How long to reload a revolver?

My best:

J frame, 5 rounds -
From "last round fired" to reload and "next round fired"...

Loose rounds from pocket - 9 sec
Speed loader - <3 sec

K frame, 6 rounds -
Essentially no difference, including the loose round reloads. Likely due to me practicing a lot more with the bigger pistol than the snubbie. These are all duty guns, not race guns. Normal, leather holsters, not competition racks. Shots were placed, not just bang bang noise.

There were guys faster than me. Just normal cops that practiced, not competitors.

Sgt Lumpy - n0eq
The key is to learn one of the proper techniques. You can find several on YouTube, and just start practicing slowly, 10 minutes a day. Soon it will be faster than you ever thought possible.

Ask your friend to go to the range with you so you can show him what a speed loader is.
With an HKS speedloader, about 4-5 seconds if we're including ejecting the empty cases. Feeding them in two by two, about 8-9 seconds.
I take way too long to reload my J-Frame, maybe 15 seconds, or more, so I carry a backup gun and can do a NY reload in maybe 2-3 seconds.

In a self defense situation, you might have that reload stuffed in a pocket. So, if you have to dig around, I can see this taking some time (15 seconds seems too long to me). However, as they say, "a man has got to know his limitations." That is why your plan B is very sound advice.
thing is theres to many variables to account for. each situation is different.

for example if you keep your reloads in a pouch held shut by a snap, you need more time. those snaps SUCK when your in a hurry. and if you make sure they dont freeze by keeping them under your coat you waste more time because you have to dig under your coat and so on.

if you want to see what a realistic estimate of the time required would be, have your buddy start blasting his boom box with metalica at full blast at 2 am when youve been asleep for 3 hours. with no lights in the room. see how well you do.