How many is TOO many?

If you are seriously asking...

I would say that you are displaying characteristics that may indicate that require your settling yourself down right now.

1. Are you living in a high risk situation that reliable and constantly demonstrates to you and warrants this behavior? In other night do you here doors being broken down and dwellings being forceably entered?

2. Have you any idea of what it really means to engage with a predator in an armed response? Are you really capable of it? Based on what I'm reading I would say you haven't and may be mistaking one all-time carry weapon with some less rational run-to-my-double-secret-hideaway-gun concept.

I get up, I get dressed, I get armed, I go to work, I practice, I don't risk others with loaded weapons laying around, I don't arm suspects by letting them gain access to my weapons.

Yes, I would say you need to sit yourself down and ask yourself some important questions. But only...if your seriously asking. If your not....your girl friend is seriously at risk and needs to buy more guns.
From anywhere in my house 2 up, 2 down

I'm never more than 20 feet from a gun....I do NOT keep then loaded, however they are all magazine fed, and the magazines are close to the gun. Both the guns and magazines are semi-concealed.

I didn't buy any of them specifically so I was always close to one, but since I have 'em, I figure I'll just keep them strategically spaced about the house....

I don't worry about them being stolen, that's what the 5 German Shepherds are for!

Unless you work for the CIA, or some other clandestine organization, the chances of a daytime robbery of your home is next to nil. Yes, it may happen, but I am just curious when being prepaired becomes being paranoid of everything that walks on 2 feet? When are you going to start wearing tin foil on your head, and turning the thermostat up to 98.9deg so that the aliens cant see you with their thermal scope? Carrying a CCW I can see, but leaving guns all around your home seems to me, to be a detriment to your cause, BG could find and use, or prevent you from getting to them, through the safe in time. I keep mine handy near my bed at night (within arms reach, out of sight), because I know thats when most people will try to enter my house will choose. The rest of the day, I dont have a gun around me, except when I am in my car (for obvious reasons...I live in not so good part of town). Discretion is the better part of valor, and If I knew I was getting attacked, You know I would be prepaired, but untill that day, I choose to remain cautiously alert, and paranoia free.
Your home IS your castle and you should be able to relax in it. Instead of spending money on more hideout guns, spend some cash on security doors, securing your windows, planting mean thorny things around your windows, good lighting, putting in a burglar alarm, a good dog, things like that. That way, when you come into your home, you can take off your armour and relax. Being able to relax and stand down is extremely important for a warrior's mental health.

The whole idea is not to make your home impregnable, but to be able to give yourself time to prepare for an attack. Once the element of suprise is lost, home invasion is practically a suicide mission. Think about how the cops have to do it to be successful. :cool:
too many choices!?

"speeking of which I think it is time to go to Wall Mart lol"

For which? More guns or underwear? Or both? :D
I agree I dont think its a good idea to keep loaded guns around the house even if you dont have kids around. When and if kids come over or company that does not have knowledge of gun safty it could be a bad idea. Not to mention a pain in the butt to get all of them and put them in the safe everytime. Its just easier to keep magizines loaded in the safe and plenty of shells for your shotguns near them in the safe. That way if you have to defend yourself you can fight your way back to where you have more guns. Plus if you carry in your house you can just put one gun on in the morning and take it off at night and keep it by the bed. Just my two cents
On Person

All guns but one in a good heavy (300lbs at least) safe bolted to structure.

Now let me see! 10 guns = $5000.00 Good Safe =$1000.00 Hmm!!

Whilst dressed, pistol on person, with spare magazine, for malfunctions, 16 rounds should be enough (Glock 19 with night sights) when in bed, on the bedside table, with Surefire flashlight, and Cel phone (first thing the bad guys do? take the kitchen phone off the hook, your bed room phone is now inoperative!) plug the Cel phone in, every night, a great routine to follow.

Make sure you state "Burglary in progress" to dispatch!!! If that is indeed the case. An addendum to that statement could be “And I am the bald old guy in the bath robe, and slippers”