How has your every day carry changed over the years?

Pretty funny, this was actually supposed to be a response to this thread. But I saw it getting so long that I just shifted it into a thread of my own. Hence the beginning. Be sure to check out the other thread too. Good read.

This is why I'm not a fan of 1911s for self defense these days where there are better options. Granted, the old timers or even the young guys who do carry them and dedicate their time to train with them extensively are awesome and very adequately run 1911s. But today? With shooting other guns, carrying other guns, and even so much as trying them out, it's difficult to just stick to and justify a 1911 to carry. Especially for those who are starting off.

I've was dedicated to SIG Sauer and Glock for almost 10 years on SIG and about 7 or so with Glock. What did they both have in common for me? Hand placement / grip.

No safety on the side on either. A decocker on the SIG that was in front of the slide stop. All was good. My grip? High and tight with thumbs forward.

I have HUGE hands. Long fingers and all. I remember attempting to take a defensive pistol course with my 1911 and I cannot even begin to tell you how hard I failed. Not engaging the grip safety from my high grip, forgetting to disengage the safety, etc. I went back home (thankfully I was up the street) to get my P226.

My muscle memory under stress is tuned to no external safety whatsoever.

These days, I have since dropped SIG completely off the face of the earth and Glock doesn't do it for me either. So I went with Heckler and Koch.

Full sized USP 45 is my CCW at 4 o'clock with a Smith and Wesson 360PD in .357 appendix. I recently traded into an HK USP 45 Compact... I figured, since I liked the HK USP 45 that I got from my brother Uncle Malice in Arizona, I was carrying it for 4-5 months. I figured, let me get the more concealment friendly little buddy. So I did...

Shooting the USP 45 Compact was interesting. Dead nuts accurate with it. Double taps, triple taps, etc. After 150 rounds, I was getting a major soreness on the inside of my right thumb that rides on / next to the safety-decocker. I kept shooting and doing my drills... At the 200 round mark, a chunk of my skin was lifted up and showing some nice red flesh.

I was talking to people, researching, checked with my brother Uncle Malice, and a really good friend on here MLeake. To find out about the LEM trigger...

Now... let's go back for a second. The full sized USP pistols have NEVER given me an issue. I had a USP 9 Compact and mag changes were a pain, literally. They'd pinch the inside of my palm and sometimes catch my pinky. So, dropped that. Didn't shoot it enough to notice any safety-decocker pain. Ran the rest of that class with a Glock 19.

So! Back to the 45... I swapped it out for an LEM trigger that Mr. Malice sent me, felt 100 times better! I need to get used to that trigger, which feels like a Glock minus the "springiness" with that super long but ultra light take up.

It's at a gun smith's shop right now getting taken care and tuned, because it was having two resets on it. One was a dud and the other was the actual reset, which isn't normal. But I cannot wait to get it back. Without the safety-decocker dingus on it, it felt 100 times better in no time.

Well things change. If you don't brush up on your carry pistol, you change. Then you have to find out what works for you again. If you change to a different weapon system, some can be altered while some can't.

So many stories out there, curious to hear a few more from you guys. How has your carry gun setup changed over the years?
My carry guns have changed a bit over the years, usually based mostly on what I'm shooting most often at the time. I dumped all of my Sigs, like you... and these days am primarily invested in HK and Glock. I still like the Walther PPQ, and I'm still interested in picking up a CZ P07 in the future... but for the most part, it's HK or Glocks the majority of the time.

The P2000 sees a lot of carry time. Sometimes I switch out for the VP9, P30L, or USP 9/45. The HK 45C that I'm picking up tomorrow will likely get added to that rotation as well - once I get it put through its paces and put together a solid carry kit for it. The Glock 43/26 get a decent amount of carry time as well. Today is the G43 appendix and VP9 at 4-5 o'clock.

As I mentioned, my carry guns have usually just been based on whatever I'm shooting a lot of, since that's where my muscle memory usually sits. I spent a long time carrying the P229 or MK25. I spent over a year carrying the P320C virtually full time. I have carried almost every model of Glock at some point. I have carried just about every model and caliber of XD, XDM, and M&P.

I never really cared much for carrying a 1911. When I had my TRP, I loved shooting it at the range and I loved fondling it at home... but it was just so much different in operation, I didn't like carrying it. It's weight and diminutive capacity didn't help that situation much. I still think 1911's are beautiful guns, and I'll probably pick up another down the road... but it's not really on my list for carry guns. I admire people that can and do carry them though.

