How Do You Shoot

I don't even have to think about how to shoot.
I have three revolvers, two of which are DAO, a S&W 442 and a 640 Pro.
The third is a Ruger .44 Special Flat Top.
No decisions to make! These are my only firearms.
The Centennials are for CC and the Ruger is for fun, but I also enjoy shooting the S&W's at the range.

Just shot an IDPA match today, double action every shot. Longest shot was 20yds. It is really fun with the revolver. The big difference isn't the double action pull, it's the longer time to reload. If you haven't tried an IDPA match, you should try it with a revolver or semi, it's great fun. It's really a challenge with a real carry gun, 642 or LC9.
If I'd encounter some BG that thumbed back the hammer of a D/A, my confidence meter would red line.
I'd know 100% that - I owned his sorry butt.

You might have a rude awakening and a belly full of lead. Overconfidence is as bad or worse than not having any confidence.
^^^ Exactly ^^^

Just because someone thumbed a hammer back doesn't mean they can't shoot. It just means they will have a short, light trigger pull for their next shot.

Dark alley encounters aren't a Sergio Leone movie and you aren't Clint.
Just because someone thumbed a hammer back doesn't mean they can't shoot.
You might be correct.
However - I didn't say anything of the kind.
It's very possible that person is an excellent shot.
Your Double Action Revolver?
Do you shoot single action for better accuracy like I do?
The trigger pull is just too darn long, I have never practiced
enough DA to achieve any accuracy.

Seek training with a competent revolver instructor. You will make great strides with proper instruction. I improved more in a two day course than in six months on my own.
I do double action only. It takes some time to master it, but when you do, you realize that it's much faster to fire off an entire cylinder of ammunition.
I when I used to shoot a lot, and was a lot younger, I used to be able to shoot either one of my Dan Wesson 15-2s or my S&W 28 as fast as I could with commercial .357 (Usually 125 gr JHPs) and could put all six shots into a 6" circle at 30 feet or so. I don't shoot that well now in single action, unless I shoot .38 wadcutters. I seem to be much more sensitive to recoil now, not even taking into consideration my totally trashed right shoulder.
I had a 2'' S&W 686-6 Plus for two or three years. I can't remember me shooting it once SA during the time I had it. So I purchased a 2''1/4 Ruger SP101 DAO... Then a 1''7/8 S&W 649-1 Bodyguard (maybe I shot a cylinder SA in about 800 rounds).
The last revolver I purchased is a .22L.R. target revolver that i shoot a little more SA.
Anyway I enjoy DA shooting much more. I'm thinking to get a Ruger LCR22 or a S&W 317 snub to practice like crazy shooting DA.
I don't see it as an either/or: The well-rounded wheelgunner will be proficient with both triggers, and be proficient at both types of shooting - target accuracy at target speed, and combat accuracy at combat speed. Personally, I prefer not having any glaring holes in my repertoire.

This is a wise man!

I tend to shoot more double action then single because i find it more engaging. I don't shoot competition so I concentrate on what will keep me sharp if I would need to use a weapon to defend myself and what is fun for me.

As long as you are being safe shoot it however you like.
Always DA. I notice barely any accuracy improvement when shooting single action. Takes alot of practice though, and in the case of DA shooting, dry firing is your friend.
Range Report, I took a poster's advice. Bought some snap caps, dry fired a few days before hitting the range. Told myself it is ONLY D/A today, and amazed myself at how well I did (for me).
No more SA for me, I am hooked shooting DA from now on with my only wheelgun in my modest collection.
I will say, I spend more time cleaning my revolver though, than it takes to
clean one of my autos. I am fussy though, maybe that's my problem when cleaning. Sorry to get off subject.
I'm now a happy DA shooter!