How many non-LEOs carry a backup weapon?

Sorry to say, but I am a LEO, and this would be a good question to ask of LEO as well. I can tell you on my shift, I am 1 of about 2/3 officers that carry a BUG. It boggles my mind, I was actually shocked how many officers I worked with that DO NOT carry BUGs.
I don't know... even as a non-LEO this thread has started me thinking that at the close ranges that many self defense shootings occur at, it could be a real possibility that a bad guy might decide that lunging at me and trying to wrestle my gun away is the best course of action for his survival. In which case I'd very much like having a second gun I can suprise them with, especially since at 5'10", 160 lbs I'm not a very big guy and probably wouldn't win a wrestling match for my primary.
That doesnt surprise me one bit...

Winter and fall carry I use 2 guns...A p-11 on the belt and a p3at/p32 in my pocket...

Summer I just use the P3AT w/spare mag and a folding knife (CRKT)

NC gets REALLY hot in the summer...P3AT is all I can conceal and not die from Dehydration :D
"I don't carry a BUG. I do, however, have a blade at all times & spare mag when I carry."

Yep. That's me. No BUG, extra mag, knife. I've also got a belt Leatherman and a keychain micro-Leatherman, but the defensive potential of those are minimal. I may get me one of those little NAA mini-revolvers one of these days, though -- better than a knife in a last ditch, close contact range encounter, anyway. Really more supplemental to the knife, I'd never go anywhere (except to the airport, sigh) without the blade.
If I really feel threatened, I carry a snubby as a back up to a Glock carried IWB.

For daily life, I just carry the backup in a pants pocket.

Considering the slim odds of ever being forced to use any gun, I can't see lugging two guns around everywhere I go. But if someone else wants to, fine by me.
I carry a .38 Colt Official Police 4 inch as a primary gun at 3-4 o'clock on my belt holster under my coat or under my left arm in a shoulder holster and a .32 Magnum H&R Smith & Wesson 2 inch Model .431PD in my left pocket in a pocket holdster. I also have a nice little pocketknife as a third option.

As for extra ammo (I know you didn't ask this, but a few other people mentioned it), I carry 2-4 speedloaders for my .38 (two on my belt in front of my gun in a pouch and two either on the other side of my should holster strap or in my right pocket. For my .32 I carry 2 speedloaders in my right pocket. All in all I carry 36-48 rounds on me. I'd say that's more than enough. If I ever need anymore than 12 rounds or even 6 then odds are I'm going to die anyway.
with 14+1 capacity in my primary, I don't even carry extra ammo. If I needed more than that I wouldn't be there. I don't usually carry in daylight, or busy places, but I work alone during early morning hours and have witnessed an armed robbery and missed 3 others by just minutes. Thats just in the last 8 months. I am currently seeking other employment.
Not only a question of number of rounds

One might carry a BUG not only because one might envisage having to pump out more than 5-8 rounds, but because guns are machines that are liable to fail (regardless of price or name-brand). Even 2 such "machines" could fail - in which case blame it on DESTINY! :)
I'm just curious how many of you have actually had to draw your primary weapon. Personally, I don't feel a need for BUG because I don't plan on getting into a firefight with anyone or anybody. I am very comfortable with the weapons that I carry otherwise I wouldn't own them. I practice at the range at least twice a month. I know if I can't hit the BG in 2-3 rounds, I'm going to be screwed.

And if you did carry a BUG, the police would think that you were planning to be gunning for the the BG.
When I carry a BUG it is for one of the following reasons:

I'm with my wife or daughter (both of wich can shoot, but neither of

wich carries concealed.)

I'm going to be driving a lot. It's very hard for me to reach my SIG from

under my shirt and seatbelt, but very quick to reach the 642 on my ankle.

(Also I prefer the J frame for anti carjacking use. Less for someone to grab,

no brass bouncing around inside a car, still fires with a bent wrist/ bad hold.)