I'm comfortable with both DA/SA and Striker fired triggers. I would like to train to be more proficient with the HK LEM trigger. When I take my time, I can shoot it very fast, but when I start speeding up, my groups open up quite a bit for some reason. I've shot some of my best groups ever with the USP 9 when it had the LEM/Match hybrid trigger. I've currently got it back to just the full V1 match set up.

It seems like carry gun choices are an interesting thing. I think it seems logical to carry what you're currently shooting a lot. I have known people that carry a small revolver or something like a Sig P238.... but never train with them. ALL of their range time is taken up by Glock or Sig/CZ. Seems strange to me that the gun you carry every day would be such an alien platform to what you practice with most frequently.

What do I know? I'm just some guy on the Internet. :p
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Mine has been all over the place.

When I first started carrying it was with a Taurus .357 revolver (2" barrel / shrouded hammer). Never exactly comfortable with that gun.

Then I switched to a Keltec .32. Nice enough gun but I did not like the pocket gun rattling around in my pocket with no safety in a nylon holster.

Next up for awhile was a Kimber Commander length. One day I went to put it away and found the safety had come disengaged - I overreacted and switched - to a Sig 226? (I don't recall) in .357 Sig

About that Sig. I think this may have been the most accurate out of the box gun I had ever shot. Wonderful gun but I decided I did not like carrying a full size gun on my belt - this one I marginally regret selling.

Back to a pocket gun - requirement that it have a safety - a Beretta Tomcat Inox edition. Remarkable little gun. Stupid accurate for a pocket pistol. But it was over sized for the caliber in my opinion and was too thick for a pocket gun. The funny part is a Beretta Tomcat is my white whale that I currently do not want. I have owned one, sold it, and then bought another more than once.

A Keltec P3AT was used here for awhile. One day I noticed the piece of the frame the hammer spring attaches to was broken away - gun was non-functional. Tossed it in my safe and moved on.

Back to a belt gun - a S+W .38 airweight. One of those guns I regret selling but it is what it is.

There was a G26 in here. Loved the one I rented (stupid accurate) and could never get it out of the one I bought. Tried different triggers (heavier first to replicate a revolver). It turned into a P232

The P232... I cannot say enough good or bad about it. For a small belt gun it carries wonderfully. Classy I actually prefer the heel release magazine for concealed carry. That being said the thing kicks ridiculously for a .380 and is too big for normal pocket carry. This one is still in the safe though is looking at moving.

Ahh pocket guns and my brief affair with the NAA minis in 22 Magnum. I still think these are a great choice for a good many people. Alas 22 Magnum is not readily available nor does it have a great amount of options when I do find it. This one stays in the safe

Besides I was going hiking and the shop had a .357 SP101 with a 3" barrel. that works wonderfully as a backpacking gun - currently in a quick access safe at home.

Then a gun show had a P938 Nightmare edition that I liked more than I should have. I used this as a belt gun for some time switching it out with the NAA mini when I needed something smaller until I realized that the P938 doesn't really print THAT bad in my pocket and people are not that observant. So its my current pocket pistol...

Recently I started hiking with my now 3 year old daughter and wanted a little more capacity in the woods than the SP101. My biggest concern is actually coyotes which you can hear packs of at night from the house. A G29 seemed like a good idea as a "do-all" gun. I find myself stuck between carrying the SP101 or the G29 when I want a belt gun and...

it brings me to the future

I "need" a 10MM 1911. I am currently deciding on exactly what. A commander size model seems to me to be worth sacrificing the few FPS over a 5" model but I can only find it custom built or from Rock Island Arms. A Colt Delta Elite doesn't seem untenable. I will likely sell the P232 and pick up another 1911. I realize now I overreacted to the Kimber's safety being off - a good holster, good discipline, and the beaver-tail are more than adequate if it does happen to be brushed off (no I am not suggesting intentionally carrying with the safety off).

