How much ammo

You know the fridge idea could be a realy great one. I know shops that keep there welding rods in old fridges that still work, becaus they are very dry on the inside becaus of the dehumidifier built into them. How does cold effect ammo??? It could be something to look into.
I got 75 bucks for my birthday.. what did I spend it on? Found a place where I could get a 500 round case of CAS .44 Mag rounds for 119.99, so yeah...

Depends really. For Christmas, I got 3000 .22 LR(since its the only gun I can shoot around the place any more.. long story :rolleyes: ). Usually try to keep at least 2 boxes of the Remmington Gold Hollowpoints, just got 3 more for this weekend so.

Only got 1 box of .38 Special right now, don't shoot it to often.

Same deal with the 12 gauge, 1 box of Federal 00 Magnum Buckshot, 6 2 3/4" shells(well, actually its 2 boxes, cept the gun is loaded at all times)

I have exactly 8 7.62x39mm shells. The guy only gave me 10 shots, so to try it out I loaded it up and fired off two. The SKS(and dad's p85) are the only other guns in the house that are kept loaded and ready, rest are in the safe in my closet.

When I get the extra money(restoring a truck is one big money pit..), I plan to stock up on 12 guage 2 3/4", 7.62x39mm, and .38 Spl

Oh yeah, the Blackpowder rifle is just for display.. built it out of a kit, and I dont think I would want to fire it :D
The ranges around here have started prohibiting outside ammo, so I'm afraid to stock up, only to be "stuck" with a large amount I won't be able to shoot easily. Really sucks, but there it is. :barf:
Probably liability stuff? I am fortunate to have friends who have areas to shoot on their spreads. I can't shoot anything bigger than a .22 at my house since the yuppy neighbors get mad and call the state police(I can I guess, but dealing with the cops is something I DON'T LIKE TO DO, especially WA Troopers)
Probably more of a profit thing. They are most likely using cheap ammo, and selling it at a pretty good profit, and blaming it on lawyers. Hell, one range around here sells cheap reloads (actually darned reliable) that use the spent casings that are left at the range (I take mine home). They are going for $10 or so, which I think is a bit steep for reloads, but about the same price as WWB, without having to to go wally world beforehand. I don't really like traditional ranges with a range official, all the stupid no holster draw, no rapid fire, etc rules. Those may work for most, but when Im shooting pistol, I want to be practicing more than just slow fire, maximum accuracy shooting. I need to be able to practice shooting from the draw, in a quick 3 shot string, decock, reholster, repeat. Pure accuracy doesn't really help one become proficient with the whole pistol system, which the holster is a very large part of.

Where in FL are you? What range do you go to? I used to go to American Indoor off of Pembroke road in Hallandale. I used to go quite often so the guys there knew me. If the range was empty, they would let me go in and set up multiple target and draw from my holster. It is just too dangerous to let total strangers do that kind of practice without knowing their level of skill or even basic knowledge of gun safety. Don't forget that gun ranges are in business of making money and lawsuits are a great waste of money.

Get to know the guys at the range and find out when is their slowest time. They are much less likely to reject if there isn't much liability. Another thing is they won't have to explain to some newbie why you are allowed to do those kinds of drill and why he isn't.
how much ammo

enough that if the house catchs on fire im not calling the fire department i'll be to busy running to another county.
It occurs to me that I have as much ammo for guns I don't have as for guns that I do. I have more 5.45x39 than anything.
I didn't read EVERY post, but I'll guess I have the least amount stock-piled.

for the 9mm: I keep about 50 rounds of JHP for personal protection. Other than that, I usually go buy my target ammo on the way to the range (Wal-Mart WWB). Any leftovers from that will add to my total. I think I've had maybe 250 rounds max at home. But it's not always like that.

for the 12 gauge: I recently bough a box of shells (25 rounds). Haven't used it yet.

That's it. Sad, huh? :(
Haven't taken inventory lately but it's about:
1,000rnds 7.62x39 for Mini-30 and SKS
100rnds .308 for Ruger M77 MKII
100rnds .30-06 for Rem. 7400
50rnds 12ga OObuck and/or slugs
200rnds .45acp
100rnds .44mag
I try to keep about 100 rounds of SD ammo per gun and 1,000 rounds of FMJ stuff per caliber for range work. The FMJ keeps disappearing whenever I go out of town on the weekends for a few hours, though. Wonder where it keeps going... ;)
you guys are lucky

u really are! here in south africa we cant have more than 200 rounds per caliber total!

edit: we can also have only 1 gun for SD; a pistol to carry or a shotgun for the house.
getting more than 1 is just this side of impossible.
stupid govt. = stupid laws
Dre_sa said:
here in south africa we cant have more than 200 rounds per caliber total!

