How many people have had a AD?

Brian Bilby

New member
There is a old saying that there are too kinds of people out there. Those who have had a accidential discharge and those who haven't had it yet. I have had a couple, always involving a handgun.

What's the goofiest one you have had or heard of?

Mine was with a Browning Hi-Power with no barrel in it! That takes skill, but if anyone can do I can. I was doing a trigger job on it for a customer, and was holding the slide on the frame to test the trigger. Pulled the trigger and nothing happened. Damn magazine safey I mutter. So I look around for a mag, and grab a loaded one out of my bag and shove it in the gun, then push the slide forward. BANG!!! Gun goes off, and bullet bounces off wall and hits me in the chest and falls on my lap smoking. I about load my pants from shock, then pain sets in my hand. You see I was holding the slide on the frame with my hand over the ejection port, and since there was no barrel to support the case, it exploded on ignition, blowing brass into my palm...OUCH!

I know a guy who had a gunsmith out of town play with the trigger on his 1100 Remington. He took it home, loaded it up and went hunting. When he pulled it out of his trunk he racked the bolt and proceeded to put four slugs through the bottom of his car. Gun went full auto on him.

Not too many people will admit it, will they? I mean if I told you I accidentally discharged my PPK/S because of a faulty decocker, it might make me look...dumb.

I have had one (actually an ND - negligent discharge) and witnessed two (one true AD and another ND)

Mine - doing a slide lock reload with my finger on the trigger. Thank goodness I was following all the other rules! The round went harmlessly downrange and into the berm.

The AD - my (now ex) brother-in-law was loading his '94 Winchester for a deer hunt and when the action closed the round went off. Again, due to following common sense rules, the round went into the ground without doing any colateral damage. The hammer was still back after the shot! When the case was ejected there was no sign of a hit on the primer. We both concluded it must have been a sensative primer.

The witnessed ND - At the end of the string of fire in an IDPA match this fellow was in a real hurry to "show clear". The final firing position was directly behind a 55 gallon drum. This fellow stands, removes his mag and sort of half-racks the slide, points the gun at the top of the barrel and puts a round right through it. He got the DQ he deserved and everybody else got a lesson in "showing clear" - it ain't on the clock so don't get in a hurry!

I've heard about lots more but these were the only ones I witnessed.

No I don't feel dumb, at least not now. I was lucky but because of that minor accident I became a fanatic on firearm safety. My kids were the benefit of that.

From my cold dead hands.
There seems to be 3 popular accidents with firearms over here.
It goes off pushed off, when trigger bumped or moved beforehand; on chambering a round or extracting a live round....Bang!

Also "I thought it was unloaded" school and the "ease-springs - military school" - thats caused a lot of trouble over the years in ADs.

Myself...well.. I have often caught out over direction of barrel when safety is on while hunting in thick cover and had a few (safe)ADs in the ISU free-pistol match, but my worst was on a .410 when I was waiting for a pest rat's head to appear near the barn, felt the borrowed gun's trigger and then 'bam'it went into the air (no red for danger on the safety of this Italian .410 folder...but I soon drilled one on and filled it with red paint, (still, it is no excuse).

***Big Bunny***
I had 2 of them about an hour apart a few years ago, went out to shoot,I put a mag into my 1911,pulled back slide and rode it forward, gun went bang.I felt pain between my pinky and ring finger. I thought "S--t I shot my finger off" When I looked all my fingers were there. I just had this black powder burn spot between my fingers. I figured I must have committed the ultimate stupidity..I had my finger in the trigger guard and pressed the trigger just as the slide went into battery with my hand over the ejection port. Shot for a while with no problem. Next time I go to insert a mag into the empty gun.. gun goes bang again when the slide goes forward. Stings my hand again. What I discovered was causing the problem was the firing pin spring was all compressed and would wrap itself tightly around the taper of the firing pin, causing it to stick out of the breach face. I never figured out why the gun never doubled or went auto on me.

[This message has been edited by biker (edited December 17, 1999).]

I'd described my AD/ND on TFL a few months ago in a similar thread and will do so again for your amusement.

Who: Your's truly.

