How many non-LEOs carry a backup weapon?


New member
I am considering the possability of purchasing a sub-compact auto or a small revolver as a back-up gunat some point in the future so I am curious how many non-LEOs carry a backup gun. If you do, what kind of primary and backup gun do you carry and how do you carry your backup gun? Thanks in advance.
Don't know if you would consider this a back up gun.

I carry IWB. Sometimes when weather dictates I have a coat. When it is cold I button it up. ;)

Those times a J frame or Kahr goes in my front right hand coat pocket as a second gun.

Not really back up more like quick access gun.
I would not go lower then 9mm or 380. Only becasue that is what I have, nothing against 380, I just have guns that fit the niche in a larger caliber.
I don’t think the need is really there for a non-LEO to carry a backup gun. That’s not to suggest that non-law enforcement shouldn’t or anything, just that I think the reasons law enforcement should don’t really apply to non-law enforcement.

One firearm is enough for me and my limited hide pockets and such...... I must admit I am in and out of a vehicle a lot of times in a 8-10 hour working day..... I have yet to find a comfortable 100% of the time compact and hoster or carry device. I know if I was an active LEO my answer would likely be different........ Just me......To each his own and if you can do it and be comfortable go for it.... what could it hurt....?
Not allowed to in NC for concealed carry (dunno about open though), so if I'm carrying my gun concealed I'm not carrying anything else gun wise.
For the added extra weight of a BUG, its much more economical to carry a spare magazine or 2.

Besides I figure if you are in a situation where you empty your primary weapon, reload, empty it again, and have to switch to your BUG: You are in deep, deep, Doo-Doo. :eek:

That BUG is not going to make that much of a difference then. Unless its an Vulcan 20mm Cannon with 10,000 rounds of ammo.

When it's just me, i carry my Ruger and my XD40 subcompact as a backup. When i'm with the woman, she carries her P99. Better a backup shooter than a BUG, IMO
Depends on what I'm doing, where I'm going and who I'm with. If I'm out and

about on my own, on foot (mostly) then no. If I'm with the wife (who doesn't

carry but can shoot) yes. If I'm traveling or going to be in a car a lot then

yes. An ankle holster is much easier to get to than a IWB under a shirt, under

a seatbelt.
I carry a jframe in my weak side front pocket opposite my IWB carry gun.

The reason? I don't remember where I read it but I remember reading that hand injuries are very common in shootings because people tend to tunnel in in the threat (weapon) first. I would hate to be involved in a self-defense shooting and my only weapon be put out of commission.

Besides, the jframe is so easy to carry, it's not like I am going out of my way.

It depends. I've taken to using Smartcarry most every day, and often if I go out shopping or what not I'll throw my Beretta on my belt. So, I might be packing two guns but it's not a common occurance (many times I leave smartcarry at home and just pack the Beretta). When I do pack two guns, though, my BUG is usually a FM High Power Detective, soon to be replaced with a P228.
For the added extra weight of a BUG, its much more economical to carry a spare magazine or 2

I agree. With all the other stuff I'm carrying (cell phone, knife or two, SureFire, wallet, etc.) it's a heck of a lot easier to slip in a mag than a backup gun. Besides, I'd rather have 8 more rounds of .45 than 6 of .380.
If y'all want to carry 2 or 3 guns that's fine -- I've definitely got nothing against that.

But to me ... as civilians our situation is different from a cops in uniform. I've known quite a few cops, and I've never known a cop working in civvies with a concealed weapon to carry a bug. I'm sure it happens, but I've never known it.

Most cops carry a backup gun because they have to carry their primary open. And since their job forces them to occasionally wrestle with bad guys, their biggest concern is they'll lose their primary and their backup is all they have left.

The other thing is ... since I'm not out looking for trouble, for me my one and only gun IS a backup weapon. My primary weapon is my brain, watching for problems and avoiding violence whenever possible.

Can't imagine taking the responsibility/liability of a 2nd weapon for the 1 in a million chance I'll ever even have to draw.

As for the person who had a second primary when he wore his long coat -- I can certainly understand that. I might do the same, but I don't have a coat that restrictive.
This is much like the mousegun discussion...or even the spare mag discussion

The decision is mostly about convenience and probability

What is the probablility of needing a weapon....and how inconvenient is carrying the second weapon/magazine/full-size pistol.

If you truly thought you wer going in harms way...and couldn't carry a would likely carry a spare weapon.

But since you have not actually had to defend convince yourself (often incrementally) that a second weapon is not needed
When I'm going to the ranch in my truck, my Sig 220 becomes my BUG and my folding stock AK-47 w/30 rounds of HPs becomes my primary :D
Woe be unto those who try to carjack me/steal my farm equipment.