How many practice more than gun-foo?


How many people on this board practice straight gun handling and trust solely upon those skills to handle most self-defense situations?

How many of you practice other martial arts (unarmed?) besides your gun skills? (for those "just in case" moments?)

How many of you practice empty hand techniques in conjunction with your gun handling skills?

Just curious....I try not to get my hand or foot in front of my gun muzzle. I also have trouble chewing gum and walking without tripping myself...still practicing.
Relying on a gun only is foolish and a good way to get yourself in trouble. Being as well rounded as possible is the best way to go if you can.
I stay tuned up at least once a week by engaging in another form of "practice" that I hope I never need: RUNNING. As in going from a standing start to a full out sprint for at least 20 yards 3 or 4 times every Friday night during typical softball game. :D
Trained in tae kwon do.
Cross trained in boxing.
Cross trained in hapkido.
Cross trained in jui-jutsu.
Weight training to supplement martial training.
Pop off a mile at a good trot with little problem.
Still working on finding anything else that will help.
I've trained in these arts: Aikido, Iaido, TKD, boxing, submission wrestling, Wing Chun. Now I cross train in basically all of them. I take what David Lowry calls "the squirrely approach to the martial arts". Everyday I jump rope, do crunches, shadowbox, pushups, work with light weights, and other stuff. I don't see why people wouldn't train in hand to hand at all. I know people that want to but they "never get around to it". All it takes is at least .5 hour/day.
i train in Goju-Ryu, and i run about three times a week. I used to play baseball and i can chunk a baseball pretty fast :D
Standing in the hallway
Middle of the night.
Was I coming from or going to
The bathroom.

Time for Tai Chee
From tree, smoothly, to butterfly
The answer will appear
The body and mind improve

along with gun handling, Go Ju Ru, knife, some driving, the best I have found is ALERTNESS stay the %@#$ out of potential areas of threat !
Extension tools (knives, sticks, guns, etc.) do just that - extend the mind and body. Until all I can do is pull a trigger, I'll intergrate all modes of mental and physical preparation.

tae kwon do....have taken some defensive folders (knife) courses to supplement. Try to run 3-5 miles 2x week. P-ups and s-ups daily.
Tae Kwon Do.

In some situations you might need to protect yourself, but shooting someone might be going to far. Thats why its a good idea to know how to fight with or without your gun.
In the past I've trained in Aikido, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai and Kali. Then I became a graduate student, and didn't have money/time for private lessons. Lucky for me my university has good martial arts classes that are almost free. So now I'm training in Bujinkan Ninjutsu.

In reality, I'm "cross-training" as much now as I ever was -- "ninjutsu" is an over-arching label for a variety of combative schools, e.g.:

taijutsu - empty hand strikes/kicks
jutaijutsu - empty hand locks/grappling
hanbojutsu - short staves
bojutsu - long staves

My thinking as regards self-defense is a hierarchy of response levels:

Drunk friends lunging around asking to see some "chop-sockey" get a nice soft-fall and joint lock to make them think peaceful thoughts. ;)

Agressive (unarmed) strangers get smacked until they lose interest, or I can get to a throw or lock. They might get dropped on their head.

Against one big lad or several unarmed agressors, there's much to be said for a stick (thwack! poke! run away!)

Deadly weapons provoke deadly force.
Also, in a lethal force scenario you often hear about knife-wielding attackers being able to cover 21 feet in 1.5 seconds. Rather than trying to quick draw on someone who has the drop on you already, some hand to hand training will help you protect yourself and your weapon while you get it into play.
I've got about five years of Karate under my belt (so to speak). Haven't been training recently due to time constraints though :(

I'd highly suggest at least some basic hand to hand training for everyone. Not all situations call for lethal force (obviously) and even if they do, if you get grabbed from behind and can't get at your pistol you're in deep trouble.

I like greybeard's response best. I'd rather run and live than fight and die. It's cool seing Jet Lee and Stevan Siegal snatch a pistol out of somebodies hand and take it apart. I 've been into martial arts for 30 years. In my oppinion anything less than a gun in a gun figth is crazy.