How many Americans own revolvers

Interesting thread, if somewhat trivial. I think there are 3 BIG takeaways though.

POST # 16: 44 AMP hit the nail on the head. Since 1987, there have been many more semi-autos made than revolvers. What about years before 1987? Revolvers most likely ruled most of those years, and most of those revolvers are still in circulation. There were half a million S&W model 10's produced from 1940 to 1945 for WWII. That's just one model during a 5 year period (to be fair there were nearly 2 million 1911 models produced during the same time, but I digress). So any number anyone posts is nothing but a remote guess. We have no way of knowing.

POST # 23: I don't care about revolver vs semi here. It really only tells me what I already suspected. The big takeaway here is that handgun production more than doubled from 2007 to 2015. That is a huge increase. Here I was bitching that ammo and reloading price increases were mostly from panic buyers and scalpers... there was likely a significant increase in demand to actually shoot ammo as well.

POST # 23 AGAIN: Over 63 Million handguns, and handguns alone, produced in the US since 1986!?!? I wonder about the validity of the "nearly 300 million guns in America" statistic, as I'm now pondering if that's not on the low side. I suspect at least 63 million rifles and shotguns were also produced during this same time frame, if not much more. America has a lot of guns... as well it should.
I would guess I have about 8-10 revolvers and 2 semi autos (Wather P22 and a Coonan Classic)

I Know very few people that only have one or the others.
The longer I shoot handguns and the older I get the more of a troglodyte I become. I have semi-autos. I have double-action revolvers. Most of what I have and most of what I want are single-action revolvers. Life is too short not to shoot what you like most. If I am ambushed by a horde of drugged-up, UN-sponsored, ex-felon, Ninja, walking dead, gang-bangers, I guess I’m just toast.
How about over 100 semi autos and around 30 revolvers. What do I enjoy the most? Probably would be S/A Colts and then my Small frame Star semi autos.....heck I love shooting all of them so what difference does it make as long as I am a free American and may pursue my hobby at will.
Beats me how many.... But I know I have only two .22 semi-autos and that they never get much range/field time. Give me a revolver any day.

Shoot what you like. Not up to me or anyone else to say what a person 'should' shoot :) .
The USA was the country from which the first truly successful revolvers came, in 1836 and all the years following.
So sales today do NOT indicate how many there are in the population. Citizens of the USA have had 182 years to acquire them, and more than we can easily count have been acquired.
Safe to say, there are lots. Very likely far more then autos, but autos are more popular now days as far as new sales are going. If Ruger and S&W would bring back a good line of "outdoorsmens" revolvers even in limited runs, I think we'd see revolver sales jumps some. The Military and Polices market and the CCW market are very top heavy right now, but field revolvers for the hunter, back-packer, hiker and fisherman are not catered to as much.
I'd love to see some slim barrels light weight high quality revolvers in DA and maybe a few more SAs come out in 22, 32, 38/357, 41, 44, and 45 and if they only ran 7000 of each, but did it every 3 years or so, they could sell them as fast as they could make them. Classic guns. No stupid full under-lugs, rails, ribs, and all that crap. Simple solid light weight guns for the outdoorsmen.

My 2 cents
So far, just one - Ruger .22 Stainless Single Six Convertible. This is a huge hit whenever we take younger folks out to target shoot, they just love the revolver.
I have one revolver....a 44 mag super redhawk, and many, many semi autos. I suspect many in my generation view revolvers as old people's guns, although I'm certainly not even close to being young myself.