How many gun sites?

This is the only gun forum I try to follow outside of Facebook. And I really only follow it when I'm overseas. Never got time for it at home with a year-old baby :)
TFL, rimfirecentral, and the predatormasters forums (im a coyote hunting fanatic) are the most imformative on the net by far.
TFL and THR are the ones I hit regularly. I'm also a member at rimfirecentral and czfirearms but rarely post. So I guess I'm at 4.
This is the only one I visit at all regularly.
Check BFA and OFCC once a month or so. Maybe more if there is something going on in Columbus.
Belong to a number of more specialized sites I go to with specific questions.
I have six I visit every day, mostly black powder. I also have my own bp forum. I belong to a few others but don't visit very often.