How many of you train for combat? Physically?

Damn, wish you guys lived by me we could trade some CQB training for some of the high speed stuff you cats know. My life is so boring except for the occasional bar fight, warrant service or high speed chase. If anyone is in my AO northeast MD look me up and we can shoot black rifles together.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
At 41 i dont train/workout like i use to.Ive had my wrist fused and a knee replaced. i was in great shape till about 4 yrs ago. However,i do wrk construction(20yrs)8-10 hrs a day 6-7 days a week. Iclimb,walk steel,pull large cable.Im not fat or over weight,dont smoke or drink to much.I eat good and get plenty rest.
As far as bug-out! well i wont make it far with a 100pnd ALICE,i can run but not far(knee)but for the long haul, ican set a pace a go all day and nite if need be. Yes the body is adaptable.
Plus i got one fine bug-out buggy that will Sh*t an git,77jeep FSJ wagoneer 360 auto bored and cammed sittin on 33's. Hopefuly it will haul most of my eguipment across mud,woods,hills,desert. If all that fails, i'll just put up one heavy concentration of 7.62x39 fire while wife and kids haul a*s!

how many times do we move the line only physical training is belly dancing three or four times a week. I guess if we go to war with an Arab country, that will probably save me, though. They'll just add me to the harem and let me live. I've always thought that the best possible placement would be third favorite wife; you'd get a big allowance and have a lot of free time. Any lower than that might get tedious, though.

I do have to re-cert in "physical conflict resolution" every six months at work, but anyone who works in corrections knows what a joke that is. You're not allowed to do any thing that might hurt the poor misunderstood BG...I'd be better off belly dancing and then running while their jaws are hanging down!

Pave Pilot - You with the 16th SOW? What equipment?

Gunfighter - You gotta be kidding me, 6'2 300?? I'm 6'2 245 and I feel like ****. Welcome to come down to Southern MD for that Black Rifle stuff if you want. Tree Rat.
Great topic. Often wondered myself just how many of these talkers could back up their words with action.

Mine is simple. It's about creating a lifestyle that envelopes you in health and fitness, related activities and vacations, and constant study and research. Once it becomes part of your life, you never have excuses for why you missed something. This has been my personal lifestyle for at least 20 of my 40 years here on earth.

Routinely and habitually, I'm in the gym anywhere from 3 to 5 times per week. A 1 to 1 1/2 hour work out is split up between weight training, shoulders, legs, cardio, and abs. The cardio is on an eliptical trainer, and the abs are done on a Life Circuit ab cruncher where I cycle about 13,000 pounds in a set.

Then, 3 1/2 months out of every year I'm in the woods bowhunting. Call it death from above. Ninja in a treestand. Vacations are a mix between commando backpacking in the Rockies, backcountry skiing, mountain biking, and scuba diving.

The range time is mixed into the rest of my busy life. Usually in the middle of the week when nobody is around.

Exercising the brain is almost as important as the body. I read about 4-5 books a month.
I started back in the summer getting back into shape, it had been awhile since I did much besides work. I started out swimming to lose a few extra pounds, to present 50lbs. I started with about a 1/2 mile four times per week and worked up to 2.5 miles five days a week, so i spent almost 3hrs by the end swimming. I started mixing in running after I dropped about 20lbs plus a bunch of sit-ups and push-ups. I dropped the swimming a month ago when the closed the pool for the year, but run about a mile and a half everynight and do sit-ups and push-ups.

I shoot about 50 or 60 rds per week on average out of my carry gun and try to send ten to 20 a week downrange with the rifle every week, plus a host of stuff from assorted carbines and such. I built a 375yd range at the place I bought in Feb. so I can shoot whenever I please, it helped to make sure I got in my practice time.

I've been boxing with my brother-in-law whose going through the DPS academy, and it really has helped to get back into shape as far as getting hit. You know it used to never hurt to take a good shot, but after a few years of not getting one it sorta rung bells the first few times out.

I still don't think I am doing all I should, need to add a couple more miles to the run and get the sit-ups and push-ups up into the hundreds, but right now I feel like I did when I was in tip top shape, I am about 10lbs heavier than I was as a state ranked swimmer at age 16.

For those still sitting around wondering if it's time to start or not, let me say this as a guy who was 5'11" and 268 it sure feels great to be 5'11" and 218lbs in a couple months time. I feel stronger, can work longer, and really enjoy the way I look and feel.

Steve "The Gunner" Moody