saying this for quite awhile.

The next Cho is fantasizing wanting to make the next 'community' weep and cry as they plan their attack and 'warrior' death.
"So JohnBT, if someone is wronged by the state - the state should not have to pay damages as you as a taxpayer contribute to paying the damages?"

I never said that. I was simply encouraging folks not to jump so fast to support lawsuits when it will be the taxpayers who foot the bill, not the individuals with direct responsibility.

According to the article I just read in today's Richmond Times-Dispatch, in the 1970s the state limited its exposure to lawsuits to a maximum of $100,000, except in the case of gross negligence. I imagine it would take a very good lawyer to prove gross negligence. Heck, I don't even know how VA defines it, but I imagine they have it covered somehow.

Also according to the article, some family members reportedly want nothing and some want $2,000,000.

It is the policies of the state of Virginia and VT that contributed to the tragedy. They are the entities that led, in part, to the tragedy. It is true that these entities are funding by the tax payers of VA. However, suing human individuals would be neigh on impossible here.

The negligence comes in two fashions, IMHO:

1. The lack of ability to defend due to carry bans - I grant you this is hard to prove. I don't think it has been done yet in the country. There have been other suits about schools not protecting kids - based on things like not stopping bigoted behavior. But not guns yet.

2. VT could have acted against Cho due to his mental issues but misunderstood the Federal reporting and privacy issues. That's been reported in the education press. That's negligence, more clearly.

Not to inflame our rhetoric but if I were a parent in such, my goal in a suit would be to influence policy and perhaps save other kids. The amount of money would never compensate for my kid's loss.

I've thought about this alot. My kid missed by a week a major terrorist attack - Thank you, God - but no money would make up her loss.
Without commenting on whether or not a suit is valid...

I will say that a settlement amount of $100K is actually rather insulting.

College graduates rarely hold minimum wage jobs for their entire working lives, , and if there is a legal decision that the college is responsible for making compensation for the deaths, included in that should be the earnings lost.

I cannot begin to put a price on the life on one of my children, I do not see how anyone could. But if one were to put a dollar amount on it, it better include not only what that child likely would have earned during their life, but also to include something to balance the fact that that child would never have children (my grandchildren).

Decades ago, when a GI truckdriver ran over a German farmer's chicken, not only did our government havre to pay for the chicken, but for ALL the eggs that chicken would have laid as well. If we can do that for a foreign fowl, how could we do any less for a human?

They may not be found legally responsible, but my personal opinion is that any place that forbids you the means to protect yourself assumes and implies that they will protect you, and if they fail in that charge, then they are liable.