The good news is such a change (trading the P232 for a 10MM 1911) puts me down to three center-fire pistol cartridges to keep on hand - 9MM, 10MM, and 38/357. I'm not certain how or if that 1911 displaces the G29.
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I started out with a Sig P6.
Changed to a Walther P99 DA/SA 9mm.
Now, Kahr K9 (no manual safety, consistent DAO trigger).
....Also, considering a switch to an FNS9c or a Walther PPS M2 but not in any rush to do so.
About fifteen years ago or so, this was my first everyday carry rig, a S&W Model 442 in a Galco holster:

Didn't carry that too long when I switched to this S&W Model 586 in a Bianchi thumb break holster:

Then went to this S&W Model 19 with a Don Hume Holster:

About six years ago or so I finally settled on this Ruger Blackhawk in .44 Special in a Tom Threepersons rig by Graveyard Jack Gun leather:

Most recent, and current, is a .45 Colt Blackhawk in another rig from Graveyard Jack Gunleather:

Bob Wright
I bought my first gun when I was 21. I knew absolutely nothing about firearms except I had shot a 12 gauge a few times. So being in college and engaged as you could imagine I didn't have much money...

Hi point...

I got a .40s&w hi point and loved it haha. It was what I could afford and I couldn't carry yet so it just sat in my truck all the time. I chose the 40s&w because I saw a youtube video of a guy hitting at 100 yards with his. (like I said i knew very little at this point). The hi point served its purpose and I started saving for my first carry gun. I thoroughly enjoyed outshooing my best friend who had just bought a gen 4 glock 19 and i was pretty anti glock at that time. Thanks internet....

I sold my hi point and bought a ruger sr9c as my first carry gun.

I absoluetely loved it, it covered all my bases as a cary gun and with 17 round mag it was a full sze gun as well. I actually was only outshot by one person at my carry class, and that was my buddy borrowing my own gun to shoot his qualification. (man I was mad)

I bought a Taurus tcp as a "deep concealment" option and that was possibly the worst purchase ive ever made. It was horrible to shoot, it rusted every time I worked out in it, I couldnt get it to eject correctly or chamber correctly and it spent 8 weeks at the factory just to come back with the exact same problems. I sold it at a profit surprisingly even after telling the buyer all the issues it had.

I sold my sr9c, I found that in the holster I was using It was just as easy to carry a glock 19 and due to countless videos on youtube I decided it was time to give the glock 19 a try. I also decided I was not wanting to have a safety on a defensive firearm anylonger and that was a big reason for selling the ruger.

Since the glock 19 was a pretty large carry gun I wanted something smaller as well, so I purchased an XDs 3.3 in 9mm.

I liked the XDs but not the grip. I ended up selling it because I could carry the glock almost any time I could carry the XDs and $400 selling it went a long way to building my first AR15.

I also bought a glock 34 gen 2.5 for $550 and it just didnt shoot like the rental I had tried. A buddy found a like new (litterally couldnt find any sign the gun had been shot) gen 4 glock 34 at a gun shop for $450, I instantly bought it. so the gen 2.5 went up for sale. I ended up selling it for $400 + a NAA 22lr mini revolver. I figure I got the Glock I wanted for $550, And spend $50 on a tiny funny little revolver.

I love the conveinince of the NAA just dont trust it to actually defend me if ever needed. But I just cant convince myself to sell it.

So I decided it was time for another single stack 9 and went with a smith and wesson shield. I absoluetely loved the gun!! I sold it to a bud to help encourage him to start shooting and he has even gotten his LTC now. I dont regret selling it because of that reason but miss it for sure.

So the Glock 19 is still on my hip even while I write this. Its been my go to and my fall back every time my fickle mind changes. Its completely stock except sights, extended magazine release, slide lock and butt plug. I had a trigger connector in for a little while and I also even tried an agency arms trigger and for some reason went back to stock.

I am hoping to replace my shield soon, by soon I mean this friday Im meeting up to buy a shield used with an apex trigger and night sights. (been wanting an apex shield but havent wanted to spend $150 on a trigger for a single stack 9 before triggers on my other guns)

Another couple guns im hoping to add to my concealed carry lineup in the future include:

Ruger LCR as a back up or coat pocket gun. havent decided between .357, .38 or 9mm.

Ruger LCP custom, I want all the help shooting a tiny 380, and those sights help a ton!

CZ P-01, I have fallen in love with my sp-01 and would love to carry a DA/SA that is a similar size to my g19

I feel the same Constatine, we are always changing and learning for me its till stiker fired polymer 9mm's but I also see the value in other options as well and after all my base wants are satisfied I will start to look into other options to try :)

Sorry for such a lengthy post but works slow today so...
In 1969 my Uncle Sam gave me a 1911a1 to carry. It brought me through the trip and still to this day carry a 1911a1 as my EDC. Because of work for 10 years I carried a Double Eagle C&L was not an option for carry.
In 1969 my Uncle Sam gave me a 1911a1 to carry. It brought me through the trip and still to this day carry a 1911a1 as my EDC. Because of work for 10 years I carried a Double Eagle C&L was not an option for carry.

