How many practice more than gun-foo?

Anything less than a gun in a knife fight is crazy! Unarmed against a knife is a very bad situation to be in.
I like having more than one option available, so I get in some practice with a baton, as well as basic (*very* basic) martial arts on my heavy bag. I think the concept among LEOs is "force continum", or some such buzzword. I also think that it is only applicable in very narrow circumstances, but I'd much rather baton an attacker who is staggering drunk than just plug him. Likewise a skinny kid trying to pick my pocket will get a thumping with elbows and whatnot (followed by a bullet if he pulls a knife).

That said, I spend most of my time training with a firearm. It is amazing how much more "perishable" shooting skills are than plain 'ole a** kickin'.