How Does A Browning Hi-Power distract you this much?

Like I said on the post I tossed up earlier, about the Glock 19 not in stock, but when I was looking around the shop I glanced at the top of one of the pistol cases and was stunned for a good 2 minutes. I saw a Standard Browning Hi-Power just sitting there for about $470.00 It was stange because I have been wanting a Glock for so long (until I saw the Hi-Power today) Is this just the impatient first-gun jitters, or should I consider investing in a Hi-Power? Love to hear yall's comments

Trespassers Will Be Shot
Survivors Will Be Shot Again
I have owned three Hi Powers, love them and plan to buy one more. The gun is the most natural fit to hand and eye I've touched. It handles totally naturally.

I bought my first one over the net for about $300, a 1961 model made in Belgium and used by the Argentine police in Buenos Aires. It was in good shape and shot well. I then bought a new Capitan which has the tangent sight and is totally traditional.

I currently have a WWII tangent model made by John Inglis in Canada and sent to China for use against Japan. It's distinctive feature is a slot in the grip into which you can insert a wooden stock. The stock opens up to become a holster for the gun too.

I plan to buy a Mark III, which is the stripped current model, and have it tuned to use as a shooter. All of my guns have been in 9mm which helped make them easy shooters. I have no experience with the .40 cal guns.

These are great guns, no hesitation at all in commending them to anyone. You WILL get addicted!
Greetings, I currently own a two-tone Browning Practical in the 9m/m offering.
It is without a doubt, one of the most
accurate handguns that I have ever shot.

Ala Dan
Greetings all. With the HP in 9mm becoming scarce, I'd suggest that you jump on the one you saw.....if it's still there. HPs may not be as popular with a large group of shooters, but those who do love 'em are very, very pleased it seems. As for me, the Browning HP Mk III with a few modifications is my favorite handgun. Best.
I've owned more than a few Hi-Powers and currently have two. I have shot a lot of different handguns and I have to say that the Hi-Power has the best fit and feel in the hand. Go for it, you won't be disappointed.

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
Hey, Stephen what do you mean the HP is becoming scarce? Is Browning starting to focus on the .40? I'm still thinking about it.

Trespassers Will Be Shot
Survivors Will Be Shot Again
I made my local gunstore circuit here in Seattle this weekend, and I have to agree with Stephen. Hi-powers in 9mm are getting hard to find. In the 3 gunstores I checked out I only found 2, both of which were the spendier "practical model". I was thinking about purchasing one before they became extinct. :(


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
Browning has discontinued the import of the Hi-Power and has no more 9mm versions in the wherehouse and all distributors are cleaned out. The only 9's you'll find is what's on the shelves now. Get them while you can. The 40's haven't dried up yet.

Brian Bilby
Advanced Combat Pistols
Look at and handle a CZ-75, then decide. They're a little bit less expensive and CZ-made 15-rnd mags can still be had for $35. Personally, I think they're superior to the HP, though I'm considering a HP myself.
I made the mistake of trading the only Hi-Power I've owned. Still have plenty of preban mags though and a nice holster. If Browning has stopped importing the 9mm, I know what I'm asking for this Christmas. Could "hammer" out sweet double taps with that gun once I learned to manage that HEAVY trigger pull. :D
Hello. Mr. Bilby is correct in his post that the Browning folks are not going to import anymore HPs even though they are cataloged through the year 2000. Forty-caliber HPs can still be found. I have one and like it, but the feel is just not the same as the old 9mm HP which I prefer, but that's purely subjective. If you truly want a Browning HP in 9mm, check the gunshops, pawn shops, and gun shows. I suspect that it'll only get tougher to find one as time passes....Best.
Yes, Mr. Bilby's and Mr. Camp's posts are only too true. Last month I asked my dealer to order a Browning Silver Chrome for me in either 9mm or .40, whichever he could find. Also, he had another customer who wanted a MK III.

Anyway, the dealer called all of his regular wholesalers (seven, I think he said), and found only one BHP, a Practical .40. Unless Browning decides to import more HPs, we're witnessing the end of yet another era in handgun production.
Yes... is true... The Hi-Power is drying up. I have the 40 and it can be fun to shoot but I did have some work done on it; new trigger, mag safety removed and replaced that blasted front sight when it came off during a class.. "Front Sight... pressss.... ?? What the &(*&( Where did my front sight go??" :(

When I heard the news of no more Hi-Powers, I picked up a Capitan immediately. I just oiled it down and put it in the safe. Do you know how hard that was?? I mean to put it away and never even fire it??? It is taking all the will power I have to keep that thing mint. But 5 or 10 years from now... a mint Capitan will be priceless.. Or at least I hope it will. :)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper

[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited November 23, 1999).]
I can't believe Browning is doing this! But, are they going to start making them in the U.S or just quit importing them from Belgium. Well got to call the shop, and see if they still have it. :( :( Looks like the Glock 19 will have to wait...

Trespassers Will Be Shot
Survivors Will Be Shot Again
Yes good taste is important in women,Horses,knives and Guns.

The p-35 is a class act. I have relied on one or another of Johns guns in various and sundry different locals of the world. They have never failed me and are a joy to shoot.
I presently carry an Inglis HP with shoulder stock when space is at a premium. The gun was gone over by Cylinder and Slide for reliability and pronounced sound. I have also shoot a lot with the CZ in Eastern Europe. Good gun but I like my HP better.
You will never go wrong with a classic.


I have several Hi Powers and A Glock 19. There is no comparison! My latest HP is a mint 1968. Get the HP and worry about the Glock later.
The day after my 21st birthday (1979)I purchased a Belgium made Hi-Power. Loved that gun, but had to sell it when I got married.
I purchased a Practical model about three years ago and had Cylinder & Slide do some very minor work. This gun know shoots as well as my P-7.....maybe better, it's that close. I'd recommend one.
But........hard to find? Maybe new ones, but there have been hundreds of thousands (if not millions) produced worldwide the last 50 - 60 years. But don't hesitate, get one now!

Knee deep in brass, still shootin fast!
The best thing about HP's, aside from their inherent accuracy, is the way they carry. If you are going to carry it concealed, that long, slim slide just hides beautifully IWB. If you like single action auto's, it's one of the best, bar none.

With my shield or on it...