Who cares? That just gives you more reasons to own more guns of different calibers!:D Look at my signature. I have one gun in each of those calibers. I guess that means I am allowed to own quite a stockpile of ammo.
I keep as a minimum:
3-500 rounds of 9mm
200 rounds of .45acp
100 rounds of .400 corbon
200 rounds of .357mag
50 rounds of .44mag
50 rounds of .30-30
100 rounds of .308
500 rounds of .22LR

I usually do a bunch of reloading in the fall and end up having:
1000-1500 rounds of .45acp
500 rounds of .400 corbon
500 rounds of .357mag
500 rounds of .44mag
300 rounds of .30-30
300 rounds of .308

I don't load for 9mm or .22LR.
i personally keep 500 for the ak, 300 168gr black hills match ammo for the m1a national match and the 700pss. 5 magazines for the xd which are loaded with hornaday xtp. Shotgun with 8 00 buck. That is in case ammo. not target ammo, i normally keep much more but the stated above is guaranteed on hand
You hear some people talk about having 10,000 rds for a dooms day event which is totally ridiculious I think. If you are figting a force that big that you need that much ammo you won't survive long enough to use it, because the people you are trying to take out are probally trainned to a higher level than you, and if not have the man power and numbers alone to take you out. Some might say well i have all my militia buddies to back me up well that is cool until they roll up on you with some react to contact and flanking movements that you have never seen. As a matter of fact you will probally be killed early on and they will take your weapon, and the ammo that you just had to have, and destroy the rest of your town while they rape and pilage everyone that you love and kill them with your 10,000 rds of ammo.
I keep AT LEAST 3500 rounds of 5.45x39 on hand.

Right now the others are roughly:

.45ACP-2 guns
1000 FMJ
500 Rangers

9mm-3 guns
2500 FMJ
1000 Rangers

12 Gauge- 1 gun
50 Slugs
250 Low Recoil Ranger 00 Buck

.22LR-1 gun
3000 assorted

.308-1 gun
500 BTHP
us.armysniper said:
You hear some people talk about having 10,000 rds for a dooms day event which is totally ridiculious I think.

I agree for the most part but there are plausible scenarios where having a boat load of ammo is a good idea.

For one, lets see what happens if Hillary (God forbid) actually gets elected. There are already too many guns for them to confiscate. Heavily taxing ammo or even restricting it could be a serious possibility. What about if they finally work out those tracing tags like they have for tazers and require people to register when they buy ammo? Those who have a decent supply will be in much better shape. I see the same thing happening for reloading supplies as well.

Scenario two is also highly possible. I am from Miami and we just had ourselves a little visit from hurricane Wilma. It blew through as a catagory 3 and cut power to almost 6 million people. Fortunately we are a much more civilized town than New Orleans (debatable for sure), but we didn't have any of the madness they experienced afterwards. If looting started getting bad, I would organize a watch group with the neighbors and arm the watchmen. 10,000 rounds is over kill for sure but better safe than sorry. This is provided that we don't get flooded out and can't reach our ammo of course!

Scenaio three comes from a book called Alas Babylon. It is about people who survive a nuclear attack on the United States. I know Russia is pretty unlikely to do anything but what about China? They have more than enough nukes pointed at us to get the job done. Lets hope "made in China" quality carries over to their nukes as well and they all end up blowing up in their silos. Anyways, the book talked about a small town (not worth nuking) in Florida and their survival struggles afterwards. They had to deal with looters and the break down of society and order in general. They also used to weapons for hunting.

As for some elite fighting force coming after me, I highly doubt it. I am not a Branch Dividian or member of any other wacko cult. I will not fire upon U.S. soldiers or police officers. I don't think any paramilitary group could actually invade the U.S. and they sure as hell wouldn't care to invade my neighborhood.

I'm not a doomsday kind of guy, but I think it isn't a bad idea to keep a decent supply of ammo around.
For one, lets see what happens if Hillary (God forbid) actually gets elected
Now that is something i agree with. having enough ammo to supply yourself in case the left wings decide to take out the ammo plants, we have all the guns we want but with no ammo we will be in a bad way. I was speaking of a person in a particular article who has or says he has that much put away just for use in a dooms day event he said nothing about stockpilling in case they take our ammo and the supply dries up. so it sounded to me like he was gonna take on ww3 all by himself. but maybe i misunderstud I will find it again hopfully and try to post it.
.357mag-200 (various)
20ga-500 (various)

Old school lockers come in handy!!!
.22LR - 150 rnds.
.40S&W - 1,000 rnds. (including 50 JHPs)
7.62x39 - 30 rnds.
.30-06 - none

I usually buy for each caliber in 1,000 rnd. increments when my supply gets down to about 100, so itz time to get more .22 and 7.62x39. I'm planning on selling the .30-06, hence the lack of ammo. But based on the arsenals some of you guys posted, it looks like I need a lot more guns (and corresponding ammo)!
