How Does A Browning Hi-Power distract you this much?

I have owned many 9mms, including ones from S&W, Taurus, Ruger, Browning, Springfield (P9 CZ copy), etc. etc. What it boils down to for me is this:

If you can live with a single action and are trained or practiced enough to carry one cocked and locked (assuming you will use it for defense), the Hi-Power is IT. I have sold every other 9mm but a Belgian HP, and it fits me better than any other. The only thing I don't like about the HP is the magazine disconnect safety, which can be disabled by installing a C&S trigger.

Now, on the other hand, if you like the convenience of carrying a DA pistol with a round in the chamber and the safety on or off, the CZ is probably the best I have had.

S&W autos have been garbage in my experience (except for one little 3953 that was surprisingly accurate). Don't get me started on Glocks. Rugers work, but they're rough. If you absolutely want a DA, seek out a Springfield P-9. They were among the best of the CZ copies, although they're all about the same.

Pick up the HiPower and wrap your hand around it, and you may fall in love, and realize that an all steel classic design can still kick butt in this world of "tactical" plastic.

Few pistols handle as well the classic HP. I prefer the classic rowel hammer, I think it's easier to manipulate under stress. If you can get used to carrying cocked and locked go with it. In this world of ultra modern designs the HP remains the choice of many serious professionals the world over.

So many pistols, so little money.
Funny you should ask.

I have only one 9mm out of many handguns and it's a HiPower (tangent sight type FN). Love it, and agree with everything positive mentioned. I have another one on order, an Israili contract FN model from who just happens to have some CZ 75Bs which is the only other 9mm I'd consider, (respected by Jeff Cooper, and that saying something), so I'm getting one of those too, first double action autoloader ever in twenty years of gun buying.
Had considered a Glock, but I guess I'm too old fashioned and set in my ways.
I wonder how much influence the failure of the Browning BDM had on the decision to discontinue the HP?
Get a High Power. Get it as soon as you can. Used guns are used guns. I own several used, or I should say previuosly(sp) owned, and yes, there is a huge difference between used and prev owned. EVERY time I look at the price of prev owned minty Smith and Wesson square frame revolvers I kick myself for passing on the now unavailable .22's. Same goes for the above mentioned BDM. I passed on the BDM when they were going for the low $300.00, and now see them mid $500.00.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

I've owned 7. Shot two to pieces 25 years ago in IPSC. Still have 5. Wouldn't consider parting with any. I've yet to hold any handgun that matches the ergonomics inherent in the BHP. Go with your gut. Get it.
The Hi-Power is the most graceful and elegant firearm I own (and yes I do have, and like, a Glock). I have owned my HP since 1983 and it has never malfunctioned through many thousand rounds. A few years ago I allowed Wayne Novak to work his magic on it and if you think I liked it before just ask me how I feel now.

I can recommend the Hi-Power without ANY reservations. Mine is loaded and in the nightstand right now.

Good shooting

[This message has been edited by CCV (edited November 27, 1999).]
Hi my name is Grape and I am addicted to Glock...(Class) "Hi Grape!"

Ok now that being said...I've tried others....HK, Beretta, Sig, etc....keep coming back to Glocks

Picked up a used Hi-Power today at Four seasons. Pretty piece....felt great nice stainless finish, gold trigger $479(high price?) Doesnt even look used.

Pulled many pounds is the Hi Power supposed to be? Felt like there was a lot of play in it and felt spongy. Didn't feel like I knew where the break would be.

It's a shame because physically the gun appeals to me and feels great in my hand. Then the trigger...that can't be right for a single action.....ok I can hear it now.."This Glock guy is b*tching about trigger pull??!!" "Are you kidding me?!?!"

(ducking) :)
That is a satin nickel, not stainless finish-not said to be nit-pickey. $479.00 is a little high, but it really depends on where you live. I saw a HP, stain nickel in .40 sell for $450.00 a few months ago,it too looked to be unfired. I paid close to $100.00 more for my 9mm new. A lot of HP owners remove the magazine safety to clean up the trigger. On both of mine, I took some 1600 grit wet/dry to the side of the magazines where the safety rubs, then used a polymer grease to slick things up. It didn't reduce the weight of trigger pull, but it did smooth it out a lot. One good thing about the HP, like the Walther PPK, there is a ready market for one in fine shape. You can usually get your money out of them if you don't like them. Since it's all a matter of personal taste, and you are happy with your Glock, you might be best served by looking for a buyer for the HP. Take it to a gun show or 2 and see what it can fetch. I unloaded my PPK that way. It was/is a great little gun, but just not for me. Personally, I just can't warm up to a number of guns, all of them are rated very highly by a lot of people, just because they don't feel right. No need to duck, it ain't a one size fits all market. I caught some flak because I commented on how I didn't care for the CZ's on another board, so I know where you are coming from.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Grape - I will trade you a Glock 19 new frame for your satin HP that you don't like. G19 has 2 10 rd mags with Wolff + springs and Jarvis fitted match barrel. Contact me at Thanks.
Oopss...Sorry Guys I just reread my post "I picked up a HP Today". Well I meant to say I picked it up at Four Seasons and put it back down. Sorry for any confusion :(

For anyone interested, it is a 9mm not a .40 and it is at

It's not listed on their website but it was there as of 3:00pm Eastern time on 11/27.

Sorry again for the misleading statement
Its an all time favorite ranks right up their with my 1911's....Ive currently one in 9mm and one in 40s/w and prior to the browning's decision was on my way to putting one together in 357 sig.....Ive been trying to find some more mk111 and have had no luck, I can still find the older hp around this area but not what I want....oh yeah one other thing try putting spegel boot grips on that pistol---they seem to enhance the grip ......which is already good.....fubsy. other thing that CZ-75 --made in checkosovakia is the real deal and quite a fine pistol, they seem to have run through the novel stage and they can now be found at reasonable least the last time I checked........fubsy.

[This message has been edited by bruno (edited December 07, 1999).]
Purchased a NIB Std model last week. Came with 2 13rd mags :)

My 2nd HP purchase in less than 4 months! Must be something special about the 'ol 1935.