Fear the man who has one gun. He probably knows how to use it.
I carried a S&W 649 for years. Now I either carry a Glock 43 (thin and light) or a CZ Rami 9mm. The Rami is all steel, but it has 11 rounds.
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I carried a S&W 642 for many years, then switched to a Glock 26 because of capacity. I recently added a Sig P238 for pocket carry when IWB is inconvenient, and thus went backward in capacity (although I carry a spare mag for a quick reload).

But, Uncle Malice, I practice with my little Sig. It's actually a fun little shooter. I can't honestly say that I ever enjoyed shooting the 642.
Don't understand how people brag about lifting 400 pounds at the gym but won't carry a 1911 because it is to heavy . Still carry a 1911 after 40 years, sometimes I do change to a commander size if I'm at a function that requires suit and tie or if I'm wearing shorts. If I do dress very light I on occasion wear the pmr 30, but 90% of the time full size 1911.
Short version: got bigger.
Over 20+ years went from 38 snub/Colt Mustang to Glock 26/27 to Glock 19/23 to Glock 21/22
As I've gotten older my carry guns have gotten smaller and lighter. Went from a Glock G27 to a Ruger LC9 and finally a Ruger LCP. More comfortable and still feel confident in my ability to use it if ever needed.
How has your every day carry changed over the years?

We have not had legal CCW here for very long. Size and power slowly creeping up. Nothing I have actually carried has had an external safety. Biggest carried on a regular basis is the XD subcompact. Smallest carried on a regular basis is j-frame .38 with 3 finger "combat" grip.
My guns have gone full circle.
Started out, young and foolish with a model 60 , J frame 38 special.
Not near enough gun I was told , went to a Colt 1911 in 45 acp .
Got older , Colt Commander was purchased. Smaller, lighter.
Got older, 3 inch K-frame S&W 357 magnum.
Got older, back to J-frame S&W Airweight in 38 special.
Not sure what's next .
As a young cop I carried a service revolver (first one issued was a M66 4"). If I wasn't carrying that off-duty, it was one of my own .357's, or my Commander, or a .44 Magnum (180gr JHP's). You couldn't have given me, or paid me, to carry a 9mmP.

I went through the usual period of getting and carrying smaller guns off-duty, at times. A couple of the guys had FFL's, so it made it easy and affordable to experiment with other guns.

One day I learned they could pay me to carry a 9mm, as they announced we were transitioning from revolvers and adopting the then-new S&W 3rd gen hi-cap aluminum-framed 5903. :eek: No more duty revolvers. That was at the same time I'd decided to join our firearms training unit. Go figure.

Over the following years I carried various issued 9's, .40's & .45's, and carried personally-owned pistols of my own chambered in those calibers, as well as continuing to carry my own .357's, a couple .38 snubs, and occasionally a .44 Spl or Magnum.

As time passed and I acquired more knowledge, training & experience, I was carrying mostly smaller guns on-duty (plainclothes) and off-duty.

My CCW choices in retirement are typically either one of my assorted J-frames, or one of my LCP's. (Yes, they get range time for quals, training & drills/practice.)

If my planned travels are going to take me somewhere that I feel offers a higher risk potential (or I just feel like it), I'll belt on one of my smaller & lighter 9's, .40's or .45's. I have a selection of compact & subcompact pistols in those calibers from which to choose. My 1911's mostly only see range time, and that's all my .44's have seen for many years.

My days of thinking I need to always be carrying a "Full-Size Fighting Handgun" are gone with my 20's & 30's, and now I carry whatever is going to fit my anticipated needs and activities of the day or night. That typically means something smaller, lighter and more convenient.

Yes, I understand the basis for the "comforting v. comfortable' thinking, but I carry a retirement weapon that suits my lifestyle, balanced against consideration of my daily risk assessment needs. I don't "live a carry lifestyle". I don't carry a retirement weapon for the thrill of it.

There are advantages & disadvantages to any handgun choice. I've kept my hand in things as a LE firearms trainer & armorer since my retirement, and I've worked to keep my skillset reasonably sharp.

After having carried either a full-time or reserve badge for more than 34 years, and having served as a firearms trainer for 26 of those years, I'm fairly confident and comfortable that I can make such choices for myself.

I may help train others, but I don't tell them they need to emulate me or make the same choices I make. ;)