How much ammo


New member
How much ammo do you stock up on for each caliber you have. Some ammo is cheap like 223 or 76239, but others can be costly.
I stock up with as much as I can. Never know when my area gets invaded by a foreign power again. :rolleyes:

But really, I buy whatever is on sale and as much as of it as I can afford. I have a place to keep it though and I don't let it get exposed to heat.
Yep, I buy when on sale as well. So my 'reserves' are often lopsided based on what was most recently on sale.

My goal isn't about trying to maintain a proper amount for each caliber, but about not being inconvenienced with running out and then having to buy at full price. So, I am not a big planner for the great invasion either. My plans really only involve making sure I have enough ammo to shoot NEXT weekend.
Ammo inventory.......

I like to have 100+ 22LR, 100+ of each handgun I own, hunting ammo is about 20-30 per rifle, and for some reason I have a small boat load of mixed shotgun loads.... I think it's because I enjoy shooting it a little less than the others? ;)

I try not to over stock at home..... I worry for the fire departments safety if God forbid my place ever goes up in smoke..... My next purchase will be a real good fire proof safe for ammo.......just can't seem to get that savings working very fast... :confused:
I just "re-stocked" on major calibers and have 2000 rnds 7.62x39 (just got my sporter out of the shop), 1500 rounds .223, 500rds .45 (not enough :( ), 500rnds .38/.357, 100rnds for the CZ-52/Luger .30/ and Star 9mm Largo (hey, it's expensive to fire these bad boys :) (or :( ).

Now, the funny thing is, I have about 50,000 rounds of .22. Everytime I go to Bi-Mart or any other Mart, they are having sales on .22 ammo and I have to pick up a couple of bricks (you know, "hey, it's on sale"). I didn't realize that I had so much until I stocked up and was putting the rounds (other than .22) into the ammo cans in the safe and found that I didn't have enough room due to all the .22 ammo. Got curious and started to add it up.

I do hope that the post on ".22 the most dangerous" is true cause I've got enough to outfit a small army :eek: .

Right now I'm down to just over 3500 rounds ADI 7.62 (by51) and that is the bottom of my barrel....any less and I consider myself out. As for .22, I have about 20 bricks. I'm not sure about handgun ammo, but at least several hundred of each caliber I shoot.
I also stock up when things go on sale. I bought a bunch of 9mm Winchester USA at $5 a box. I think I had about 6 cases of it at one time. I shoot my 9mm the most though so I'm at least half way though that (and I don't even get out to the range as much as I want to). As for .40 and .45, I have a full case of each (a case is usually 10 boxes of 50 rounds). I don't stock for the .32 or.357 though cause I really don't shoot them that much. I probably have a few boxes of defensive ammo lying around but I don't count that. As for shot shells, I've probably got about half a dozen boxes sitting around. The funny thing is I haven't fired that thing yet. I'll put that on my to do list. As for .22, I've probably got about 2 bricks worth. It is amazing how fast you can go through so many rounds.

I'm also just looking for a good price so I don't have to pay out the nose when my trigger finger gets itchy. I'm not a closet militia guy by any means, although you would think so with my stock pile! :eek:
Hmm, let's see what I have on hand:

.380 ACP: 200 rounds of FMJ and about 50 rounds of GDHP's on hand, I just ordered another 1000 rounds of FMJ.
Total: appx. 250 rounds on hand, 1000 on order.

.38 spl: 500 rounds of WC's, 700 rounds of SWC's, 50 rounds of WWB +P JHP's, about 50 rounds of +P GDHP's.
Total: appx. 1300 rounds.

.357 Mag: part box of JSP's, 20 rounds HydraShoks, 100 rounds GDHP's.
Total: appx. 140 rounds.
I have about 3 cases of shotgun shells, 4 bricks of .22lr, 500rounds of 9mm, about 20 7.62x54 :( gota order some more, slap out of 7.62x25 :mad: .
Damn, I feel understocked. I just have about 200 .22lr, 50 12ga shells, 5 crossbow bolts, and 500 BB's.

