How Far Should We Go?

As far as we can. We ought to have complete and utter control over our genetic material. It's the next stage in human evolution. If we can genetically engineer children without any diseases, with perfect eyesight, with abilities above and beyond the most accomplished athlete then we should.

Craig Venter has the right idea. We are so close to actually creating life from scratch. That will be a scientific accomplishment rivaling - if not surpassing - the moon landing. We could expand our knowledge of humanity and of life itself by great amounts in very little time. It's a very exciting prospect.
If we can pull out the stupid genes, I'm in!:D

Fat chance... they'll probably find a way to engineer people with liberal traits and flood society with them.... oh wait... I stand corrected; that's seems to have been done!

Reminds me; as teenagers, my brother and I stayed up for hours one night, drinking and arguing. Me in favor of Dr. William Shockley's proposal to sterilize those with an IQ under 100. My brother concluded the argument by telling me that if the proposal were ever implemented, I could expect a knock on the door!:eek: