How many magazines per pistol?

I keep at least 5 mags in rotation and usually (still accumulating them) I keep at least 5 pre-ban mags in "cold storage" after they have been tested and proven worthy.

"Cold Storage" is currently a plastic drum partially filled with CLP that the mags are soaking in an waiting for use. I periodically take them out, and then ladel the oil over them for long term rust protection. My thoughts are that 20 years from now I want to have like new tested normal-capacity magazines for my pistols and rifles.

SOOOOO, to answer your question, 5 mags in routine use, and between 5 and 20 mags per gun, in long term storage.
I guess my Philosphy is very similar to everyone else's. I like to have three sets. Possibly more if, for the givin pistol, standard caps are now banned from production. I keep one set of training mags (which could be clinton mags) and 2 sets of 2 or 3 depending on the firearm of full cap mags for use. But for something like my p12 that I have 2800 in custom work in I have 14 mags that are full cap (some p-14 and p-13) Just in case.
I agree with Quantum Singularity

Four seems a good minimum. I have three 15 rounders for my Glock 19 but will buy a fourth soon. Keep two loaded, keep two unloaded, rotate periodically - is what some folks suggest. The three I have are a lot considering I have only had the 19 for two months. :)
I have six for each of my eight Glocks (6 x 8 = 48). Two came with each one, so I bought four additional magazines per Glock. For my G30, four are 10-round magazines, and two are 9-round ones. This number, six per pistol, provides me with a good balance.
Good feedback

Great feedback. I'll definitely be buying more mags. Good to hear that I'm not nuts for wanting to get more. Just picked up two more 30 rounders for my AR-15.

Two or More per Pistol

I have two or more magazines for the pistols I shoot. If I don't have two or more or can't find another magazine I will not shoot the weapon. Why? I have a Taurus PT57 in 32acp and I have never seen a spare magazine for sale. This is one of 10 or less pistols in the country. If something happened to its one magazine it would have no value. No, a PT58 (380) magazine doesn't work. Regards, Richard
If they're cheap enough, get 10 and number them. Load at home so that you don't have to do much loading at the range.

Never less than three, so far, none more than 10.

The bigger guns, the ones I use for HD and match shooting have the most. I also number the mags on these pistols. Quick and cheap way to do it is this... most VCR tapes (the ones I buy anyway) come with the sticker pack with various labels. They also have little square numbers on them, 0 - 9. The labels were made to stick to plastic, and they do quite well on the bottom bumper pads of my mags, which are also plastic.
I usually keep minimum of 4 mags per handgun and usually more but I always pickup any factory original hi-cap mags if the price is right.

I have about 200 factory hi-cap mags for handguns I don't even own just because I found them for good price. For example I have 17 or 18 CZ-75 mags, 23 (at last count) Glock 17 mags, 9 P7M13 mags, 12 Sig 229 mags, etc and I don't even have any of these guns but I can't get myself to sell them becuase I may get these pistols one day. I used to have 6 Styer GB mags doing nothing but I fixed that... I got the pistol for it.

I figured I have nothing to loose holding on to these magazines and if the personal financial situation gets bad I can alway sell them.

Since this is a handgun forum I won't get into rifle mags.
Not only is it a good idea to have extra mags on hand for poesterity's sake, it also prevents us from making stupid decisons. If you only have two magazines for a given pistol, you are much more likely to trade it off, at a loss nine times out of ten the next time Wally Weblore or Larry Liesalot posts some unsubstantiated garbage about your pistol.

When you have 7 to 10 mags per pistol, you are much more apt to think twice before trading it in on the newest wonderpistol.

Extra mags (and holsters) cements the bond between a pistol and its owner.
I have at least two for all my guns. More in some cases.

My dad has this funny habit about things that don't work.. he doesn't number anything.. but if anything he owns (mechanical) doesn't work properly he whips out a sharpie marker and writes NFG on it. ;)

I haven't had to do this with a magazine yet, but i carry a sharpie marker to the range.
I agree with Tom, and I do have at least six/pistol. That is only a two set rotation when you carry one in the gun, and two on the belt. ;)
Brothers & Sisters-at-Arms,
Fifty rounds per weapon. While this is considerably bulky with the Desert Eagle anything 9mm, 10mm, .45 with hi-cap magazines is a breeze.
The numbering is good. Clean and cycle your equipment.
Good springs, lubricant and ammo.
Lance Gothic
FWIW, Couple of points....number of mags is insignificant as is total number of rounds, etc. # to CCW? Your choice. At the range or IDPA, etc. Same Choice. Extra's for mag failures, worn out springs etc. Same Choice. Again, FWIW, for me this usually means 5-7 mags that are all broken-in {springs have taken a "set", etc.}, proven on the range and rotated in use.
Long, long ago, Jeff Cooper said that THREE magazines was the MINIMUM to have with any autopistol, and that FIVE was in most things, its hard to fault the Colonel's logic on this...BTW, I agree with numbering or otherwise marking your magazines...makes it easier to diagnose malfunctions if you can "rule out" all but one magazine....mikey357
I think I over did it on pistol mags. I have full-caps and 10's for the glock and usually 10-12 each for the sigs and Hk. My 1911 has a couple good wilson mags and half a dozen new ok quality mags for range use. I have maybe 8 glock 17 mags and 8 glock 22 mags and 25 promag 17 mags . So far I just use the promags for the 17. I have fired 7000 rounds thru my 17 and 19 with the promags with 0 feed failures. I would choose the glock factory mags for social encounters , but 100 percent reliable full metal promags are 1/4 the cost of glock full-caps.
In my opinion I would own 2 or 3 highcaps and just shoot with 10's at the range. Quantity is over rated IMHO - quality of shot placement is where it's at.
Rifle mags are another matter , as an AR-15 is really really handicapped with 10 round mags. I want 20 and 30's for the rifles are they are combat weapons , not just defensive weapons like pistols.