How much have you spent on rifles?

Let me put it this way:

I am a confirmed gun junky.
I quite literally live for guns and knives. BUT.... My habit supports my family of seven, and two other families.

I now have 4200 square foot shop, and half of it is devoted to gunsmithing. Two other "freaks" work with me. They live for this too.
Lathe, two mills, stock customization/manufacture, a sizable collection, numerous specialty tools, reloading equipment, FFLs in O1 and O6, the list goes on.....

I have spent more than just money on rifles, I am spending my life. I wouldn't have it any other way. :D
This thread got me thinking, and once I added it up I was very surprised! :D Then I guesstimated ammo costs, and how much of my personal time! :eek: In actual guns I only have a little over a liberal democrat in value, but then again I counted eight that I picked up used for under $300.

And I want to be like Mad Dog when I grow up! :p
How much is my wife paying you to find out?
Spent on Rifles?

I've spent enough over the last 35 yrs. to pay for a nice house and a good truck. and I almost never let one go.I'm not a gun collector more like a gun accumulater. I look at the money spent on ALL guns as a savings account that I get a lot more enjoyment out of than the money. I'll always be able to get the money out of them if I really needed it. :D