How long did it take you to get used to EDC?

Comfort will be a big factor, and so will time -- simply carrying will help you to get used to it.

The first thing I tried to get used to concealing was a S&W Bodyguard .380 -- size of a cell phone -- in a Remora ("sticky style") holster. No matter where I put that thing, I felt like I had a brick in my waistband. And it's one of the smallest things you can carry. It was just unfamiliar. I eventually discovered the AIWB position ("Ya point that thing at yer JUNK!?") as the most comfortable by far. I now frequently carry a CZ P-07 in that position -- roughly like a Glock 19 size -- with no discomfort and no difficulty concealing. It does get heavy after a while, and I'm looking to likely switch it up with a single stack like the LC9s (I have a Walther PPS M2 -- same size).

Consider the AIWB position. It's really weird at first but many like me find I to be the most comfortable. And get a dedicated AIWB holster. Cannot recommend JM Custom Kydex strongly enough.

Also, I could never get used to pocket carrying anything. I suppose cargo pants would have helped, but in ordinary jeans, khakis or work pants, the grip of the Bodyguard was still visible to someone looking straight down, and yeah, it kinda looked like a gun. I also hate carrying just about anything in a pocket so it was probably doomed from the start.
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CC takes a little time and practice to get used to it. When I started carrying, I felt like everybody and their dog could see that I was. The fact that I carried a 5" 1911 probably didn't help. Over time, and with a series of adjustments to pistol, wardrobe and attitude (not necessarily in that order), that feeling went away. Bear in mind that I work in courthouses and other government buildings, so I had the same "no carry at work" dilemma that you do, OP.

I'll make the following suggestions:
1. If you haven't already, get a proper gun belt. It's the foundation of your whole carry system and makes a huge difference in comfort.
2. Put some effort in to making sure you carry when away from work. After a while, you'll get used to the extra weight and, eventually, start to feel a little naked when you don't have it.
3. If your waistband feels tight with IWB, either get bigger pants, or an OWB holster. For each of the guns that I carry on my belt, I have one IWB and one OWB leather. My favorites: (1) IWB = Stealth Gear Revolution; and (2) OWB = DeSantis Speed Scabbard.

What's your work wardrobe like? I'm fortunate in that I wear suits or sport coats constantly. I'm also "a man of a certain age," so people expect to see me in a sport coat. It's a great cover garment.

Good luck!
DeSantis Incognito!
I like this idea. Solves the tight waist issue.
If you're going to pocket carry, take this piece of advice: the only thing you carry in that pocket (the one with the gun) is the GUN. Period.

It's the carrying of keys, pens, change, etc. in the same pocket as the gun that create problems for pocket carry, not the least of which is an accidental discharge.

And of course, always carry your pocket gun in a holster that covers the trigger guard. Period.
I carry a compact pistol IWB with a Milt Sparks VMII. It is very comfortable. I can sit through a movie without any discomfort at all. I can feel a slight pressure there, but it is not uncomfortable at all. I have a P320C with a hybrid kydex IWB holster, and it is reasonably comfortable, but not as pleasant as my compact pistol. I use a Beltman gunbelt and have to have loose fitting pants for all this to work well. Getting used to a well fitting setup really doesn't take long at all.
Just keep buying holsters until you find one that you are comfortable with. I have a drawer full as well. Shoulder, belly bands, OWB, IWB and ankle holsters. And of course a pocket holster. And no reason not to switch off if you feel like it.
But consider this:
Would you rather be comfortable or safe?
CC takes a little time and practice to get used to it. When I started carrying, I felt like everybody and their dog could see that I was. The fact that I carried a 5" 1911 probably didn't help. Over time, and with a series of adjustments to pistol, wardrobe and attitude (not necessarily in that order), that feeling went away. Bear in mind that I work in courthouses and other government buildings, so I had the same "no carry at work" dilemma that you do, OP.

I'll make the following suggestions:
1. If you haven't already, get a proper gun belt. It's the foundation of your whole carry system and makes a huge difference in comfort.
2. Put some effort in to making sure you carry when away from work. After a while, you'll get used to the extra weight and, eventually, start to feel a little naked when you don't have it.
3. If your waistband feels tight with IWB, either get bigger pants, or an OWB holster. For each of the guns that I carry on my belt, I have one IWB and one OWB leather. My favorites: (1) IWB = Stealth Gear Revolution; and (2) OWB = DeSantis Speed Scabbard.

What's your work wardrobe like? I'm fortunate in that I wear suits or sport coats constantly. I'm also "a man of a certain age," so people expect to see me in a sport coat. It's a great cover garment.

Good luck!
Thanks for all the advice.
Number one thing on the list is a good gun belt!
For all the guys with a drawer full of holsters, too bad there isn’t a holster exchange program. If you don’t like it you could trade with another person until you find that elusive perfect holster.
I really appreciate all the advice.

