How much barrel is required?

Handguns should be handy, not big cumbersome pigs. Ballistics be damned, DA prefered in 4" no more than 6, SA's prefered in 4 3/4" no more than 6 1/2". If you can't obtain the ballistics you need in those barrel lengths from a .460 you need to changing platforms. And IMO that holds true no matter if you're using a .22lr or a big super mag. And the weight! Oh my, who in the heck wants to carry that in any sort of holster?

Unless these BIG handguns get you added seasons like being able to use them during a "primitive" season, it very much seems a case of doing/creating something fo no real reason. A case of someone wondering whether they could instead of if they should.
I have a friend who owns more than 50 firearms, all but two of them purchased in the last 4 years. And with the exception of two or three that are employed for carry, NONE of them, none, have or serve ANY purpose other than to own, to shoot, to enjoy and to experience.

Some of your comments make it sound like you wouldn't know what this meant if it sat on your face.

Pretty sad. And it drips from your posts.
I have a friend who owns more than 50 firearms, all but two of them purchased in the last 4 years. And with the exception of two or three that are employed for carry, NONE of them, none, have or serve ANY purpose other than to own, to shoot, to enjoy and to experience.

That's all fine and dandy. But the thread isn't about what your friend owns or likes to shoot, or you or me for that matter. The question is "what is enough?" I did nothing more than to say that 4"-6.5" is enough and if it isn't than you need to look elsewhere. Adding inches up front doesn't increase it's value in the field in any way but does detract from it. I'm all good if you, you're friend, the OP or anyone else likes to shoot/use a long barreled ubber magnums but there's enough, and then there's enough. 4-6.5" barrels is enough. It's what I said and gave reasons to in my first post yet you don't like it. I'm gonna go cry now.
I have seen revolvers from 1" to 14" barrels. What do you need to get a caliber to perform?

What do you mean by perform?

If you mean,"Hit what your're shooting at," your barrel length only needs to be long enough to stabilize the bullet. I carry a K-Frame .38 with a 1 7/8" barrel..I can make good hits at 20 yards.

If you mean "Maximize bullet energy when it leaves the barrel," it depends on your caliber, bullet weight, powder charge, barrel length," etc.
Apparently there is no one answer for this. Thanks to the person who posted the chart. Very resourceful for my decision.
If you want a pistol to be a pistol then all the barrel you want or need is six inches long. You want longer, say 7 or 8? Okay you can do that, but all of a sudden you have a carbine with a lousy stock...none at all.

The charm of a pistol is its size and relative power, if you want to shoot .44 mags and such, from a small package. You want a bigger pistol, then I'd go for an Encore with a stock. You will end up with an accurate, light, powerful and quick little carbine, but it is not a pistol.