What: MK 19 (Mod 1) 40mm HV Grenade Launcher

When: Sometime in 1970

Where: Somewhere near the Cambodian border, Parrot's Beak AO, US Navy River Assault Divsion 153 Base at Tuyhen Nahn (sp?}, Republic of South Vietnam

How: We (US Navy River Gunboat night ambush team) had returned to base following a long night of no contact. The MK 19 located in my forward gunmount on Assault Support Patrol Boat(ASPB)58 would not clear. (An explanation is in order here: Unlike the modern MK 19 variants, the Mod 1 was a piece of crap that continually malfunctioned...they were worthless). While tied up in the canal leading to our base, directly in front of the EM Club Hootch, I was busily at work in the gunmount, trying to clear the weapon. The bolt suddenly released, stripped a live grenade from the feed chute (which could not be removed...I tried to un-load first), chambered and fired it just over the EM Club roof, and the round impacted harmlessly approx 1200m out into the jungle. (Thank God our unit SOP and training had sunk into my pea brain...whenever returning from patrol, all weapons would be at MAX elevation upon entering the base). At that time, our unit XO, (a lard-assed Canoe U grad) was strolling by with another officer...needless to say he was not amused. I was extremely shook buds who were in the club drinking beer at that time, (about 1000 hrs, IIRC) let me know that in the future, I should point weapons towards the O-Club prior to clearing a malfunction.

Why: Because I was a dumb-ass...the weapon (IIRC) had an electrical firing solenoid...the power was off, something mechanical went wrong OR (most likely) I screwed up.

That's the only ND/AD I've ever experienced.


[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited December 17, 1999).]
Never had an AD or ND with live ammo (did with a blank round once in an M16 in the Army, but I don't know if that counts) but I did witness a rather spectacular one once. My wife and I and a couple friends were at our (thank God first floor) apartment watching a video about five years ago when another friend came over to tell us about the great deal he had just gotten. He had gone to a garage sale that morning and the woman there had mentioned that her husband had an old revolver he wanted to sell, so my friend came back that evening and picked up a Smith and Wesson 45ACP WW2 era revolver from the guy for like $50. He brought it inside and was showing it to us, then he pulled the trigger and BLAM!
Apparently the old guy had kept the gun loaded with 45 Auto Rim for the last 40 years...
Put two nice holes in our carpet first where the bullet impacted and then where it bounced off the concrete and came back up. Amazingly enough, no one called the cops.
My friend has yet to live this down...<g>
For those who want to have their hair fall out/turn white prematurely, start at your local Club !
Having LOADED guns pointed at you aint much fun & then the "Show Clears" with a full mag in the gun that the guy lets the slide go forward (after showing clear) & chambering another round. :(
No wonder so many at home AD's happen !
Had a guy the other night with a badly behaving Hi Power that he finally cleared but with his FINGER ON THE TRIGGER - Guess what ?
How do the full time paid R.O.s cope ????

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
I had an ND in 1978 with a borrowed shotgun. We were snake hunting in the backwoods of Kentucky. Technique was to ride side-saddle on the front hood of a car drving slowly down a country lane -- hoping to catch a snake sunning himself on the road. Here I am, with my feet crossed and the nose of the barrel resting between my feet. This thought goes through my head "Hey, is this thing on safe?" Next thing I know I pull the trigger and BOOM! Car slams to a halt and my buddies pile out "Did you get one?!" I proceeded to spin the most incredible yarn about the big one that got away. I was too scared to tell the truth and astonished at my good fortune to still have all my toes.

Most amusing ND involved the Army on an overseas deployment. A young HMMWV driver had carelessly tossed his M16A2 muzzle first into the passenger floor board. As he went to exit the HMMWV he grabbed the M16A2 and pulled the trigger. BANG BANG BANG! It was on three round burst. I was about 10 yards away in a building and my thought was "Infiltrators!" Seconds later, another BANG BANG BANG! We all went scurrying for cover. The poor soldier had been so startled by his rifle firing that darned if he didn't pull the trigger again! I was VERY IMPRESSED by the damage done to the suspension of the HMMWV. I will never talk badly about the effectiveness of a 5.56 round.

Most tragic ND was that caused by a young soldier who was riding in the back of a troop truck and discharged his M60 MG. The round struck an allied soldier in a guard tower in the chest. He bled to death faster than I can type this. It was an awful affair.
I'll play.

In the living room, putting a comp trigger in my HBAR and doing some adjusting (upper not even on the rifle). Trigger's dialed in almost there. Put the upper back on & try it a few more. Slap a mag in (20 rounds) ready to throw it in the safe (no round in chamber). Decide to try trigger one more time as I'm just not satisfied. Charge it, pull the trigger concentrating oh so carefully on the break & BANG! Didn't even register for coupla seconds. Look at the hole in the window & brass laying on the floor & the two dogs looking at me like I was an idiot. I tend to agree.

While quail hunting in NM, a "buddy" had set his hammer-type 12 ga on the passenger step of my van. Somebody else got in which rocked the van slightly. Shotgun slipped, turned, caught hammer on the step & discharged. Pattern (If you can call a 1" diameter a pattern) missed another buddies head by about 3" & blew an impressive hole through the roof. White faces all around.