How do you get by carrying at work when it is not allowed, especially in a court house situation?
Thanks for all the advice.
Number one thing on the list is a good gun belt!
For all the guys with a drawer full of holsters, too bad there isn’t a holster exchange program. If you don’t like it you could trade with another person until you find that elusive perfect holster.
I really appreciate all the advice.
I've considered the holster exchange idea, and kind of wish we'd had it 10 years ago.

How do you get by carrying at work when it is not allowed, especially in a court house situation?
Simple. I didn't carry where it wasn't allowed. I hid a safe (like this one) in my car. Put gun on, drive work, put gun in safe.
Like many, I have never found the one solution, the one answer, the perfect holster, but rather I've found dozens of perfect for this gun in this situation holsters.

For deep concealment I prefer pocket carry, and today there are lots of fantastic tiny handguns in 32acp and 380acp. Two I often carry are my Ruger LCP and my Beretta Pico. The most common holsters are either my decades old Alessi or the one that came with the Ruger LCP.

Moving to In the Waistband carry I usually also move up in the size of guns, most often either my Sig P230, East German Makarov or Star UltraStar.

Revolvers (my primary choice) and even larger semi-automatics most often are carried in an On the Belt holster.

It's all about you. In all cases, even for pocket carry, a good quality gun belt really helps.
I have tried different holsters and still haven’t found them comfortable. I wonder if it is a result of the fact that I can’t carry daily so I can’t get completely used to it?

I don't know where the idea that carrying a gun is meant to be "comfortable" came from. Its a tool that you should have on you everyday "just in case."

That said, with such a small gun, pocket carry is an easy, comfortable option. A leather slide OWB holster would be quite comfortable as well and very easy to conceal.

I think of my holster as my work clothes. I wear them everyday, I am used to the feel of them, I do not mind them on, BUT when I get home i kick off my dress shoes, undo my tie, and remove my holster. It isn't uncomfortable, per say, but at the end of the day its steel and polymer held close against my growingly tubby body. That aint a perfect picture of comfort.

Get something that you can make it through the day without it hurting you. No chafing, no scratches, no digging into you. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you'll learn to ignore it as it becomes a part of your daily outfit.
I started carrying all of the time when I started pocket carrying. Its so easy, works with 95% of my outfits. Its comfortable and super easy. I have 2 pocket carry guns - sw bodyguard and ruger lcp. Both are roughly the same size. I prefer the SW because it has a safety and I prefer a safety, especially for pocket carry even though its in a pocket holster.
A lot of it boils down to finding the right holster and belt combination. You stated you're already going to get one, but a good belt can make a huge difference. Beyond that, the number of holster makers these days honestly baffles me. Even once you pick a type of holster there are likely tens of makers that have similar holsters, and in my experience even the same design from different makers can be noticeably different in both comfort and concealability.
Spats McGee, just to play it safe I would get a similar safe but one equipped with no less than a six digit passcode rather than just a key. I’ve seen cops take keys from individuals, open the safe, then claim in their police report the gun was being carried unlawfully in the car because the gun wasn’t being transported properly in the trunk or a locked container (assuming you don ‘t have a ccw permit). Sadly and unfortunately, for various reasons some officers DO lie and commit perjury.
I don't know how y'all do pocket carry. I bought a 'thin' pocket carry holster, I'm no slim-jim, so my pants aren't tight by any means but the gun(LCP) was such an obvious 'lump' in my jeans..Obvious jokes aside, it just seemed to obvious for me to do it.
This isn't me but that's the idea..

I now have a clipdraw and as soon as I get it back from my son, who's painting the sights..I'll try that.


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I don’t buy the box full of holsters notion, you just need to put some thought into it.

For training classes get an OWB, kydex seems to be the standard. I use a shirt 1 size bigger and tall to cover this “Big” rig when CC.

For days when I want the gun up tight to the body it’s IWB, teeshirt or other type shirt will suffice for CC.

I’m poor so I don’t chase magic holsters instead I buy good quality for a good price and make it work.

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I'd recommend trying the AlienGear CloakTuck 3.5.

I bought one for my Ruger SR40c, and I literally forget it is there. It IS that comfortable.

They give you a "30 Day Test Drive" and will take it back no questions asked if you don't like it.

I love mine, and I now carry 300% more often than I did with my previous holster.
I will second or third getting a good gun belt.

The humorous but truthful upside is that it makes it easy to put your pants on in the morning.

The stiff belt holds you pants waist wide open making an easier target for you legs.

This assuming you are wearing the same trousers as the day before.

Really lol!!!
When you guys are saying "gun belt", what exactly are you referring to?

For instance, my "gun belt" is a Carhartt 1 1/2" wide leather belt. Are there belts available specifically for CCW?
I’m poor so I don’t chase magic holsters instead I buy good quality for a good price and make it work.

There are many of us who have limited funds. There are countless holsters that can be made to work. Finding what works best is the challenge. I've tried a bunch of holsters; some I haven't had to buy, and several I have. Sometimes it takes some wear to really know if a holster is acceptable or not. A simple and cheap Remora tuckable is what I use most often, carried AIWB. That certainly not the best for everyone. It may not even be the best for me, but it is the best to date. I will keep looking. I will let you know when the "magic" one appears!