Guess I need to go and get some more ammo (Actually I need to go out and get some more guns!) :D
Ideal (IMO) is having enough ammunition that a typical range trip won't change the first two digits of my inventory in any caliber.

Practically, I think 2000 rounds for an auto-pistol caliber and 1000 rounds for a rifle or revolver caliber is a good goal.

That's centerfire--you should always have enough rimfire on hand that you don't want to count it! :D
I'm at bare minimum right now:
1,000+ rounds .40 S&W
1,000 rounds 9mm
apx 500 rounds .38/.357 mixed
1,500+ rounds .223
250 rounds mixed 20ga buckshot & slugs
250 rounds 20ga birdshot
apx 200+ rounds each: 30.06, 30-30, 243
apx 10,000 rounds .22LR (I know, can't pass up a sale, lol)
Most of it is in a padlocked footlocker, weighs at least 200, maybe 300 pounds :)

Edit: Oh yeah, & enough supplies to reload at least half of everything listed :P
I only have a 1911, so rounds are pretty expensive. I try to have 100-200 rounds for each trip to go shooting. So I generally by a box or 2 of 50 every week. I've been completely out of practice ammo and have had over a thousand on hand. It just depends on finances and free time.

Then the carry ammo (hydrashocks) I have 2 magazines loaded and another 50 rounds or so sitting around.
Roejoe, I've had a couple of fire safety types tell me that an old refridgerator is a super ammo storage bin. Good insulation in case of a fire and with a bit of work, eaisily lockable. YMMV
I've got large amounts of reloaded practice ammo. Big ammo boxes full of it that I buy a thousand of at a time. And of course multiple "on sale" bricks of .22.

In terms of ammo that I would actually trust for carry or defense (even though I've never had any of my bulk purchased reloads FTF) I keep at least a box of 50 or so around for each firearm I would conceivably use for defense. I make sure I've got enough for at least 2 full loads and then I buy more.

If the Iraqi's suddenly rally and counterattack with an armored column into Colorado, I will have to rely on reloads to defend the cul de sac.

For a civilian defensive situation I've got plenty.
I have 500 rounds of 9mm Luger...

I stock up when on sale. Like others, I like to have enough ammo at the house so that I don't have to stop on the way to the range... Plus, if a firefight were to break out in front of the house, I want enough ammo to at least be respectable.
Thanks Al - neat idea

What a cool idea......... heck with a little modification one could make a little gun vault out of it too? That is one neat trick and I might just think about the next older style (vintage) fridge; 50's-60's time frame? It would also be an overflow for the other cabinet. If a person put it in the basement and put a humidifier / dehumidifier in it and added a few good looking and heavy duty locks it could be a real gem? Thanks Al.........great idea :D

Wow, Al did you think that up or see one someplace......... You are on to something and now I am thinking who, what, where and when to find one ;)
I agree with most folks here, about 1000 rounds per pistol ammo, and 1000 rounds per rifle ammo. Buying in bulk and the stuff for sale is good times. Also saves an extra trip to the sporting goods store before the range.
For my handguns (9mm and .45acp) I keep no less than 500 rounds on hand at any given time. For my shotgun (12 gauge) I keep about 100 rounds of 00 Buck and about 200 rounds of 7 1/2 shot. If I had a nice place to store ammunition, I would keep more, but I worry about safety in a fire. (One would need not forget the acetylene, oxygen and propane tanks in the garage though.)
Roejoe, I've had a couple of fire safety types tell me that an old refridgerator is a super ammo storage bin. Good insulation in case of a fire and with a bit of work, eaisily lockable. YMMV

I went with a large Knaack jobsite box for my ammo. Not as airtight as a freezer or fridge, but more sturdy and lockable. I'll going to make a drywall liner and get a goldenrod in there soon to provide some fire and humidity protection.

As to how much ammo I keep on hand? I don't honestly know, but a 26 cu.ft. Knaack box doesn't hold it all.