Day before we did grenades in GBAD, supposedly a newby had a live one slip out. Instructor kicked it into the sump w/about 1/2 second to spare.
Mine happened at a match. Was using my compact. At the end of the string, dropped mag, pulled slide back, yep it is clear, released slide, pointed down range to drop hammer and BANG! Surprised the heck out of me and the RO. Glad it was pointed down range.

Hopefully every one posting here already knows all this, but it always bears repeating. And this feels like an especially applicable place to do so. There are really only four things to remember - every thing else falls out as corrolaries (sp?) of the 4 Rules

1. The gun is always loaded.

2. Never point the muzzle at anything you are not prepared to destroy. (widespread violation of #2 always makes me nervous at gun shows)

3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.

4. Know your target and what is downrange.
This has been covered before, but it's probably too long a thread to continue, anyway. The worst one I've heard of is in there...
[Link to invalid post]
I have never experienced an AD. I always always live by the above rules. Also I check and double check,never take any chances. When I have a loaded piece that I have been carrying I account for all rounds when unloaded. I try to leave no chance for an accident.

Happy Holidays and Happy Shooting

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
I had an AD about 5 years ago. I had a Jericho 941 with the 9mm conversion in. I was at the firing line, inserted a loaded mag and dropped the slide. I then realized that I had forgotten to put my ear plugs in and I pointed the pistol about 10 yards down range and hit the decocker. You guessed it. A very loud BANG surprised the stuffin's out of me. I quickly sold that gun and still have confidence problems with any firearm with a decocker.

In basic training I witnessed a ND. Our company was at the range training with the M16. There was this bozo that just couldn't get his rifle to fire. Well, the Drill Sargeant went over and started to "instruct" him on the proper way to use that darn thing. As soon as he got to the hole and the recruit heard him, the recruit turned around with the M16 pointed in the air and shot a hole through the Drill Sargeant's hat. Talk about trouble. I never saw that guy again.

A second ND I witnessed was when I was on a tank range in Germany. I was the Tank Commander and instructed the driver to pull into a berm for our next firing position. The loader had the main gun loaded. The gunner was acquiring our next target when BOOM! The three of us in the turret just looked at each other and the driver was on the com going crazy. Boy, did I catch hell over that one.
Hi, guys,

At the risk of bothering some folks, I'll venture that just about everyone who uses or works on guns has had an AD at one time or another. The difference between the knowing and the fools is that the knowing always have the gun pointed in a safe direction.

Mine came when checking the headspace on a revolver and I forgot Colts rotate opposite Smiths. Bang! Bullet in solid wall, no real problem. Taught me not to use live ammo for this sort of thing when an empty case would have done as well.

I agree about only 2 types those that have "had a AD or NG ant those that will.... Mine was at a informal IPSC style range. It was in a old gravel pit and after done shooting a fire was going and stories were told. "NO alochol" even though we were done shooting.
One of the group was a Deputy in the county and had decided to retire his old truck to wood hauling and had bought a new one. But he wanted to have a little fun with it so he wanted a lot of bullet holes in the bed/fender so when other officers saw it parked behind the PD he could build a big story. Well my turn came I had a mag I was sure held only 3rds so loaded aim bang, bang, bang, but slide didn't lock back. "this was a fairly common problem with this load until I warmed it up" I kicked out the mag, pulled back the slide, aimed it back at the truck and BANG!!! Yes it was dark but I could have stuck a finger to check or have someone with a flashlight help. No big deal but I learned a lot. You can make one dumb mistake and noone will get hurt but if you make more then one......
I have explained my AD in depth on TFL before. However if it can prevent someone else from the same thing (or worse) I will tell it again.

Was at the range firing my AK. For some reason Brass case rounds tend to lodge in my chamber and fail to fire. Steel case runs great. No big deal just pop it out with a cleasning rod. I did not have a rod that day. Get home and wife wants to go eat, so I broke a stead fast rule and put a loaded gun in my safe. about a week later I remover the gun , dropped the empty mag, racked the bolt. I DID NOT VISABLY INSPECT THE CHAMBER!! I removed the upper reciever, and was playing with the hammer. click, click, BANG! I tried at the range to fire that round a zillion times, however it picked my living room as the place to go off. Nobody was hurt my dog was scared s***less just like me.

Well, this one is one I tell NOBODY, but I don't know any of you so here we go.

I am very careful with firearms, probably with the exception of this.

I finally acquired my new H&K USP Compact 40CAL. I was a happy bird so I went to show my friend Charlie (he is amazed at every firearm I own, probably because he can't get his CCL due to a small infraction in federal law).

I ALWAYS check the chamber before giving the gun to someone but this time I forgot that I chambered a round before I decided to play with my new trigger.

To make a long story short, "I let one go in his air conditioner". Should have seen the look on his face. I immediately turned on the A/C and it still worked, I couldn't believe it. We went deaf for a day as payment for playing with guns.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"