I'm afraid that he is right... you DO have too many guns...

Tell you what... send me about 6 of them (I'll even pay for shipping!)

That should get him off your back!

Seriously... I'd be polite, straightforward and honest... don't give him a "kiss-my-ass... why don't you read the 2nd amendment" attitude... it may make you feel better, but in the long run it will not only hurt you, but also other gun owners.

But I WOULD ask him:
- is there a problem?
- what reasonable belief do you have that a crime has been committed? if you have no reasonable belief that a crime has been committed... then why send this letter?
To me, the letter from the county judge is basically irrational and an insult, plus the number of guns anybody owns is none of the judge's or anyone else's bleeping business! The only way a law-abiding citizen can own too many guns is if he or she thinks so. IOW, it's purely a matter of personal preference.

BTW, I know some gun buffs and collectors to whom 16 handguns is hardly anything at all. They think nothing of owning ten times that many or more!
Well guys according to my wife one is to many but she tolerates my collection. To her they are all the same and there is no convincing. What she really sees is the $$$$ signs. I guess I will have had enough when they plant me 6' under, Until then I'm gonna keep on buying what my little heart desires.
My collection over time has now branched out in 3 different directions. But this is one of the reasons I go to work everyday.
As far as a government official asking about it I would agree on the above about not getting smart and just ask why he was inquiring, and then explain my facts of life in a gentlemenly manor.if he were a non shooter I would invite him out to the range for a shooting session. who knows you might get a new member to our society. But in all reality it is no ones business as to what you have and you will never have enough.

PS I just got two new ones for Christmas and the wife bought one of them, Imagine that.

Happy Holidays and Happy Shooting

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited December 17, 1999).]
I'll have TOO many on the day when I decide... hmmmm you know I should sell some of these...

That hasn't happened yet.

And hey, if i had some of that Bill gates money I'd be on a plane to london to visit Purdey, get my premier grade double rifle in some dinosaur stopping caliber and consider starting my own jurrasic park... on second thought maybe a full auto BAR...

but that's just the evil scientist in me. ;)

And WHAT's wrong with TWO of something?? I mean Hell the lone ranger carried TWO SAA 45's.. the Shadow carried twin 45 autos... mom and dad have a matched pair of pistole's...

I for one could not POSSIBLY have enough Colt New Service Revolvers, pattersons, or seecamp conversion guns. My want list is a LOT longer than my HAVE list.

Damn I need to make more money. ;)

I suggest you make 100s of copies of the judge's letter to you and pass it out to your gunnie friends at club meetins, shoots, shows, etc. I don't know if his is an elected position, but perhaps he needs to feel some electoral heat?

When you guys post something about happenings in your area, let us know where that is so we can take stock of differing laws and procedures.

"Too much is never enough." --Sid Vicious, IIRC. :)

I believe that one has too many guns when one loses track of them, or can't remember whence they came ("where th' hell did I get *that*?"). Until then, well... that judge needs to pull his head out.

Idea: Ask him how many books he has. Then yell at him for killing trees. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Dear Friends,

I am going to submit a dissenting opinion here.

In my collection, I am trying to cover all the bases for as little money as possible. For instance, I don't have a pistol for home defense and a separate one for carry. They are one in the same.

And I don't have .243, 30-30, .303, .308, .270, and .30-06 deer rifles. I just have one, a .308.

And I don't have lots of shotguns, just one basic one.

I CAN see having several, or even lots of rifles suitable for militia duty. These might be needed in large numbers some day.

And with ammo, I think 1000 each is a base, and much more would be appropriate. I remember reading that the KLA in Kosovo had plenty of AKs and SKSs, but had little ammo. There are plenty of war stories of units that fought well against the odds until their ammo ran out.

But having lots and lots of handguns, I think that is extreme. You have to balance it against other things. For instance, your wife's respect for you. If she can accept say 10 handguns, but thinks you're crazy with 30, I think you should sell 20 and go out to eat and let her invest the money how she thinks.

If, however, you are earning 100,000/year, have the house and both cars paid off and college money in the bank, then buy however many hundred you want of everything.

For me, though, one or two handguns for each adult, one or two .22s, one or two deer rifles, one or two shotguns, and about ten militia-suitable rifles would be the limit.

As for the judge butting in, the problem is his involvement in the process in the first place. Let's get that whole thing repealed. (More easily said than done, I know.)


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
Was the letter a form letter?
As to how many too many.... I see nothing wrong with two guns set up exactly the same way. "I have such a pair" Why?? Well I had my primary go full auto so had to send it in for repairs. I had a qualified replacement that worked exactly the same, sights the same, mags the same, etc etc you get the idea.
As far as how many,, I have been worried about this one gun a month deal. If this becomes law I will go broke. I can't afford to buy a new gun every month!! :) :) "But I did have one month where I bought got 3. I had ordered one, was given another, and bought a third cheap at a auction."
Although I agree with those above who urge diplomacy in your response to the judge. In your place I would be tempted to write back thanking the judge for his vigilance and then ask him if he knew the state was falling down on the job my not closely monitoring all my collections. My book collection, for instance, is well in excess of 15 and yet the state failed to write and inquire about my reasons for wanting more books. At this point I could list all the collections of things I have that exceed the number 15 (my son's bottlecap collection!). You get the idea; the absurdity of the letter would be apparent.
Tell the judge, 'Because I like them.'

The OTMG stands for Owner of Too Many Guns. I do not feel that I have too many, I have just the right number until another one comes along that I happen to want. There are two rules to be followed when buying guns:

These rules go for money as well.
How many is too many? When you're on the news one night is when you'll answer that question. Until then, happy shooting and Happy Holidays.

As the designated OF on TFL, it is my considered opinion that there is no such thing as too many guns.

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.
What business is it of the government how many firearms we,as American citizens own?
The last time I checked,private property was not the government's concern!

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!
I don't think the judge has an option, I sounds like he is obligated to send out the letter when a you reach X firearms. the judge doesn't seem like the problem, buts the people making laws

just a though

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
As Mae West once said, "Too much of a good thing is REALLY nice!"

(My favorite was when she gave this guy a lascivious look and said, "Well, Honey, you can't be first -- but you can be next." I figure that goes for the latest handgun I'm lusting after, too.)
"Dear Judge: What part of gun nut - I mean enthusiast - don't you understand?"

Oh, and let's see - NASA just blew about $165 million on their mars probe that never did anything useful before they lost it. I say we eliminate NASA and divide the next 165 million among TFL readers - that's about $82,500.00 for each of 2,000 members - that MIGHT buy us all enough guns - naw, I doubt it.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 20, 1999).]