How many of you practise one handed shooting?

Virtually all of my shooting has been two handed except for the occasional mandatory one hand stages. I was taught that way both in the military and police and it worked better in competition also. A while back I did an assessment of my gunpoint situations that have happened over the years. This led me to realize that a very large percentage of them were done one handed, the other hand was busy opening doors, using the radio or pushing people aside. Since then I have phased in more one handed shooting into my practice time.
I regularly practice one handed shooting both strong hand and weak hand. Why? Because you can never be sure that both hands will be availalable.
I do one hand all the time. Both in the dueling stance (with as you said less exposure) and with the old police method of crouching with your left hand (or right if you are left handed) shielding your chest.
I do this with my .38 OP and my 1911 A1.
With my 6 inch Highway Patrolman .357 I often use two hands as I am target shooting. But even with that one, I practive with one hand.
I like on hand shooting pretty much for the reasons you stated.
I shoot one hand all the time. Why? my vision. It's easier to focus on the front sight when it's further away, so when I'm shooting 12-25yds offhand it's a one-hand hold. Also takes recoil better because i can let my arm move without breaking my wrist alignment. Short range, 7-10yds where i'm "defensive" shooting i.e. dumping ammo on the target, it's weaver/trapezoid all the way, gun doesn't move as much so recovery is faster and if the sights are hard to focus on a general idea of where they are is good enough for a sub 6" group as fast as I can squeeze them off.
I shoot three mags one right after the other. One right, one left and the last one with both. I seem to be able to hit almost the same no matter how many hands are involved. :) I want to be able to defend myself in any situation that may come up. Practice makes perfect!