How many gun owners are there, really?

Monkeyleg, some in the GOP don't allow for a wide range of views. Look at the uproar over prochoice cabinet folks.

I saw Falwell on the tube saying that if Bush puts in prochoice folks, the religious right will abandon him.

Thus, it would seem the RKBA is not that important to him being the guardian of women's sexuality.

Tears is correct - the GOP is trying to squeak by keeping the extreme right in the fold. Better for the RKBA to dump them and go more for the middle.

Also, I agree that getting the RKBA back into the Dems is an excellent strategy.
This makes me wonder after all these years about the various ways that I have been classified. I have always been extreme in support of the Second Admendment, comes from a deep dislike of Slavery, I have been extreme in support of Labor Unions, allows you to speak with the unity of many voices to faceless corporations, and a strong supporter of Choice in reproduction, because of sex and age I have never been pregnant and I don't expect to be.
Kinda makes me a liberal pinko redneck gunslinger.
Biggest problem with trying to tag the number of gun owners is the number that own more than great great gran'thers muzzleloader. If everyone owns minimum, average, of five guns then your 300 million gun number would break out to 60 million gunowners.
Thought to consider.
There is another factor

I have talked with a lot of gunowners about how they voted. Quite a few admitted to voting for Gore. Why? "Because politicians are all the same"; "GWB wants to take money away from Social Security" and "I'm just not sure about GWB".

Short answer: Ignorance!!

We have a job to do.
I think a lot of gun owners feel that the gun control fanatics don't feel they mean "my" gun they just mean other peoples guns (ie: "assult guns, semi-auto's, handguns, pumps and leveractions that hold over two rounds, then their single shot .410 guage). They will continue to think so till they finally reach their class of firearm.

I have belonged to the NRA off and on since I was a junior member in 1965. I kept on quitting mostly because of all the solicitations for money I got. I felt they were spending all the $$ I sent on more solicitations. I now am a member of the NRA and GOA for good. The NRA still sends out too many solicitations but I feel they are a good voice for gun owners.

Those of us who are politically aware and vote need to educate our friends and make sure they vote from a position of knowledge. Many of us had to decide between issues and whether it is good or not I am now largely a one issue voter, and this election did it for me. I felt Dubya was the best viable candidate as far as gun issues was concerned but I had problems with the religious right connection. Yes, I go to church, put money into the till, and believe, but am more "moderate" in many of the far right's beliefs. It was a difficult decision but as the man says "What part of the word freedom do you not understand."
What this election has proven to me is that owning a gun is like having brown eyes: it's a characteristic with no intrinsic meaning. It implies absolutely no set of shared ideas or opinions.

That being the case, we will be far better off identifying and rescruting those who believe in the second amendment. Just owning a gun is meaningless.

So, how many people who own guns also believe that right needs to be protected?