How many rounds are enough to carry....for YOU?


New member
So, we all know the statistics and all of this...

But for YOU... how many rounds are enough to carry in your gun? how many extra magazines/moon clips? why?

How this influenced the gun you carry?

(many people feel they are carrying less than they need but either for conceivability or other thing what carry what they carry)
My EDC is a G19 with 1 spare mag on me. Mags are downloaded 1 round, so...
14x2+1 (in the chamber) = 29 rounds on my person.
My bodyguard I'll have loaded full plus an extra mag. My compact I'll have one loaded and an extra full size mag. If I need anywhere near all of my rounds I'll probably have wished I had my rifle.
6+1 or 10+1 depending on what I'm up to. I carry a reload depending on the situation. I am much more likely to carry a reload if I'm carrying the LCP (6+1).
If I'm carrying my revolver, only 5 rounds. But normally I carry a semi, 9 in the pistol with an extra mag of 8.
My policy is I always carry a reload. It's less about the total round count and more about the fact that if I'm putting forth the effort to carry a firearm I might as well put a reload on my hip as well. It's so easy and if I need to use my weapon it will be very comforting to have the extra rounds.

My primary carry is a glock 19 at 15+1+17 glock 17 mag for a total of 33.

My deep concealment carry is an lcp at 6+1+7 round mag for a total of 14.

My woods carry gun is a 357 magnum revolver with either 1 or 2 speedloaders for 12 or 18 rounds.

I feel pretty confident in all those numbers for the situations they are used in.
Unless I'm traveling on a trip, I'm comfortable with just the 5 shots out of my jframe, 7+1 shots out of my sub-compact 1911, or 10+1 shots out of my SR9C for in and around the house and neighborhood.

I don't intend on getting into any long protracted fire fights, especially with the jframe. 2 or 3 fast shots at point blank range at my assailant(s) and I'm headed in the other direction (either for help or for a bigger gun). He'd be a fool to try and follow me.
I still carry a J frame 5 shot revolver some. However, I also now have an XD Mod 2 subcompact in 9mm that holds 13+1. I also carry a 16 round extended mag in my front pocket. 30 rounds should get the job done.

Outside the house I'm a 7+1 kind of guy and I don't plan to be a heroic gun fighter. If two thugs are beating the crap out of you and your wife in a Walmart parking lot, the best you're going to get out of me is a telephone call, probably made from the opposite end of the parking lot.

The firearms instructor at my local range told me there is no documented case of an American civilian involved in a gun fight who reloaded and continued shooting. I have no idea if that's true or not. Anyone have statistics on this?
When I bought my LC9S, there was an extra magazine in the box. I figure I might as well carry it too.

So that's what? 7+1+ another seven?
EDC is Tristar C100 so that gets me 15 + 1. I do carry a spare mag for that gun. I carry the spare mag due to my concern about a jam, not so TV/Movie style shootout needing reloads. My EDC has NEVER jammed, but it's just so easy to carry a spare mag. Occasionally I will carry my Sig P938 on my ankle. I do that when my life motto gets the best of me; "Anything worth doing is worth over doing". :)
Minimum 10 + 1`in the pistol, plus a 10 round spare magazine.
Examples: Glock 26, 29, 30
Its better to have ammo and not need it than need it and not have it.
Lacking a crystal ball or psychic ability, I'd rather try to be prepared than not.
Sometimes stuff happens unexpectedly: San Bernandino, Chattanooga, Sandy Hook, Aroura, Columbine, Heath, Lubys
I'm not quitting my job so zero has to be enough at times and my comfort level goes up from there 5>0 and 10>5 and such. I don't get too hung up on capacity I know the averages but that's why I shoot/train so that I'm a lot better than average;)