How many people have had a AD?

From being around cops, I have heard of and seen a few too many of these. Unfortunately, LEO's suffer from the contempt bred of familiarity with guns born of toting and handling one every time they get dressed. Skeeter Skelton used to tell the funniest AD stories, I have a bunch but would like to submit a couple:The 70's. Mdl. 870 in stand-up rack in right front floorboard of white Dodge Polara marked unit,barrel angling slightly back but skyward. How to check for loaded while locked in rack? Pull trigger, of course! Subsequent noise very loud and unexpected by either officer. Passenger officer quite humiliated. Driver officer angry due to large amount of seat upholstery sucked into lower region. Novel 2 inch in diameter hole in roof with attractive "star effect." 9 pellets 00 still unaccounted for. I wasn't there for this but the story is told...Saw the hole and talked to the officer after this one: Ofc. "A" proudly shows new Chief's Special to Rookie "X". "A" opens cylinder and empties shells into his palm and hands the weapon to "X". "X" strikes best Dirty Harry pose and Weaver stance and slowly begins "clicking" at foe in mirror, maintaining perfect sight picture, trigger control, and grimace. "A" counts aloud..."1,2,3,4...ah, 1,2,3,4..HEY, X" (insert very large BOOM here, amplified by low ceiling and rows of metal lockers in the POLICE DEPT. locker room). Hole in mirror looked too high to me, I'd say he missed. This type of stuff has helped me make sure that the barrel points only at things that can be destroyed or at least cheaply replaced.
The worst one I ever had was 30 years ago. I had a Ruger flat top 357. Old style. Beautiful gun with a great trigger. I decided to put a trigger shoe on it. I installed the shoe, reloaded the gun with my biggest, loudest, fastest jhp load, put the gun on half cock and set it in my lap. It went off. I saw this big flash, and before I even heard the noise I was thinking, "Oh no, this didn't really happen" but it did.
Blew a hole through my pants, never touched my leg, went through 3 walls, a window fan and hit an old porcelin bucket in a storage closet. There were six people living in that apartment building, and I got to meet every one of them that night. When I put the trigger shoe on, I never checked it and it didn't let the trigger return all the way. I figure that was my freebie, don't ever want to do that again.

Good shootin to ya
"For those who want to have their hair fall out/turn white prematurely, start at your local Club!" No Sh*t!! I had a guy with a cheap Jennings mal func at the start of a stage. He inverted the weapon, turned it at his belly, and tried to start racking the slide. Unbelievable! In shock and horror I told him I'd clear it and gave him the day off. He never returned, much to the delight of the rest of us.

I've had two ND. One was shooting my buddy's 1911 which has a slightly lighter trigger than mine. Gun went off while I was extending my arm during presentaion. Looked like a fast but off target shot to everyone else but I knew what it was.

The other was when I was alone practicing. Slide had locked back on a G17, probably due to a stovepipe I wrongfully assumed it was due to an empty mag. Racked the slide and let one fly 5 feet in front of me when I thought I was dropping the trigger. Dumb. Forgot to always check the chamber.

Yep being a RO will turn your hair white. "or make it fall out"
One time had a shooter who thought he was a quick shot. Had a Colt with grip saftey taped and lots of kitchen table modifications.
Well he had a failer to fire so put the gun at 90% to target and stood there yanking on the trigger. I called "clear and bench your weapons, stand back from the fireing line" He kept pulling the trigger/messing with slide. I was right behind him yelling "DOWNRANGE point the muzzle downrange!" "Take your finger off the trigger" He just wouldn't listen. How do you take the gun without causing a more dangerous situation??? Well the gun finally went BANG the round hit the wall just infront of the fireing line and powdered cement flakes and bounced down the range. Of course he got very upset when I took the gun, cleared it, told him to pack it up and not come back until he had taken it to a qualified smith and learned how to take range commands. "boy was he upset" He thought he was a expert and nobody could tell him anything about guns.
Here's a couple more that I know of, one's kind of funny, the other one just plain horrible and I don't know if it counts as a AD or not.

1)Customer of mine came in my shop one day, and was wearing shorts. I noticed he had a scar on his leg. I jokingly said "Shoot yourself in the leg huh?" to which he replied "Yep". He told me that when he lived down south he had a CCW and carried a Colt Commando revolver in his pocket. He went to a drive thru teller at a bank, and reached in his pocket for his deposit. His revolver was on top of it and as he pulled it out, the gun went off. It went in the top of his leg and came out the bottom and went thru the floorboard of the car. He was hurtin' pretty bad at this point. He hit the gas to get out of there and go to the hospital, as he pulls out of the lane a motorcycle in the next lane turns in front of him and he runs the guy over, breaking that guys leg.

2)This one ain't funny. Local cop carried a HK P7M13 off duty. one day while he and a friend were going to lunch he decided to stop home and grab something. As he was inside his buddy was farting around in the car and found the HK in the glove box. He was looking it over and dicking with it when the gun went off. Bullet struck him in the chin and went through his head killing him. This was a big thing locally and changed the plicy for off duty guns at the department. I had a chance to buy the gun real cheap, but didn't want anything to do with it.

many thousands of rounds, one harmless AD
Years ago, hunting pheasants in Nebraska with my cousins in freezing rain, sleet, snow. (weather sucked but the hunting was great)
seems the trigger on my old Ithica mod 37 got froze back or stuck by ice after dropping a ringneck with one shot. after put the bird in the bag, racked the slide for a fresh one and BANG. one load of shot towards the clouds.
Thank God for those safety drills I endured as a youngster.
No ADs in the 30 years since.
My AD was when I was younger and dumber(?) than I am now. Quick draw McGraw with a loaded .44 Mag. Went off half way out of holster, thru hole in bottom of holster and made hole about 2" behind my right foot. And one double tap with a new trigger job on 1911. I have been VERY careful since then.